Today Lao Feng will tell you about the past 7 years ago when the Islamic State killed Chinese Fan Jinghui in Iraq. Fan Jinghui is a Hui nationality and believes in Islam. He is the same religion as the Islamic State terrorists who killed him. This fact is really ridiculous.

Today Lao Feng will tell you about the past 7 years ago when the Islamic State killed the Chinese Fan Jinghui in Iraq.

Who is Fan Jinghui? What does he do? Why did he go to Iraq? Why did ISIS want to kill him?

Regarding these, today, Lao Feng will briefly review them with everyone.

Fan Jinghui is from Beijing, Hui . Let’s take a look at his appearance. Here is the picture:

Photos of Fan Jinghui taken by terrorists during his kidnapping

Yes, he looks a little bit different from Han Chinese, especially his nose. , special hook, typical Hui characteristics.

Fan Jinghui is a Hui nationality and also believes in Islam. is the same religion as the Islamic State terrorists who killed him. This is really ridiculous.

Fan Jinghui was born in 1965. He once worked at CCTV as an off-staff employee. After leaving CCTV, Fan Jinghui worked in the advertising industry.

This Fan Jinghui is a risk lover and does not like a stable working life. He likes adventure, he wants freedom, and he likes to venture out. There is no right or wrong in this. A high-risk life has its own high-risk fun.

However, Fan Jinghui's "risk preference" personality eventually brought him a fatal disaster.

Amidst the fire of the Iraq War, the terrorist organization "Islamic State" was established in 2006. For many years, Iraq, Syria and other regions were still in chaos.

I don’t know exactly which year it was, but Fan Jinghui, an adventure-loving Beijinger, went to Iraq.

We still haven’t figured out what Fan Jinghui did when he went to war-torn Iraq, but what we do know is that in 2015, something happened to Fan Jinghui.

In the summer and autumn of 2015, Fan Jinghui was captured and kidnapped by "Islamic State" terrorists in Iraq.

Although Fan Jinghui belongs to the country (China) and does not have much enmity with the Islamic State, and even though Fan Jinghui is a Hui nationality and, like the Islamic State, also believes in Islam, all of this has no effect. The Islamic State still kidnaps They found Fan Jinghui, who had no grievances against them and shared the same faith. After

kidnapped Fan Jinghui, the Islamic State demanded huge ransoms from relevant Chinese departments through various channels.

How much do they ask for specifically? We outsiders don't know, because this information has been kept secret until now.

However, after the relevant departments in my country learned that Fan Jinghui had been kidnapped by the Islamic State, they immediately contacted middlemen in the Middle East to try to rescue him, and the rescue work made some progress.

However, Fan Jinghui's luck was really bad that time.

What happened at this time?

Russian air strikes on the Islamic State

It turns out that at this moment, Russia, France and other coalition forces launched an unprecedented violent attack on the Islamic State. The contact between the Islamic State negotiators and ours was interrupted by the war. How was it interrupted? , I don’t know, maybe the contact person was beaten to death, maybe the contact number was broken, etc. In short, the contact was cut off.

So since the contact was cut off, the Islamic State could not get the ransom, and the war situation was urgent again. The Islamic State decided to publicly execute two hostages, one was the Chinese Fan Jinghui, and the other was a Norwegian hostage named Ole Johan Grimsgaard. -Ofstad, why? Because the Islamic State wants to scare the monkeys and warn the whole world at this critical moment.

The Norwegian hostage (left) and the Chinese hostage Fan Jinghui (right) who were killed together

So, on November 18, 2015, the Islamic State killed both hostages and disclosed the killing of the hostages to the international community. Gory photos afterwards.

takes into account everyone's perception. I won’t post the bloody photos.

By killing these two hostages, the Islamic State revealed two pieces of information to the international community:

One of the pieces of information: We, the Islamic State, have kidnapped hostages, and you all over the world must meet our demands, otherwise, we will really kill people. , I’m not kidding you.

Message 2: Russia, France, the United States, the United Kingdom, etc., please stop attacking us, the Islamic State, otherwise, we will kidnap and kill civilians in your country all over the world, just like we killed Fan Jinghui and this person today is the same as Norwegian .

The Islamic State issued threats to Western countries including France

In this way, Fan Jinghui was killed, without even a last word left.

After Fan Jinghui was killed, his wife Zhang had no choice but to accept her fate. She continued to be her math teacher in a middle school in Shijingshan, Beijing, and lived a peaceful life.

Photos of Fan Jinghui taken by terrorists during his kidnapping

However, there is an old thing that happened 14 years before Fan Jinghui was killed: Fan Jinghui used to work at CCTV, so he knew the famous host Bai Yansong . As early as 2001, 14 years before Fan Jinghui was killed by terrorists, Bai Yansong had a guest interview with Fan Jinghui. In this interview, Fan Jinghui revealed his character background of loving adventure, hating stability, and liking to challenge risks.

(Note: When TV stations, radio stations and other units are short of guests, they will temporarily call TV station employees, old colleagues, or friends of the host to serve as various guests and judges. This has long been an unspoken rule)

intercepted by Lao Feng Some excerpts of this interview are posted below for everyone to see. Pay attention to the red parts of Fan Jinghui's confession, which seem to predict his fate 14 years later:

Bai Yansong never dreamed that his old colleague Fan Jinghui at CCTV would actually Will be killed by terrorists in Iraq

2001 Bai Yansong interview with Fan Jinghui


Bai Yansong: The two guests on our program today are Pang Fei and Fan Jinghui. So first of all, let me ask Fan Jinghui to give a brief self-introduction to our audience friends and your simple "Gone with the Wind" experience.

Fan Jinghui: Dear friends, hello. My name is Xiaofan. After graduating from college, I taught in a middle school for six years. I didn’t make much money, and I saw that many of our classmates were working in foreign companies and going abroad. I thought it was quite boring. I went to work in 1994. After learning , I happened to meet a company that was an advertising company. I didn’t deliberately choose this advertising company at the time, but I happened to meet someone from that company. At that time, my understanding of advertising was that it was "very fun", so I joined this company. Fortunately, this company is not regulated, and if it were to be regulated, it wouldn't ask me. After working for a year, because that company and its boss were, in Beijing dialect, "a bit more trendy", I later saw that the momentum was not right, so I left. Later, I went to a department store run by a Taiwanese and worked at the front door for a year. If that company hadn't closed down, I might have been working in the department store forever.Later, I went to CCTV and worked as a personal assistant for a producer of a news center. I was a "black man" at CCTV. He didn't even sign an agreement, and he didn't have a formal title. He was a "black man" and a private assistant. That kind of thing.

Bai Yansong: is called "planning".

Fan Jinghui: Oh, yes, to put it nicely, it’s called “planning”. At the end of 1996, I had an opportunity. I wrote a plan for an advertising company. The boss of the advertising company gave me two thousand yuan. It was very simple. I finished it in two or three days and gave me two dollars. Thousand dollars. Hey, I think it’s pretty good to make money, it’s easy. In fact, the level of that plan does not seem to be very high now. Not even two days after it was completed, another one this month, one of our star-rated hotels in Beijing, needed to make a CI manual. It just so happened that the MI part was the concept integration part. If no one did it, I just asked you to do it. In fact, I just copied the cat and imitated the tiger. I am not a professional. I found some books and earned another three thousand yuan after finishing it. This is equivalent to earning 5,000 yuan in less than two weeks. Ouch, I am so happy. I said no, I must be this kind of free person , it is easy to make money, and very free, the key is freedom, what young people pursue is a kind of freedom, free state , they can make money in a free situation , then "why not do it". So basically since 1997, I have been working as a freelancer .


Bai Yansong: In the first paragraph, we actually discussed that Fan Jinghui and Pang Fei walked out of the university campus and have been on this "gone" road. Just now, the doctor also elaborated on this from another angle question. Then we want to explore the second question. When you gain the freedom you need, you will naturally lose something. So as the doctor just said, people have a particularly great need for security. Then Fan Jinghui, have you ever had this kind of insecurity, or has it lasted for a long time?

Fan Jinghui: In a sense, I want to deliberately pursue this sense of insecurity, because it can make me feel the same kind of pleasure after being insecure , because many young people like to read that kind of martial arts novels , The feeling of fighting and killing, the feeling of wandering the world, that feeling is actually very tempting to young people , but it is just that they are forced by the pressure of life and reality. Due to the pressure of the environment and the pressure of their families, they dare not choose instead of . Once one day, they can guarantee their basic life, I believe that a considerable number of people will choose to drift.


Bai Yansong: In the end, of course, we have to return to our two protagonists. It is a short topic that waits for each other, that is, how to bless yourself. Fan Jinghui comes first.

Fan Jinghui: The classmate just mentioned that Martin Luther King gave a famous speech. You may also know, " I have a dream ", Luther King gave his life because of his dream. , for his own dream, he went on a potentially dangerous road. He may not be able to see the realization of what he hopes to see until his death. So at this time, how do you choose for him? Then this question, if asks By my words, I mean, I will go the Martin Luther King Jr. route.

Martin Luther King, the leader of the black movement in the United States, died of assassination. Fan Jinghui said that he would choose his path. This seemed to foretell his fate 14 years later?

Fourteen years after the end of this interview, Fan Jinghui, who loved adventure, liked to "gone with the wind", liked to wander around the world, and claimed to "choose the path of Martin Luther King," ran to the battlefield in Iraq where artillery fire was pouring, and was brutally killed by Islamic State terrorists. .

The deceased is gone.I hope readers will remember the lesson: Never go to a war-torn country.