In April 2020, at a construction site in Xinzheng City, Henan Province, worker Lao Lian was working. But at this moment, several people suddenly rushed out from all directions and threw Lao Lian to the ground!

2024/06/2912:49:33 history 1085

In April 2020, at a construction site in Xinzheng City, Henan Province, worker Lao Lian was working. But at this moment, several people suddenly rushed out from all directions and threw Lao Lian to the ground!

"Who are you? Why are you arresting me?" Lao Lian kept struggling and yelled, "You are the one I am arresting. I killed three people. How can you escape this time?"

heard this. , Lao Lian's face suddenly turned pale, and soon the construction site manager came over to try to calm the incident, and Lao Lian was also taken away afterwards!

So has this old Lian ever killed anyone? And who were the people who arrested him? What is all this about? Now let’s explore the whole process of this incident in depth, three times in a circle, like and follow ~

In April 2020, at a construction site in Xinzheng City, Henan Province, worker Lao Lian was working. But at this moment, several people suddenly rushed out from all directions and threw Lao Lian to the ground! - DayDayNews

Arrest Lao Lian

Lao Lian, over 40 years old, a native of Henan, usually a simple and honest person, who works on the construction site When he was young, he was also very generous to those around him, so people around him were happy to make friends with Lao Lian.

But one day in April 2020, when Lao Lian came to the construction site to work according to his usual schedule, also greeted people he knew along the way.

Although the weather in early spring is still a bit chilly, the workers working on the construction site are sweating after a while, and Lao Lian is no exception.

wiped the sweat from his head, and Lao Lian was about to take a rest. But at this moment, a sudden change occurred. Suddenly, five or six people dressed as "migrant workers" rushed toward Lao Lian from all directions. come over!

Because their movements were so fast, not only did the people around them not pay attention, but even Lao Lian didn't react. He was immediately thrown to the ground by those people, unable to move at all!

Lao Lian, who was pushed to the ground, kept struggling and yelled loudly, "Who are you? Why are you arresting me?"

In April 2020, at a construction site in Xinzheng City, Henan Province, worker Lao Lian was working. But at this moment, several people suddenly rushed out from all directions and threw Lao Lian to the ground! - DayDayNews

Lao Lian's shouts quickly attracted the attention of the people around him, and they all Looking here, there are a few people who are familiar with Lao Lian, and they are ready to come over and ask what's going on?

looked around at the migrant workers. Among the group of people who knocked down Lao Lian, a person who seemed to be the leader stood up and shouted, "Don't panic, we are from the Public Security Bureau, and this Lao Lian is our suspect!"

Then, he said to Lao Lian, " arrested you, 21 years ago, three lives, I see how you can still quibble!"

Lao Lian, who had been struggling before this time, after listening to this After the words, there was no movement immediately, as if they acquiesced, and they were taken directly into the van that had been prepared nearby and sped away from the construction site.

Seeing this group of people leaving, a heated discussion broke out among the workers who were still on site, and the manager of the construction site also came to comfort them. So did this old company kill anyone? Let’s continue the discussion below.

In April 2020, at a construction site in Xinzheng City, Henan Province, worker Lao Lian was working. But at this moment, several people suddenly rushed out from all directions and threw Lao Lian to the ground! - DayDayNews

Interrogation of Lao Lian

After Lao Lian was brought back to the police station, the interrogation began immediately. However, at this time, Lao Lian had already regained his composure, so when facing the police interrogation, he insisted that he did not kill anyone!

Seeing Lao Lian's attitude of refusing to admit it, the police immediately said, "Do you still want to continue to resist? Do you know that your accomplices have already confessed you!"

But Lao Lian already felt a little worried at this time. I was scared, but my mouth was still tough, and I just refused to tell the truth about that year and plead guilty.

The police then continued, "Do you remember Chen Min (pseudonym)?" Until here, when the police actually told the name of his accomplice, Lao Lian realized that he had been exposed!

Immediately afterwards, Lao Lian confessed in detail the crimes he had committed. It turned out that 21 years ago, Lao Lian was in his twenties at the time, when he was young and vigorous, and felt that his talent was not appreciated. Want to do something big.

And there are three friends from the same village who have the same thoughts as Lao Lian, namely Chen Jie, Guan Jie and the just mentioned Chen Min.(All the above are pseudonyms)

In April 2020, at a construction site in Xinzheng City, Henan Province, worker Lao Lian was working. But at this moment, several people suddenly rushed out from all directions and threw Lao Lian to the ground! - DayDayNews

These four young people, who think they have great abilities but have nowhere to display them, gather in the village all day long and cause trouble everywhere. The villagers also hate these people from the bottom of their hearts, thinking that they are useless all day long. Do serious things!

In this gang of four, Guan Jie was the core. On this day, Guan Jie and others gathered on a hillside outside the village, sitting on the ground drinking and chatting. During the conversation with

, Guan Jie suddenly said that continuing like this is not an option. He and others must do something to prove themselves, so what should we do?

After much thought, Guan Jie decided to go and rob someone on the road! This is the fastest way to make money. Since New China implemented reform and opening up, the economy has taken off rapidly.

But this has also brought about many social problems, the most prominent of which is robbery. Perhaps some of the older generation who have passed large trucks remember that when you are unfamiliar with the place, there should not be too many people who block the road and rob. Qian even dares to kill people!

Because the criminal investigation conditions at that time were limited, many homicide cases accumulated in this way. As time went by, these old cases gradually became "dead cases" and almost no one could solve them.

In April 2020, at a construction site in Xinzheng City, Henan Province, worker Lao Lian was working. But at this moment, several people suddenly rushed out from all directions and threw Lao Lian to the ground! - DayDayNews

The truth back then

Since Guan Jie decided to block the road and rob him, he asked Lao Lian to bring out his shotgun. It should be noted here that although the central government had begun to ban guns at that time.

However, among the people, especially in the hands of some old hunters, there are still many guns, but they are mainly shotguns, and there are very few semi-automatic or automatic weapons.

After Lao Lian brought the shotgun, the four people began to plan and prepare to commit a crime on a nearby highway. However, they committed the crime twice in a row, and the four people failed.

This made Guan Jie very angry. He thought about it carefully and thought that the road here was still too far away and few people would come here.

So he decided to go to provincial highway , which passes here, and planned to commit crimes here. You know, it was already the late 1990s, and it was still close to the provincial highway. It can only be said that Guan Jie was very brave!

In April 2020, at a construction site in Xinzheng City, Henan Province, worker Lao Lian was working. But at this moment, several people suddenly rushed out from all directions and threw Lao Lian to the ground! - DayDayNews

In order to successfully carry out the robbery on the provincial highway, Guan Jie also specially bought a white van, and the group of people drove around on the provincial highway.

Suddenly they saw an expensive Santana car, so Guan Jie signaled Chen Min, who was driving, to follow the car quietly, waiting for the opportunity.

After driving for about half an hour, the Santana car passed through a mountainous area. At this time, Guan Jie thought that the opportunity had come, so he asked Chen Min to speed up, pass the car, and stop it!

Chen Ming obeyed Guan Jie's order, stepped on the accelerator and honked the horn. Soon the Santana car in front pulled over and made way for Guan Jie and others to reach the front smoothly, and then stopped it!

After stopping the car, Guan Jie rushed out with a shotgun and fired a shot at the car, frightening the three people in the car and the driver.

Then Guan Jie shouted, "Get out of the car!" However, the three people in the car were very scared and refused to get out of the car.

In April 2020, at a construction site in Xinzheng City, Henan Province, worker Lao Lian was working. But at this moment, several people suddenly rushed out from all directions and threw Lao Lian to the ground! - DayDayNews

So Guan Jie motioned to the three accomplices who followed him to force open the car door and dragged the three people out of the car. After that, the three people repeatedly begged for mercy and asked Guan Jie to let them go.

But Guan Jie didn't respond. He just let his accomplices search for their belongings. Even the suits they were wearing, which looked like they were worth a lot of money, were taken off.

Then Guan Jie thought that he could not survive, so he shot and killed three people, asked his accomplices to throw the bodies into the wild, and then drove the Santana and left in the van.

But on the road, Guan Jie thought that Santana's goal was too big. It turned out that they planned to sell the car, and then buy some good guns and do another job.

Because Guan Jie changed his mind, he ordered Chen Jie and Chen Min to drive the stolen Santana car to the wild and burn it without leaving any evidence!

The two of them also obeyed Guan Jie's order and drove the car to a remote valley. Then they poured gasoline on the car and left a fuse in preparation for burning it.

In April 2020, at a construction site in Xinzheng City, Henan Province, worker Lao Lian was working. But at this moment, several people suddenly rushed out from all directions and threw Lao Lian to the ground! - DayDayNews

But they just left after lighting the fire. Unknown to them, the car was not burned. It turned out that the crime was committed in January in the middle of winter. The weather was so cold that the fuse fire was extinguished!

Therefore, the car was not burned, and the fingerprints left on the car were later collected by the police. However, the fingerprint entry system was not perfect at the time, so the murderer could not be identified.

The four people left the scene quickly after completing the crime, and then agreed not to talk about the matter. They went home and lived a peaceful life. The four people later got married and had children.

So who were the three victims who were brutally murdered by four people? Why did they pass there that day? Let’s continue below.

The arrest operation began

After the three people were killed, they were quickly discovered by nearby villagers, who immediately reported the case. The police also quickly arrived and sealed off the scene.

Because this was a typical road robbery and shooting case with extremely bad nature, the provincial government and the provincial public security issued instructions to solve the case as soon as possible and arrest the real culprit!

In April 2020, at a construction site in Xinzheng City, Henan Province, worker Lao Lian was working. But at this moment, several people suddenly rushed out from all directions and threw Lao Lian to the ground! - DayDayNews

However, the criminal investigation technology at that time was too backward, and the relevant auxiliary monitoring system had not been built. The police had to call the surveillance cameras near the provincial highway. They could barely see a van following them, but the people on it couldn't see the license plate clearly. The number was later confirmed to be fake.

The police also quickly figured out the identities of the three people who were killed. During the on-site investigation, the police found an address book on one of the deceased, and thus found out the identity of the deceased.

They are Wang Wei, a salesperson from a wine company in Qionglai, Sichuan, who is stationed at a winery in Woyang, Anhui, and his friend Li, and Zhi Xi, who is engaged in carrying passengers in a private car in Woyang, Anhui.

It is understood that on the evening of January 4, 1999, Wang and Li came to Anhui to collect payment. According to the prior agreement, Zhi drove to Xinzheng Airport to pick up the plane. After that, the three people lost contact with the outside world.

3 people were brutally shot to death, but Zhi Xi’s car with a Wan K license plate disappeared. Kaifeng police immediately issued a joint investigation notice.

Soon Anyang police received news that Zhi Mouxi’s car was found in the suburbs of Anyang . Judging from the situation at the scene, someone drained the gasoline out of the car’s fuel tank with the intention of burning the car, but the flames broke out unexpectedly before the flames reached the body of the car. extinguished.

In April 2020, at a construction site in Xinzheng City, Henan Province, worker Lao Lian was working. But at this moment, several people suddenly rushed out from all directions and threw Lao Lian to the ground! - DayDayNews

Judging from the huge sum of money carried by the deceased and the newly purchased car that were robbed, this case is most likely a robbery and murder. However, the murderer's robbery and burning of the car does not meet the characteristics of murder and smuggling, and Wang has the reason because of his professional relationship. Possibility of vendetta over financial issues.

Taken together, Woyang should be the breakthrough point in the investigation. The Kaifeng police immediately dispatched troops. However, after careful investigation, no truly valuable clues were found.

The physical evidence extracted from the deceased's car was also sent to the Provincial Public Security Department and the Ministry of Public Security for inspection. Although there were gains, it was difficult to identify the suspects directly related to the case.

Extensive investigations revealed a new problem. The so-called Wan K license plate of the van was incorrectly remembered, which was equivalent to cutting off another clue. The investigation of the

case reached a dead end, and the family members of the deceased were in agony. The main leaders of the provincial party committee at the time issued special instructions, and the police handling the case, who were under tremendous pressure, never gave up.

A few years later, they learned that someone at the winery in Woyang had been punished for a crime. The Kaifeng police went there again in the hope of finding clues, but they came back disappointed.

In April 2020, at a construction site in Xinzheng City, Henan Province, worker Lao Lian was working. But at this moment, several people suddenly rushed out from all directions and threw Lao Lian to the ground! - DayDayNews

In the blink of an eye, more than 20 years have passed. Some of the police officers involved in the investigation at that time had their green hair turned white, and some had retired from their posts. However, this murder case has always been on their minds, becoming a huge boulder that cannot be moved and a knot that cannot be untied.

In 2020, the Henan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government launched an operation to "clean up old cases", so this murder case that had been sealed for 21 years was once again exposed to the public.

But 21 years have passed, and most of the clues from that year have disappeared. However, under modern technical conditions and with the heavy efforts of the police, it took more than 3 months to finally lock in the first criminal suspect, located in Xinmi City Chen Min!

On April 14 of that year, the police who had already ambushed Chen Min successfully captured him when he was out, and the interrogation began immediately. However, Chen Min acted very calmly, insisted that he had not committed any crime, and asked the police to produce evidence.

However, under the sudden questioning of Yan Lantao, deputy detachment of the criminal police team, a police interrogation expert, Chen Min panicked and quickly spilled the beans, revealing the man behind the scenes, Guan Jie.

Based on this, the police followed Chen Min's confession and divided into three groups to arrest Guan Jie, Chen Jie and Lao Lian. This is the scene mentioned at the beginning.

In April 2020, at a construction site in Xinzheng City, Henan Province, worker Lao Lian was working. But at this moment, several people suddenly rushed out from all directions and threw Lao Lian to the ground! - DayDayNews

After the three people were arrested, they initially refused to admit their crimes. After seeing the police produce Chen Min's confession, they became discouraged and confessed the truth about the case one by one!

So far, this 21-year-old murder case has finally been solved. not only comforted the deceased and his family, but also submitted a qualified answer sheet to the general public and the party committee and government. It also declared once again that no matter who dares to attack the land of Kaifeng Those who commit crimes and commit crimes will eventually be unable to escape justice.

And the three people will face legal sanctions next. I believe that the law will definitely give justice to the families of the victims and let the deceased rest in peace!

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