Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty "made a mistake" after drinking, but accidentally planted the seeds for the Han Dynasty's life span for nearly two hundred years. Why?

Xin Dynasty In the last years, because the emperor Wang Mang indulged in his own reforms that intensified social contradictions, it eventually led to chaos in the world, and the people were poor. At this time, The founding emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty , Liu Xiu rose up and led a group of peasants to raise troops in Nanyang County.

At that time, they started the road to overthrow the rule of the new dynasty under the banner of "recovering the cause of the great ancestor and setting the autumn of the past". And in just three years, he defeated the army of the new dynasty in Bishui, Yuyang and other places, and also beheaded Wang Mang in Chang'an City .

At this point, the new dynasty was overthrown, Liu Xiu took his army to the throne and proclaimed the emperor, and the country was named "Han". During his reign, he was conscientious and conscientious, treated the heroes favorably, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. By his own strength, he continued the glory of the Han Dynasty for more than 200 years.

And Liu Xiuneng continued the glory of the Han Dynasty for another 200 years, but it came from an accident, even a drinking mistake. What's going on here? Let's find out!

A drunken mistake, a turning point of fate

The story goes back to Han Jingdi, Han Jingdi Liu Qi was a magnificent emperor, he and his father Han Wendi Together they created the famous " Wenjing Zhizhi".

As the emperor, Emperor Jing of Han did not have 3,000 beauties in the harem like the previous emperors, His harem concubines can be counted with one hand, and the best among these concubines is Cheng Ji .

Cheng Ji was deeply favored by Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, and even the first concubine that came to mind when she was drunk was Cheng Ji. And the turning point of history also happened to Emperor Jing of Han and Cheng Ji.

At a minister's banquet, the drunken Emperor Jing of Han went to Cheng Ji's palace as always. Unfortunately, Cheng Ji's menstrual period just happened at this time, and Cheng Ji was in a hurry, not knowing what to do.

Refuse the request of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty? This can't be done. If Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty is provoked, his status as a favorite concubine will not be guaranteed. But if the menstrual period is bedtime, it is even more unrealistic. Because in their era, the concubine's monthly service served the emperor, and seeing blood was a death penalty for angering Longyan.

At this time, Cheng Ji turned her attention to her personal maid - Tang Ji . She took advantage of the darkness of the night and when Emperor Jing of Han was drowsy, she asked Tang Ji to put on her own clothes, imitate her behavior, and go to bed for the emperor instead of herself.

Early the next morning, When Emperor Jing of Han woke up from a hangover and found that the woman beside him was not Cheng Ji, he was furious.

But as emperor, will he admit his mistakes? This is impossible, and it can only be blamed on Cheng Ji, who makes her own way.

In the face of Cheng Ji's flattering excuses, the angry emperor was unmoved. After all, in love, the deception of a lover can be described as a heart-wrenching pain, and Emperor Han Jing couldn't forgive him after thinking about it, so he walked away on the spot.

As the "daughter of the concubine", Tang Ji,But quite lucky. Due to the difference of her master's thoughts, she was born with a dragon seed and realized the class leap from maid to concubine. Soon after, she gave birth to a child named Liu Fa .

Caiyi entertains relatives and wins three counties again

Liu Fa is the child of a maid, without a prominent maternal background, and his mother is also a submissive temperament, so naturally it is difficult to be favored in the harem.

Emperor Jing of Han might think of the absurd events that night when he saw Liu Fa and his mother Tang Ji. Compared with his other children, Liu Fa was like a picked child. Not only did he not get good education and training when he was a child, but even when he grew up, the territories that were enfeoffed were more remote, narrow and barren than the territories of other children of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty.

My father is so biased, and even if he wants to be filial to Liu Fa, he feels uneasy in his heart. But in the ancient times when filial piety was the heaven, what could be changed no matter how injustice? Living in the deep palace for a long time, Liu Fa, who has seen many realities of worshipping high and stepping down, has become accustomed to this, but he did not feel sorry for himself because of it.

Luckily, there is no such thing as a natural road. On the birthday of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, the princes and princes from all over the world would go to the capital to congratulate Emperor Jing of Han on his birthday.

On the birthday celebration scene, after three rounds of wine, Long Yan was delighted. Emperor Han Jing thought that the atmosphere was here, so he simply made everyone happy. So he ordered the princes present to dance to celebrate the birthday of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty. In order to please the emperor, these princes naturally competed hard one by one.

There is a different kind of existence in these vigorous dance postures. Everyone else is dancing to the music, but he is the only one who raises his cuffs, raises his hands a little, shrinks his hands and feet, and can't even spin in place. .

such a "special" dance,Naturally very outstanding. Emperor Jing of Han hurriedly called someone forward to ask, who is this person? After asking, Emperor Jing of Han suddenly realized that the person who was holding back was his unloved son Liu Fa.

This Liu Fa is also considered a clever boy. When Emperor Jing of Han asked why he danced like this, he calmly replied: "The subject is small and the country is narrow, and it is not enough to maneuver." Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, as a splendid and powerful emperor, how could he not know his son's original intention, and made it clear that he told him that the enfeoffed land was too small, and asked him for land.

Han Jingdi, who was coaxed to be happy, naturally became more talkative, and this unloved child was indeed ignored by him for many years, so he should give some sweetness. Thinking of this, Emperor Jing of Han waved his hand and gave Liu Fa all the three counties Wuling , Lingling and Guiyang on the spot.

Heaven's Chosen Son

After the birthday banquet, Liu Fake happily returned to Changsha, where he took root and multiplied. Liu Fa's lineage also lived in Changsha as a soil emperor, until of Han Wudi was released.

Once the decree of grace was issued, the titles of Liu Fa's descendants were lowered again and again, even to the post of county magistrate, and even some descendants changed from princes and grandsons to farmers who shave food in the fields. and Western Han Dynasty also gradually declined, Wang Mang usurped the Han Dynasty , and established a new dynasty.

If the story ends here, the Han Dynasty will not have 400 years of history, it will only stop at 200 and the country will be subjugated. But it was because of the misunderstanding of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty that this chosen son appeared.

He is Liu Xiu, the direct descendant of Liu Fa,He was also the founding emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty. He rose up as a descendant of the Han family, fought in various places, and finally founded the Eastern Han Dynasty and continued his life for the Han Dynasty for 200 years.

Liu Xiu's restoration is known as the most perfect restoration in history, Under his rule, the Han Dynasty, whether in terms of national strength, population, or economy, has reached a very high level.

If Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty had not been drunk, there would have been no Liu Fa or Liu Xiu, and the Han Dynasty would not have a 400-year history. Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty's "wrong thing" after drinking can be said to have extended his life for the Han Dynasty for 200 years.


History is a very interesting thing, it coexists by chance and necessity. But some occasional moments, like the butterfly effect , change everything.

As the saying goes, anything is possible. Although people can't predict whether it will be good or bad in advance, we don't need to hesitate because we are afraid of the long road ahead, nor do we need to be encouraged by the unknown beauty.

Laughing and watching the situation fade, sitting and watching the clouds rise, live every day hard, and live in the moment is the best arrangement.
