Where did he go? The biggest unsolved mystery since the founding of the People’s Republic of China: the disappearance of Pengjiamu Lop Nor

2021/01/1401:06:02 history 670

, a scientist suffering from cancer, mysteriously disappeared in the legendary Lop Nor with "supernatural power". After the disappearance, the government exhausted its manpower to conduct a carpet search in Lop Nur. It dispatched dozens of planes, dozens of cars, and thousands of people four times to pull the net in the face of sandbags, sand beams, and sand hills that were blown by the black storm. Looking for it, he just couldn't find any clues about this scientist...

he is Peng Jiamu .

Peng Jiamu, a famous Chinese biochemist, was born in 1925 in Z4z, Panyu County, Guangdong Province. In 1947, Peng Jiamu graduated from the School of Agriculture of Central University, and was later assigned to the Department of Soil Science, Peking University, as an assistant professor. Two years later, he worked at the Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, serving as assistant researcher, associate researcher, and researcher. In 1979, he was elected as a member of the Party Committee of the Xinjiang Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and served as the Vice President of the Xinjiang Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

In May 1980, Professor Peng Jiamu led a comprehensive expedition team composed of 11 people into Lop Nur, Xinjiang. Before that, Professor Peng Jiamu had arrived on March 5, 1964 to March 30, and November 15, 1979. Visited Lop Nur twice on December 20th. The expedition team was led by Peng Jiamu as the team leader and temporary party branch secretary, Wang Wenxian (hydrogeologist) as the deputy team leader, and Chen Bailu as the team’s temporary party branch secretary and chief administrative officer.

Lop Nor expedition team members:

  1. Peng Jiamu: biochemist, captain and temporary party branch secretary;
  2. Chen Bailu: temporary party branch deputy secretary, administrative director, and security guard, carrying a type 64 pistol;
  3. Wang Wen Home, deputy captain;
  4. Ma Renwen: chemist;
  5. Yan Hongjian: chemist;
  6. Shen Guanmian: botanist;
  7. Gu Jinghe: zoologists z6, driving 26212121zz2, the main driver of the car Carrying Peng Jiamu, Ma Renwen and other scientific researchers;
  8. Chen Dahua: driver, driving an eight-seater jeep, mainly equipped with scientific research equipment and radio ;
  9. Bao Jicai: driver, driving tractor, pulling supplies;
  10. Xiao Wanneng Radio transmitter.

Where did he go? The biggest unsolved mystery since the founding of the People’s Republic of China: the disappearance of Pengjiamu Lop Nor - DayDayNews

Peng Jiamu statue

On May 2, the expedition team set off from Urumqi and went straight to my country’s nuclear base Malan base in the Lop Nur area. Why go to Malan base? Because it was necessary to go to the Lop Nur area for inspection, it had to go through the approval of the Malan base. Only after obtaining the pass permit of the Malan base, the expedition team could carry out activities in Lop Nur. After

arrived at the Malan base, while waiting for the troops to issue a pass, the expedition team purchased the materials needed to cross Lop Nur at the Malan base. After completing the preparations on the 8th, the expedition team officially began to travel through the mysterious Lop Nur.

At this time, in order to facilitate real-time contact with the expedition team and prevent them from making mistakes in the process of crossing Lop Nor, Malan Base specially equipped the expedition team with a radio station and equipped with four soldiers, three of whom were responsible for the "720 "Establish a telegraph relay point, and a soldier named Xiao Wanneng is responsible for carrying this radio station to follow the expedition team and send the report.

However, on the first day, because Chen Dahua, who was following him, went the wrong way and separated from the large group, and Xiao Wanneng fighter was just in this car, so Xiao Wanneng and the radio were separated from the large group. Later, when the large group reached the area of ​​"720" (only 20 miles from the center of the atomic bomb), the driver Wang Wanxuan hoped to stop here and wait for Chen Dahua. After all, their trip would need to cross the 450-kilometer Lop Nur Basin. Without radio, you can't ask for help when you are in danger. This is very dangerous.

However, due to the very tight time for the expedition team, the army must return at the end of JunePeng Jiamu was afraid of delaying the inspection, so he didn't wait for Chen Dahua's car, which caused the expedition team to lose the radio on the first day.

Where did he go? The biggest unsolved mystery since the founding of the People’s Republic of China: the disappearance of Pengjiamu Lop Nor - DayDayNews

In 1965, Chairman Mao shook hands with biochemist Peng Jiamu in Beijing. Fortunately, although the expedition team encountered various dangers in Lop Nur, they were lucky enough to reach the Milan Farm on the south bank of Lop Nur when the water and oil were about to run out.

On June 5th, the expedition team successfully ended the one-month arduous trip and completed the investigation. This is the first time that a Chinese team has crossed the core area of ​​Lop Nur, and it is also the first time in history to cross Lop Nur longitudinally. The expedition team collected a lot of first-hand scientific investigation data about Lop Nur along the way for the next study of Lop Nur in my country. Provides important research information.

If things come to an end at this point and the expedition team returns as originally planned, there will be no incident of Peng Jiamu's disappearance in Lop Nur.

However, the accident happened at this time.

At this time, Professor Peng Jiamu felt that the expedition plan did not complete the previously scheduled goal, which was to find more mineral resources for the country.

Peng Jiamu believes that since there are more than 20 days before the scheduled return time, this time should be used. The expedition team can use this time to open up a new road to the southeast corner of Lop Nur, so that it can explore the southeast corner that has never been explored before, and can collect more organisms, soil specimens and mineral fossils.

Finally, Professor Peng Jiamu proposed a plan that shocked all the team members, that is, to return to Lop Nur.

Where did he go? The biggest unsolved mystery since the founding of the People’s Republic of China: the disappearance of Pengjiamu Lop Nor - DayDayNews

Lop Nur map

For this reason, Peng Jiamu once again asked the Xinjiang Branch to continue scientific research.

As for Peng Jiamu's plan to return to Lop Nur, the accompanying scientific expedition staff did not understand it. They thought it was difficult to cross Lop Nur with great difficulty, and the expedition has been declared a success, so why take another risk!

At the same time, the three drivers Wang Renxuan, Chen Dafa, and Bao Jicai, saw that Professor Peng Jiamu’s plan to return to Lop Nur this time had to run 900 kilometers for the whole journey, and they all insisted on not going. They thought it was too risky, not a little bit wrong. Even so, it will fall into a situation where the whole army is wiped out. When

was arguing about whether to return to Lop Nur within the expedition team, the Xinjiang branch came to the phone and they agreed to Peng Jiamu's return to Lop Nur.

Seeing that even the superiors agreed to Peng Jiamu's request, the expedition team's scientific expedition personnel no longer insisted, they could only obey the organization's order.

However, in order to ensure the safety of the expedition team members, the expedition team members still reached a consensus, that is, once the water and oil are used halfway, and the expedition has not been halfway, then go back the same way. Never delay.

was on the Milan Farm. After the expedition team took a five-day break, on the sixth day, that is, when it was still dark on June 11, the expedition staff ate breakfast at the Milan Farm in advance and set off quickly.

returned to the Lop Nur project this time, Peng Jiamu decided to start from Mulan, travel east along the Shule River Ancient Road to Kumukuduke, then go west to find a new route into Lop Nur, and then cross Lop Nur horizontally to reach Dunhuang.

Where did he go? The biggest unsolved mystery since the founding of the People’s Republic of China: the disappearance of Pengjiamu Lop Nor - DayDayNews

Peng Jiamu's route map to return to Lop Nur

The expedition team is expected to take 7 days for the entire trip. Taking into account the capacity of the car, the expedition team decided to load 5 barrels of oil and 3 barrels of water on the car. Why are there only 3 buckets of water? Because Peng Jiamu believed that as long as they reached the vicinity of Kumukuduk, they would be able to find spring water for replenishment, and once the oil was gone, they could not be recharged until the purpose was reached. Therefore, after a careful decision, the expedition team decided to bring 5 barrels of oil and 3 barrels of water.

However, plans can never keep up with changes. Not long after the departure, the expedition team discovered that they might have been too optimistic about the time they expected to complete the journey! The rugged roads of the Shulehe Ancient Road far exceeded the imagination of the expedition team. Not long after they set foot on the Shulehe Ancient Road, the expedition team experienced several times of getting lost and car tires in a short period of time due to their unfamiliarity with the road and the difficult roads. In the dilemma of mud and sand, due to the frequent occurrence of these things, the expedition team can only walk 4 or 5 kilometers a day, and because of getting lost and having to climb out of the mud, the fuel consumption is even more amazing.

On June 13, three days have passed, but the expedition team only walked 150 kilometers, not even half of the journey, but the water,Oil and supplies are almost half used up.

At this time, the expedition team is not only facing the danger of insufficient supplies, but also extremely severe weather. At this time, the lowest temperature is 43 degrees every day, and the surface temperature is maintained at 75 degrees for a long time. The hot weather allows drinking water. The consumption is several times faster than in the past. It was originally expected to be able to support the drinking water of Kumkuduk. At this time, it is impossible to support the destination.

Where did he go? The biggest unsolved mystery since the founding of the People’s Republic of China: the disappearance of Pengjiamu Lop Nor - DayDayNews

​​Peng Jiamu's third Lop Nur inspection route map

Therefore, in accordance with the consensus reached by the expedition team before, it should be returned to the spot immediately to avoid unnecessary losses to the expedition team.

However, Peng Jiamu did not agree at this time. He asked for another support. As long as he reached Kumkuduk, all these difficulties would be resolved. But at that time, most members of the expedition team opposed moving forward. The chemist Yan Hongjian categorically said to Peng Jiamu: "I won't go, I'm definitely not going."

However, Peng Jiamu firmly requested to continue walking. He believed that since he has reached here, he cannot give up halfway. As long as he goes forward, he has the opportunity to open a new road to Lop Nur, which will greatly facilitate the future The author’s exploration of Lop Nur also has the opportunity to find more mineral resources for the country. In addition, for Peng Jiamu, who suffers from two types of cancer, his time is running out. When he returns this time, he may never have the opportunity to return to Lop Nur.

Based on this, Peng Jiamu is always reluctant to look back.

At that time, when Yan Hongjian asked to go back, Peng Jiamu told him that he didn’t want to go any further, so he gave him the eight-seater jeep driven by Chen Dahua and two people’s water and oil for three days. A driver will go back first. Yan Hongjian thinks this is impossible. In case, when he goes back, he gets lost again and the tires get stuck in mud. Without the help of radio and other vehicles, he and the driver will definitely not be able to go out alive.

Yan Hongjian wants the whole team to go back together, "to die, die together".

Where did he go? The biggest unsolved mystery since the founding of the People’s Republic of China: the disappearance of Pengjiamu Lop Nor - DayDayNews

Peng Jiamu naturally did not agree to go back. He firmly told everyone that as long as he arrives in Kumkuduk, he can solve all the problems encountered now.

Because Peng Jiamu was the captain and there was an order from the superior, seeing that Peng Jiamu did not agree to go back, they had no choice but to continue to move forward.

That night, a strong wind blew in the desert. This strong wind blew away the top of the expedition team’s tent in an instant. Everyone could only hug the tent poles to avoid being blown away. At this time, the chemist Ma Renwen stood up and told Peng Jiamu that he could not leave! Going further is a dead end.

However, Peng Jiamu still didn't give up. He shouted in the strong wind, cheering everyone up, saying, "The most difficult time is the moment when victory is about to come", "Everyone must hold on and never take a step back." In order to give everyone hope, Peng Jiamu went on to say: “It’s not time to give up. If it’s the last moment, isn’t there still Xiao Wanneng’s radio station? We can use it to ask the army for help.”

At this time, everyone heard that there was still the army behind them. In addition, as the oldest of the expedition team, Peng Jiamu, who was suffering from two types of cancer, was so brave and did not back down, so they stopped insisting on going back. Continue to move forward in two days.

On June 16, the expedition team came to the first stop 8 kilometers west of Kumkuduk. At that time, two equipment-equipped tractors were always behind. Peng Jiamu was forced to wait for an hour from time to time. Unable to concentrate on moving forward, Peng Jiamu simply decided to camp here.

Where did he go? The biggest unsolved mystery since the founding of the People’s Republic of China: the disappearance of Pengjiamu Lop Nor - DayDayNews

Pengjiamu Lop Nur Lake Basin Salt Crust Land Investigation

At this time, there is only one day left from the original plan, but they still have a long distance from Lop Nur.

At this time, only 1/4 of the gasoline that the expedition carried with them was left. Although there were still dozens of kilograms of water, the drinking water had been contaminated by iron rust since the water was stored in high-temperature iron buckets. Can no longer drink normally.

At this time, the expedition team realized that it was too late to advance or retreat. It was the last moment and it was time to send a telegram to the forward command "720" of Malan base for help.

But Peng Jiamu doesn't think so, he thinks that since he has arrived in the Kumkuduk area, he can find spring water by himself. Peng Jiamu believes that Lop Nur was once a lake in the 1950sThere are still fishermen fishing here, so there must be water underground here. At the same time, Peng Jiamu also has a military map drawn by the former Soviet Union when he visited Lop Nor in the 1930s. There are many wells marked on it. Not far from Kumkuduk, there are "Hong Ba Jing" and "Hong Shi Well". .

Therefore, on the 16th, Peng Jiamu asked Wang Wanxuan to drive and took him and Chen Bailu out to find a well, but he found nothing and found only a half-room-sized bunker. After that, Peng Jiamu sent Wang Wen, a hydrogeologist, to find water first, but Wang Wen searched a few places first, and even dug a pit more than one meter deep, but he still couldn't find water, not even water vapor.

Seeing that there is no water around, in order not to cause trouble to the country and the army, Peng Jiamu decided to look for it. He proposed to send a car to Yangdake, Hong Erjing, and Hongshijing to find water. Water can be found there, not only without the trouble of the army and the country, but also to leave a fountain of life for the expedition team who will come to investigate Lop Nur later to facilitate their supply.

The members of the expedition team expressed their clear opposition to Peng Jiamu's suggestion. They believed that it would be too risky to send a car for more than 120 kilometers to find it based on a map alone. Instead of taking a risk, it is better to rescue the Malan base.

Where did he go? The biggest unsolved mystery since the founding of the People’s Republic of China: the disappearance of Pengjiamu Lop Nor - DayDayNews

Malan base

At this moment, when everyone was at a loss for finding water, the scientific expedition team suddenly found fifteen or six wild camels . At this time Peng Jiamu was very excited and shouted: "Chasing, chasing!!!" Under the enclosure of two vehicles, they killed an adult female camel and captured a baby camel that was still breastfeeding.

Peng Jiamu was very excited, because there were no specimens of Lop Nur wild camels in China at that time, and all the specimens of Lop Nur wild camels were collected abroad. After capturing the two wild camels, Peng Jiamu ordered everyone to load the baby camels into the car and bring them back to Urumqi for research, and then dissected the female camel that was killed.

At 9 pm on the 16th, under the persuasion of the members of the expedition team, seeing everyone so resolute, and it was impossible to go to the distant place to find water at this time, Peng Jiamu finally let go and agreed to send a distress telegram to the headquarters "720". The content of the

telegram is as follows:

We arrived about ten kilometers west of Kurukudok at 20 o'clock today. We were short of oil and water. We requested emergency assistance of 300 kilograms of oil and 500 kilograms of water. The existing water can only be maintained until 18 day. Please tell Urumqi to capture a little camel. When

made a telegram, there was an episode in which the expedition team mistakenly labeled "Kumukudok" as "Kurukudok." Fortunately, the commander of the Malan base knew that this was the wrong location, so this did not cause any unexpected episodes in the rescue work.

At 9 o'clock in the morning on June 17, the "720" headquarters sent a message from the base: "Agree to deliver materials, stand by on the spot, stop advancing", and asked the expedition team to report the coordinates and topographic features of the stationed location.

Where did he go? The biggest unsolved mystery since the founding of the People’s Republic of China: the disappearance of Pengjiamu Lop Nor - DayDayNews

Peng Jiamu's motorcade has two Beijing jeeps and a Jiefang truck. Because Lop Nor has no roads at all, he can only move forward with difficulty while reopening the road. After receiving the telegram, Wang Wenxian hurriedly gave the telegram to Peng Jiamu to read. However, Peng Jiamu was not happy when he received this telegram. He felt that it would cost six to seven thousand yuan for the troops to send water by helicopter, which is equivalent to more than ten yuan for a kilogram of water. This is really a waste of the country's money! He was uneasy.

So, in order to save money for the country, Peng Jiamu still insisted on his proposal and sent a car to Hongshijing and other places to find water. However, when everyone saw that the army had agreed to come to rescue, they had long stopped observing Peng Jiamu.

At noon, the 720 Command received the direction sent by the expedition team: "East longitude 91°50', north latitude 40°17'". The sign is a red flag on the ground.

Then, after receiving the camping position of the expedition team, the headquarters sent back a clearer telegram: "500kg of water was delivered on the morning of the 18th, but the helicopter could not deliver fuel. Please stand by."

However, when Xiao Wanneng was about to talk to Peng Jiamu after receiving the telegram, he suddenly discovered that Peng Jiamu was missing! After learning of this, Wang Wenxian, deputy team leader of

, thought that Peng Jiamu had gone to the toilet nearby and waited in the tent. However, Wang Wen waited for more than half an hour before waiting for him. Later, when Wang Wanxuan went to the car to pick up clothes, he posted on the seatThere is a note in the military map that Peng Jiamu is carrying with him.

Above is a sentence: "I will go east to find a well, Peng 17/6:10:30".

This is the last word Peng Jiamu left to this world.

Where did he go? The biggest unsolved mystery since the founding of the People’s Republic of China: the disappearance of Pengjiamu Lop Nor - DayDayNews

Peng Jiamu wrote a note to find water before his disappearance. After seeing this note, members of the expedition team realized that something was not good. After all, this is Lop Nor, known as the Devil’s Land, and went alone. Looking for water is tantamount to dying.

Therefore, the expedition team quickly reported the matter to the Xinjiang Branch.

At 2 a.m. on June 18, the news of Peng Jiamu's disappearance passed through the Xinjiang Military Region, to the Academy of Sciences, and then to the State Council.

Starting on June 20, the PLA troops used two helicopters, an ambulance plane, 10 military vehicles, and more than 100 people to conduct a carpet search near his disappearance. During the 10-day search, the soldiers searched almost every corner of this neighborhood, not even a small bush, but they did not find any Peng Jiamu's footprints, and the search and rescue operation ended in failure.

On July 17, the Xinjiang Autonomous Region Party Committee and the base troops once again organized 181 people and 48 vehicles for the second carpet search. This search has expanded the search range and is no longer limited to the surrounding areas where Peng Jiamu was active during his lifetime. At the same time, the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau also sent 6 sensitive police dogs, but because it was midsummer, when the surface temperature was over 70 degrees, the police dogs completely lost their sense of smell and were of no use.

On August 11, the search team found some footprints in a place called Yangtakuduk; on August 14 they found the marks of people sleeping in the nearby reeds, but because of the time passing by, It is not certain that Peng Jiamu left this trace. In this search, Peng Jiamu was still not found.

On November 10, the search and rescue team once again entered the Lop Nur area from Dunhuang for the third carpet search. This search is also the largest search. 1029 people participated in the search. The total area of ​​the search reached 1011 square kilometers. The search and rescue personnel are only 50 meters apart, and each person searches for nearly 1 square kilometer every day. However, with this search density, it took 41 days to find nothing.

Where did he go? The biggest unsolved mystery since the founding of the People’s Republic of China: the disappearance of Pengjiamu Lop Nor - DayDayNews

​​Peng Jiamu's route map before his disappearance

Until today, we have not found Peng Jiamu's body, so there are many speculations circulating on the Internet, such as the theory of crossing, defecting, murder, accident, suicide, alien theory, etc. .

However, the disappearance of Peng Jiamu is not as mysterious as what is advertised on the Internet. Legends of crossing, being killed, and fleeing are all unrealistic rumors and cannot be true.

The truth of the fact is that Peng Jiamu resolutely decided to find the water source alone in order to transport water money for the country, and finally sacrificed. In Peng Jiamu's view, the country had to use helicopters to transport water, which was tens of thousands of dollars back and forth. The money was indeed a huge sum of money for New China, which was a waste of money at the time. Therefore, Peng Jiamu asked to find a source of water. As a result, due to the sudden change of weather, he was lost in the vast desert and finally died in Lop Nur.

In fact, Lop Nor has had missing persons almost every year in the past forty years. Even with the current level of technology and search capabilities, the chance of finding missing persons is very small, and most of them cannot be found. This is why, now our country does not recommend that explorers step into Lop Nur, because it is too dangerous. Once missing, the chance of finding it is very slim.

In 1961, Li Zhonghua, a Bazhou native, disappeared near Mangya in the southeast of Lop Nur. He was accidentally discovered by explorers in November 2016. On June 27, 1990, seven explorers entered Lop Nur from Hami, Xinjiang, and then suddenly lost contact. At that time, the Secretary-General of the State Council Luo Gan personally deployed the aircraft to search for it, but it was never found. It was only in 2000 that the explorers accidentally discovered the remains of three of the explorers, and the other four have not been discovered until today; in 2008 Shanshan County The county governor’s driver Kasmu and three explorers went missing after entering Lop Nur. The Shanshan County government organized more than 100 people and dozens of vehicles to carry out a carpet search and rescue. No trace was found. In 2013, Kasmu’s body was accidentally found by the explorers.Find.

Where did he go? The biggest unsolved mystery since the founding of the People’s Republic of China: the disappearance of Pengjiamu Lop Nor - DayDayNews

Xiao Wanneng is sending a telegram, and Yan Hongjian, a member of the scientific expedition team, is manually generating electricity for the transmitter. The

disappeared and the remains were not found, or the remains were not discovered until a few years or even decades. In the Lop Nur disappearance, this is commonplace, nothing strange.

Lop Nur's complex environment and changing weather doomed it to be extremely difficult to search for missing persons here. Often the remains of the missing are quickly covered up by the wind and sand, or blown to other places by strong winds, and then covered up. Imagine that Lop Nur sees a vast desert at a glance, how can one find a covered body!

Lop Nor missing people, if they want to be found, most of them rely on luck. They can only wait to be discovered by accident, and it is often difficult to find them specially.

Therefore, Professor Peng Jiamu suddenly disappeared in Lop Nur. Without the exact disappearance address, his body is indeed difficult to find.

sincerely hope that one day we can find the body of Professor Peng Jiamu, let him return to his hometown, and be buried in the cemetery of martyrs, to be admired by future generations. Z7z

Professor Peng Jiamu is one of the most outstanding scientists in our country. He is a first-class person in terms of scientific research level and character. His disappearance is an irreversible loss to China and the Chinese people.

would like to pay tribute to the revolutionary martyr Professor Peng Jiamu.

There is no good time, but someone is carrying the weight for you, because there are too many martyrs like Professor Peng Jiamu who have thrown their heads and sprinkled blood for the new China, so we are happy and stable today. life.

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