In 1931, Ling Fushun from Duanyuan Village, Zhoudun County, Fujian Province, China, had no choice but to join the local standing army of the Kuomintang in order to raise his underage brother. Here, he met Xiao Zhifang and Zheng Fo, two friends who did not want to stay in the regu

In 1931, Ling Fushun from Duanyuan Village, Zhoudun County, Fujian Province, China, had no choice but to join the local standing army of the Kuomintang in order to raise his underage brother. Here, he met Xiao Zhifang and Zheng Fo, two friends who did not want to stay in the regular team for a long time. In April 1932, Ling Fushun and three others resolutely joined the underground revolutionary organization of the Communist Party.

In the revolutionary organization, Ling Fushun, under the guidance of Wu Shaoan, , an underground member of the Communist Party of China, determined to follow the Communist Party and overthrow this old society dominated by feudal rule and controlled by evil forces. Soon, Ling Fushun was approved to join the party due to his bravery and outstanding performance in fighting, and became a glorious Communist Party member.

In July 1934, the 11th Detachment of the Eastern Fujian Guerrilla Force of the Communist Party of China was formally established, and Ling Fushun was appointed as the captain. After he became the captain, he often went to nearby villages and towns alone to infiltrate the enemy's interior, and instigated many people to join the revolution. In November of the same year, Ling Fushun led a guerrilla force to conduct a night attack on Zhoudun County, killing hundreds of militiamen and seizing more than 110 long and short guns. With the cooperation of the nearby independent division of the Red Army, Zhoudun County was liberated. One month later, the Soviet government was established in Zhoudun County, and Ling Fushun was appointed as the military commissar of the Soviet government.

Ling Fushun became famous because of this battle. The Kuomintang who was driven away hated him and vowed to eradicate him. Ling Fushun disagreed. He knew that there was no turning back in the revolution, and it was his place to be broken into pieces. He continued to fight against the enemy as always. Once, in order to attack the enemy, Ling Fushun sneaked into the theater where the enemy was watching a play, killed the enemy commander and escaped unscathed. Subsequently, the guerrillas launched an attack on the enemy and annihilated the enemy who had lost their commander in one fell swoop.

In the winter of 1934, the enemy sent large forces to carry out "encirclement and suppression" against the Communist guerrillas. The guerrillas suffered a defeat, many revolutionary comrades died, and some comrades were captured by the enemy. Ling Fushun decided to rescue his captured comrades. After detailed arrangements, he led his team to sneak into Zhoudun County late at night, rescued many captured comrades, and seized more than 20 guns. This military operation made the enemy very angry, but there was nothing they could do.

In August 1935, the guerrillas expanded into the Zhoudun Independent Battalion, with Ling Fushun serving as the battalion commander. He led the team to fight guerrillas everywhere, constantly breaking through the enemy's "encirclement and suppression" campaigns, and won many beautiful battles. One day, while the Independence Battalion was operating in Xiaojialing, they happened to encounter the first column of the Red Army's revolutionary division of Eastern Fujian led by General Ye Fei, who was being followed by more than 300 enemy troops. Ling Fushun immediately arranged for his troops to set up an ambush in the mountain col ahead. As soon as Ye Fei's troops passed by, he commanded his troops to immediately ambush the enemy troops following behind, causing chaos to the enemy troops. Ye Fei's first column immediately turned around and attacked the enemy with the independent battalion, killing an enemy company commander and platoon commander, and eliminating more than 50 enemy soldiers.

The Kuomintang troops who suffered heavy losses had already regarded Ling Fushun as their biggest opponent. They believed that as long as Ling Fushun existed, the Communist Party could not be defeated. As a result, the enemy sent many spies to secretly track Ling Fushun's trajectory. Ling Fushun led the independent battalion to continue to fight in Zhouning, Shouning, Jianou, Fu'an and other places, and fought many battles. Wherever the troops went, the enemy troops were all frightened and fled. The common people all praised Ling Fushun, praising him for his bravery and superior intelligence.

On April 5, 1936, Ling Fushun led the security squad to Jianou to raise funds, but was informed by the enemy in advance. The enemy sent troops to ambush Ling Fushun in advance, preparing to capture Ling Fushun. When Ling Fushun and his team members fell into the enemy's encirclement, he remained calm and did not panic. Ling Fushun led his comrades to quickly break out of the encirclement, causing the enemy's ambush to fail. When Ling Fushun led the team to Puyuan, he found that a comrade had not followed. Ling Fushun led the soldiers to immediately return to rescue his comrade and found that the comrade was being chased by the security forces.

Seeing the enemy chasing his comrades, Ling Fushun immediately stood up and shouted: "I am Ling Fushun, I am the person you are looking for!"

After saying that, Ling Fushun attracted the enemy to turn around and run in the opposite direction.The enemy immediately gave up chasing the straggler, and instead pursued Ling Fushun. Ling Fushun was unfortunately shot and fainted, falling into the clutches of the enemy. After the enemy captured Ling Fushun, they locked him up and tortured him severely. Ling Fushun was a righteous man who regarded death as home, unmoved by the enemy's punishment and interests, and maintained the integrity of a communist.

On April 25, 1936, the enemy nailed Ling Fushun to the cross and tied his hands and feet tightly. Facing the enemy's madness, Ling Fushun was not afraid and regarded death as his own. Although his limbs were tied to the cross by the enemy, he faced the enemy with a pair of bright eyes looking into the distance. Awe-inspiring and fearless, a sense of awe-inspiring righteousness fills the world.

After the enemy captured the scene before Ling Fushun's death with a camera, the executioner cut off Ling Fushun's flesh and blood with one knife. The hero's blood angered the villagers, who rushed forward to rescue the hero. The Kuomintang fired into the air to demonstrate and prepared to kill the people. Ling Fushun immediately shouted: "Folks, don't be afraid! I, Ling Fushun, will be the last generation, but the revolution will not be the last generation! The revolution will also have tens of thousands of you, everyone must remember: follow the red and not the white!"

Hearing Ling Fushun's cry, the enemy became angry and stabbed him in the heart. A 24-year-old revolutionary sacrificed his precious life for the cause of the nation.

After liberation, when the Communists were liquidating a large landowner, they discovered a photo of Ling Fushun's heroic sacrifice from his home. Ling Fushun was naked and covered in wounds. Although his body was nailed to the cross, he held his head high and stared straight ahead. He seems to have seen that the future of China will be bright, with red flags waving and people happy.

On October 22, 2021, the sculpture "Smashing the Chains - Hero Ling Fushun on the Cross" was completed at the Ling Fushun Memorial Hall of the Martyrs Cemetery in Zhouning County, Ningde City, Fujian Province. A heroic Communist and a young hero will always live in the hearts of the people.

The author saw the hero's photo and learned about his heroic deeds, and couldn't help but shed tears. On the anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, we should remember those martyrs who bravely sacrificed their lives for the liberation of the Chinese nation. For the liberation of the Chinese nation, countless revolutionary martyrs fertilized China with their blood and fell on this red land, finally establishing an independent, free and happy People's Republic.

Today, the Chinese nation, under the leadership of the core strength of outstanding communists, represents the interests of the entire nation and continues to work hard to realize China's historical dream. Although there are still bumps in the road ahead, with the correct leadership of the great Communist Party of China and the great strength of countless outstanding Communists and all compatriots of the Chinese nation, a new take-off for the Chinese nation is just around the corner.

Although the author is not a member of the Communist Party, the love for the Communist Party of China among people of the same age as the author will not decrease, and the love for the great China is deep-rooted. Because our generation has experienced the most difficult period since the founding of the Chinese nation and has shouldered the heavy responsibilities that history has given us. Although youth and ideals have passed away in decades of struggle, the confidence of our generation remains undiminished. Because, with the example of countless revolutionary martyrs in history, the new generation of Chinese will also inherit the legacy of the martyrs and continue to push the Chinese nation forward!

The author has to send my granddaughter to school every morning. Before leaving the house, I will help her put on the red scarf. The child has to put it on by herself, but I have to help her put it on. Sometimes I will ask the children: "Do you remember the call sign and response of the Young Pioneers?"

The child raised his head, opened his bright little eyes and said seriously: " Get ready to fight for the cause of communism! - Always be ready. ! ”

I seem to have returned to my boyhood. The desire to fight for the Chinese nation and the ideal of fighting for communism were sincere and came from the bottom of my heart.After seeing the children’s serious answers, I believe: the children of the future will be better than our generation! Because the Chinese nation is a nation with lofty ideals and endless struggle!