Emperor Qianlong had a special hobby. He has to "rush into the ditch" every day. Why are the palace maids below competing to do it? This "Chonglong Valley" was not only a patent of Qianlong, but also liked by the emperors of the Qing Dynasty. The emperor is a real dragon, the emp

Emperor Qianlong had a special hobby. He has to "rush into the ditch" every day. Why are the palace maids below competing to do it?

This "Chonglong Valley" was not only a patent of Qianlong, but also liked by the emperors of the Qing Dynasty.

The emperor is a real dragon. The emperor's seat is called the dragon chair. The emperor's face is called the dragon face. The bed the emperor sleeps on is called the dragon bed. The clothes he wears are called dragon robes. The emperor's clothes are called dragon robes. The special vehicle is called a dragon chariot.

So, what is "Longgou" and what is the work of "Chonglonggou"? Why are the maids so "expected"?

Palace ladies, as palace staff, have been in the palace since they were teenagers, squandering their youth within the high walls. Of course, what they hope most is to reunite with their parents as soon as possible and find a good man to marry them off.

But once you enter the palace gate, which is as deep as the sea, you can only stay in the palace without any happiness at all.

What can make them excited? Ming Dynasty is probably looking for eunuch to eat. Qing Dynasty "Chonglonggou" should be a good choice.

What is the purpose of Chonglonggou? At first glance, it may seem esoteric, confusing, or even misleading. In fact, the real Chonglonggou is gargling. now I understand. Just rinse your mouth. Why do you say Chonglonggou? I don’t understand. The principle is also very simple. Don’t forget, dragons were the preserve of ancient emperors. The emperor wears a dragon robe, sits on a dragon chair, sleeps on a dragon bed, leans on dragon-headed crutches, rides a dragon when going out, and drinks from a nine-dragon cup. The emperor's beard is called a dragon beard. The body of others is called the human body, and the body of the emperor is called the dragon beard. Dragon body. Therefore, other people's mouthwash can only be mouthwash, and the emperor's mouthwash is different, called Chonglonggou.

Back to the topic. Emperor Qianlong Love rushes into Longgou every day, why do the palace ladies want to rob him?

Chonglonggou is the ancient people's behavior of cleaning the mouth, just like brushing our teeth today. It's just that before there was no toothpaste, rich people would choose to rinse their mouths with salt water, because salt water has a bactericidal effect, but the deodorizing effect of salt water is not good.

Later, the ancients discovered that tea has a magical effect on removing bad breath. Chinese people like to drink tea. After drinking tea, the fragrance of tea leaves will be in your mouth, so the ancients used tea to rinse their mouth.

Tea was also a luxury product in the beginning, and most people did not dare to rinse their mouths with tea. During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, due to the large-scale cultivation of tea, ordinary people began to taste tea, and gargling with tea gradually became a habit.

The royal family is no exception. For the sake of your own image, protecting your oral cavity is not a trivial matter, so it is essential to "break the dragon's ditch" every day. Not only Emperor Qianlong liked it, but later emperors, princes, and nobles also liked to follow it, making it a fashion.

It is said that Emperor Qianlong rushed to Longgou every day. If there is anything that stands out, it is the specificity of the materials used.

The water in Chonglonggou is made from high-quality tea leaves from various places outside the palace.

Due to the high quality of these teas, the emperor only took the tea juice when gargling, and the rest of the tea was still drinkable after it was dried.

If this continues, it will undoubtedly bring more income to the palace ladies.

In addition, the maids of Chonglonggou, Qianlong’s imperial attendant, also mastered the process of making mouthwash.

Although the production was simple, the court was full of desire for this fashionable move.

The maids who served Qianlong became masters in this industry.

, this method will be disseminated, so a fee will be charged for teaching the mental method.

In fact, this mouthwash has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and bad breath properties.

From the royal family to the wealthy, it was popular both inside and outside the court.

In addition, Emperor Qianlong developed the habit of rushing into Longgou.

After rinsing his mouth, he suddenly felt refreshed, and it was normal to give a few taels of silver to the people around him.

The master is in a good mood and the servant is also very happy.

Therefore, serving Qianlong in Chonglonggou is a beautiful thing for the palace ladies. Who wouldn’t want to do it in a hurry?