Ming Yongle Dynasty Literary Prison

Yan Wang Zhu Di is the fourth son of Ming Taizu . He raised up the " battle of Jing Nan ", aiming to seize the throne of his nephew Huidi. This political struggle was extremely cruel: after the bloody military struggle, there was a bloody ideological struggle, that is, killing all the literati who opposed the usurpation of the Yan king. Among them, the murders of Fang Xiaoru , Lian Zining , Mao Dafang, etc., also have the nature of literary disaster.

Fang Xiaoru case. Jianwen Four years (1402), King Yan captured the capital, and Emperor Hui, the eldest grandson of Ming Taizu, lost his way in the palace fire. To prepare for the great event, Wang Yan ordered Fang Xiaoru to draft an edict. Fang Xiaoru (1357—1402) was born in Ninghai, Zhejiang. He was originally a bachelor of lecturer of Emperor Hui, but because he opposed King Yan's usurpation, he refused to draft and wrote to the ground. King Yan threatened: "I don't fear the nine clans alone?" In feudal society, the heaviest penalty is "destroy the nine clans", but Fang Xiaoru is not afraid: "Be ten clans, what can I do!" King Yan also wanted to force him to draft. He picked up his pen and read the big four-character book:

Yan thief usurped the throne!

These four characters expose King Yan's conspiracy, but also lead to Fang Xiaoru's extermination. King Yan was furious and ordered the left and right knives to cut from his mouth to his ears. Seeing that he was still unyielding, he quickly executed him.

His brother Fang Xiaoyou was killed with him. His wife Zheng and his two sons Fang Zhongxian and Zhong Yu hanged to death by themselves, and their two daughters committed suicide by throwing themselves into the Qinhuai River. His clan friends, his mother, Lin Yanfa, etc., and his wife Zheng Yuanji, etc. are also annihilated. His friends and protégés Liao Yong, Lin Jiayou and others were arrested and formed into ten clans, and they were all executed very late. The execution lasted 7 days, and 873 people died, and more than 1,000 people died in remote areas. Suddenly, the shadow of death covered the entire capital.

Ye Huizhong, a Linhai native, re-edited "The Record of Taizu",He directly denounced "Jing Nan" as a rebellious party and was also annihilated.

The case of Lian Zining. King Yan ascended to the throne of God from a pool of blood, for Ming Cheng Zu . After Ming Chengzu came to the throne, he still used blood to open the way to massacre literati who were unwilling to surrender. Such as:

Lian Zining, named An, with the word line, Xingan (now Jiangxi Xingan). At that time, Emperor Hui was the right deputy capital Yushi. He was tied up before becoming an ancestor, and his tongue was cut off because of his bad language. Cheng Zu said: "I want to follow the example of Zhou Gong and help the king's ears!" In history, Zhou Gong faithfully assisted his nephew Cheng Wang to govern the country. doom. Lian Zining was no longer able to speak. He even dipped his finger blood in his tongue and wrote on the ground to expose Cheng Zu's deception. The blood word is: "Wang Cheng is here?" !

Cheng Zu looked furious and executed him Ling Chi. 151 of his relatives were killed, and hundreds of them were in remote areas.

Nanjing Yangshan Monument

Mao Dafang case. Mao Dafang, named Pu, was born with the word (now in Jiangsu). At that time, Emperor Hui was the right deputy capital Yushi. When King Yan led the "Jing Nan" teacher to go south, he sent a poem to Huainan guard general and Ming Taizu's favorite son-in-law Mei Yin .


幽燕 How is the news?

Hearing the truth, the general will not be grieved.

Even if there is a fire dragon turning over the axis of the earth,

Mo teaches iron to ride the Tianhe.

Guanzhong the career prime minister,

plugged in the meritorious Ma Fubo.

I don’t know how to make up for it.

The West Wind was once a tragedy.

Comparing the achievements of defending Huaibei and blocking Yan Bing south with Han Prime Minister Xiao He and General Fubo Ma Yuan. Later, Yan Bing captured the capital.He was arrested immediately. Ming Chengzu asked him about giving poems, but he still did not give in, so he killed him along with his sons Mao Shuntong, Dao Shou, and Wen Sheng, and his two grandsons also died in prison. His wife Zhang’s experience was also very tragic: Zhang was 56 years old and was sent to Jiaofang Division. After his death, Ming Chengzu ordered: "Carry out and eat with the dog!"

The Liuli Pagoda of Dabaoen Temple in Nanjing

The case of Zhu Quan. In the first year of Yongle (1403), Ming Chengzu vacated his hand to deal with King Ning Zhu Quan (1377-1448). Zhu Quan is the 17th son of Ming Taizu. Among the many sons of Ming Taizu, he was able to keep pace with King Yan because of the saying that "king Yan is good at war and King Ning is good at plotting." When Yan Wangxing was in the "Battle of Jing Nan", Laning King Zhu Quan came to advise him, and even said that "Everything is done, and the world will be divided." Zhu Quan requested to change the title of Nantu, and successively proposed to seal Suzhou and Hangzhou, but "there is heaven above, and Suzhou and Hangzhou below", Ming Chengzu refused, and finally changed the title to Nanchang. Zhu Quan expressed his dissatisfaction in the poem "Eclipse of the Sun":
The light bathed into the pool,

Suddenly fell to Yuyuan.

There are thousands of stars in the blue sky,

vying to see the first string of the moon during the day.

Shu birds murmured into the night,

ran away and complained.

Raise your head and not see Chang'an Day,

The world is clearly in front of you.

The meaning of resentment is clearly on the paper. Soon, someone accused him of "Witch Gu slander", that is, cursing Tianri with witchcraft to frame the emperor. Ming Chengzu took the opportunity to send people to investigate and spy, which caused the momentum to attack Zhu Quan. Although the matter is not much, but the goal has been achieved, Zhu Quan will be panicked all day long, it is tantamount to hanging an invisible "sword of Damocles" on his head.

After the bloodbath of the palace, Ming Chengzu has discovered that to deal with political opponents, it is impossible to eliminate them physically. Mental intimidation must be used. This is manifested in literature and art. It is strictly forbidden to desecrate the words and music of emperors and sages, "Dare to have collections,The whole family was killed"; at the same time, Fang Xiaoru’s poems were banned and all collected were sentenced to death. In the third year of Yongle (1405), Shu Jishi Zhangpu was accused of possession of Fang Xiaoru’s poems and killed him in the city.

Like Ming Taizu, Ming Chengzu also regarded and Cheng Zhu Lixue as the rule of unifying the world in thought. The so-called rule is like a knife. Whoever breaks it will bleed. In the second year of Yongle (1404), the housekeeper of Raozhou Zhu Jiyou wrote a book and criticized Cheng Zhu's Confucianism. Ming Chengzu looked furious and cursed: "This Confucian thief too! "Ordered him to be beaten up, taken back to his hometown to look after him, and burned all of his works.

Correspondingly, mental intimidation was used in imperial examinations. In the seventh year of Yongle (1409), examiners Zou Ji and Xu Shanshu Because the test questions came from "Mencius Section Wen", " Shangshu·Hongfan" and "Nine Chou", he was accused of making a partial question and was sent to prison.

Ming Chengzu is very similar to Ming Taizu. In the "Jingnan Battle", he suppressed The atrocities of the literati were as cruel as the Ming Taizu. However, he was not ready to catch the influence from the text, and to weave the charges. For example, Zhu Quan's poem "No Chang'an Day" was not sentenced; Zhu Jiyou accused Cheng Zhu Lixue, neither Put to death; in the 13th year of Yongle (1415), Qu You and Huo Ang went to jail for the misfortune of poetry, but they did not kill them, so that Qu You later wrote a grateful poem of "Don’t abandon the Lord of the Ming Dynasty".

Ming Chengzu There is a clear political principle, which is to slaughter those who oppose his seizure of power and proclaim the emperor. Apart from that, he is not easy to kill. Mobei 's major events, there is no time to pick up on the text.
