Although he was criticized by thousands of people and despised by all the people at the time, under the social environment at that time, Emperor Qin had just unified the six countries. If anything went wrong, the unified situation of the world would fall apart. Emperor Qin also k

2024/06/2910:53:32 history 1358

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng (259 BC - 210 BC), surnamed Ying, Zhao surname, Ming Zheng.

1: Assassination:

As for Ying Zheng, I believe that anyone in later generations will be familiar with his deeds, but who really knows the cause of Qin Shihuang's death? The merits of what Emperor Qin did are for the ages, but the sins are for the present. Although he was criticized by thousands of people and despised by all the people at the time, under the social environment at that time, Emperor Qin had just unified the six countries. If anything went wrong, the unified situation of the world would fall apart. Emperor Qin also knew the stakes. , so the code can only be reused, but for various schools of thought, this is a situation they do not want to see.

Although he was criticized by thousands of people and despised by all the people at the time, under the social environment at that time, Emperor Qin had just unified the six countries. If anything went wrong, the unified situation of the world would fall apart. Emperor Qin also k - DayDayNews

The First Emperor founded the country with Legalism . After the world was unified, the code was reused. This would inevitably cause many misunderstandings among various schools of thought, so Confucianism suggested to the First Emperor many times that the code should be reduced, but the First Emperor Insisting on his own way, the First Emperor believed that these Confucian scholars were too pedantic and did not know how to govern the country, so later on, he "burned books to entrap Confucian scholars." The occurrence of this incident made Baijia even more panicked, fearing that they would follow in the footsteps of Confucianism. Therefore, the cause of Qin Shihuang's death may have the shadow of hundreds of families in it.

Although he was criticized by thousands of people and despised by all the people at the time, under the social environment at that time, Emperor Qin had just unified the six countries. If anything went wrong, the unified situation of the world would fall apart. Emperor Qin also k - DayDayNews

2: Sickness from overwork

It is said that Qin Shihuang suffered from illness since he was a child and had a weak constitution. However, he did not trust anyone and did everything himself. From national affairs to trivial matters in the harem, the world is unified. There are so many things to do, and there are so many memorials every day that I can’t even count them, let alone review them. So day after day, year after year, my body must be unable to bear it. Maybe Qin Shihuang also noticed his physical discomfort, so he also searched for immortals for Qin Shihuang. Asking for medicine laid the foundation.

Although he was criticized by thousands of people and despised by all the people at the time, under the social environment at that time, Emperor Qin had just unified the six countries. If anything went wrong, the unified situation of the world would fall apart. Emperor Qin also k - DayDayNews

Three: Died by poisoning

Qin Shihuang may have thought of immortality because he felt that he had made so many achievements and could not die easily, and did not want future generations to forget him. In addition, some people deliberately used the psychology of Qin Wang to deliberately create rumors. According to records, in the autumn of 219, it is said that there was an envoy from Guandong to Xianyang . When he was passing Huayin Pingshu Road at night, a man holding a jade stopped him and shouted: "This year Zulong will die" and then ran away. .

Although he was criticized by thousands of people and despised by all the people at the time, under the social environment at that time, Emperor Qin had just unified the six countries. If anything went wrong, the unified situation of the world would fall apart. Emperor Qin also k - DayDayNews

The censor rushed to Xianyang and told Qin Shihuang everything. When Qin Shihuang saw the jade wall, he saw that it was the jade wall that fell into the river when he encountered a storm during his second patrol across the Xiangjiang River. He was very panicked, and the ministers were all speculating. He felt very unlucky, so he called an alchemist to tell his fortune. The result of fortune-telling is: the disaster star is unfavorable, and only moving or traveling can be auspicious. Because he is an emperor, his home cannot be moved.

Therefore, Emperor Qin became even more worried and recruited all his alchemists to refine the elixir for him, and even asked Xu Fu to go to Penglai Island to find the elixir of immortality for him. Xu Fu did not return for nine years, and Qin Shihuang took nine years of elixirs. What is the concept? It is equivalent to nine years of taking heavy metals. This may also lead to the death of Emperor Qin.

Although he was criticized by thousands of people and despised by all the people at the time, under the social environment at that time, Emperor Qin had just unified the six countries. If anything went wrong, the unified situation of the world would fall apart. Emperor Qin also k - DayDayNews

As for the truth, can the traces of being run over by the wheel of history be discovered by the world?

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