In 1958, Peng Shilu returned to China from Moscow. It was in this year that Sino-Soviet relations took a turn. Khrushchev refused to provide nuclear submarine technology to China as promised. He also believed that China could not handle it. He said that the technology was complic

2024/06/2413:33:33 history 1381

In 1958, Peng Shilu returned from Moscow. It was this year that Sino-Soviet relations turned.

Khrushchev refused to provide nuclear submarine technology to China as promised. He also believed that China could not handle it, saying that the technology was complicated and expensive, and advised us not to do it.

As a big country, how can China rely on other countries for its own security? Faced with nuclear threats and nuclear blackmail, Chairman Mao firmly said: "It will take ten thousand years to build a nuclear submarine."

In 1958, Peng Shilu returned to China from Moscow. It was in this year that Sino-Soviet relations took a turn. Khrushchev refused to provide nuclear submarine technology to China as promised. He also believed that China could not handle it. He said that the technology was complic - DayDayNews

Peng Shilu had just graduated and returned to China, and was deeply affected by it. Encouraged by Chairman Mao's words, he quietly devoted himself to the research of nuclear submarines. In 1970, China's first nuclear submarine was finally born, and Peng Shilu was also called the "Father of China's Nuclear Submarine."

Speaking of Peng Shilu, we have to start with his father Peng Pai!

1. In a revolutionary family, like father, like son

The success of the Russian October Revolution had a great impact on a group of aspiring young people in China. In 1920, Peng Pai organized overseas students in Tokyo to establish the Chixin Society (symbolizing his loyalty to the motherland), and concentrated on studying the reasons for the success of the Russian Revolution; in the same year, Chairman Mao organized and established a cultural book club in Changsha, Hunan, and worked with his classmates Study and spread Marxism.

In 1958, Peng Shilu returned to China from Moscow. It was in this year that Sino-Soviet relations took a turn. Khrushchev refused to provide nuclear submarine technology to China as promised. He also believed that China could not handle it. He said that the technology was complic - DayDayNews

Peng Pai

The thoughts of great people are always so similar!

In May of 1921 (26 years old), Peng Pai returned to China. Despite his family's objections, he burned his own land deeds in public (this was as heroic as Chairman Mao's distributing land deeds to fellow villagers), and then went to the countryside alone to promote Marxism.

Because he was too bookish and was the son of a landlord, the initial publicity work was extremely unsatisfactory.

Peng Pai had to face family pressure at that time, and there were rumors about him in the countryside, but he was still full of enthusiasm. He changed his clean gown into ordinary peasant clothes, wore a bamboo hat, went barefoot, and went deep into the countryside to promote Marxism.

In July of the second year after returning to China, Peng Pai and six farmers formed the country's first farmers' association, the Six-person Farmers' Association.

With Peng Pai's outstanding ability and personal charm, the farmers' association quickly grew from 6 to 500 to 100,000 people, and then swept Guangdong.

In 1924, the Guangzhou Peasant Movement Training Institute was established, with the main purpose of cultivating a group of cadres for the peasant movement, and Peng Pai served as the director of the Peasant Movement Institute. It was not until 1926 that Chairman Mao succeeded Peng Pai as the sixth director. At the opening ceremony of the Sixth Agricultural Lecture Institute, Chairman Mao specially asked Peng Pai to deliver a speech.

After long-term practice in rural areas, Peng Pai's "Report on the Peasant Movement in Haifeng" was also used as the main teaching material at that time and was very popular. Of course, Chairman Mao's masterpiece "Analysis of All Classes in Chinese Society" was also used as a teaching material. .

Peng Pai's "Haifeng Peasant Movement" was deeply loved by Chairman Mao.

Chairman Mao carefully studied his book, successfully launched the peasant movement in Hunan, and also wrote the "Inspection Report on the Peasant Movement in Hunan".

That’s why Chairman Mao praised Peng Pai as the “king of the peasant movement”!

In 1958, Peng Shilu returned to China from Moscow. It was in this year that Sino-Soviet relations took a turn. Khrushchev refused to provide nuclear submarine technology to China as promised. He also believed that China could not handle it. He said that the technology was complic - DayDayNews

Peng Paihuan, Zhou Enlai and others participated in the Nanchang Uprising. After the failure, they retreated to Hailufeng and established China's first red regime - the Hailufeng Workers', Peasants and Soldiers Soviet Government!

On August 24, 1929, Peng Pai was betrayed by a traitor and was arrested by Kuomintang agents. After the incident, news quickly reached Premier Zhou, who also decided to "rob the court" to save people, and said: " Special Section Anyone who can shoot must participate."

In 1958, Peng Shilu returned to China from Moscow. It was in this year that Sino-Soviet relations took a turn. Khrushchev refused to provide nuclear submarine technology to China as promised. He also believed that China could not handle it. He said that the technology was complic - DayDayNews

Premier Zhou

In the end, an accident occurred Missing the time to save people, Peng Pai sang "The Internationale" and shouted "Down with imperialism!" and other slogans and died heroically. He was only 33 years old.

Teko decided to help Peng Pai take revenge!

The traitor Bai Xin had been hiding for several months before he dared to step out of Fan Zhengbo's mansion. As soon as he opened the car door, seven figures suddenly appeared from all around. After several gunshots, he finally avenged Peng Pai.

Although Peng Pai died, he left behind his precious spiritual wealth and his child Peng Shilu.

Children born into revolutionaries are destined to face more risks and sufferings than ordinary children. Peng Shilu, as the son of Peng Pai, suffered too much in his childhood. If he can survive it, he will definitely become a pillar of the country.

2. Peng Shilu’s suffering

In 1928, Peng Shilu’s mother Cai Suping died heroically. In 1929, his father Peng Pai was betrayed by a traitor and died heroically. Peng Shilu, who was only 4 years old, became an orphan.

In 1933, Chen Xingguang rebelled and betrayed Peng Shilu's residence information, and 8-year-old Peng Shilu was arrested.

In 1958, Peng Shilu returned to China from Moscow. It was in this year that Sino-Soviet relations took a turn. Khrushchev refused to provide nuclear submarine technology to China as promised. He also believed that China could not handle it. He said that the technology was complic - DayDayNews

When he was still a child, he was put into a ghastly cell!

not only lacks the care and protection of his parents, but also lives in a dark prison all day long. As a child, he is in his most playful period, but no one plays with him, he has no chance to play, he doesn’t have enough to eat, he doesn’t sleep well, and he has to face the pressure of adults.

In 1991, 66-year-old Peng Shilu returned to the stone fort site where he was once imprisoned. As soon as he walked to the cell where he lived, he cried and told the people accompanying him: I was beaten here back then.

In 1935, Peng Shilu was released and worked as a beggar. Later, he lived in the homes of revolutionary masses, hiding in Tibet, surviving on hundreds of meals, and helping with various farm work.

used to be from a landlord family, and his father studied abroad. If he had not died early, he would have received a good education at this time.

In 1936, 11-year-old Peng Shilu was arrested again. Fortunately, after the party's full rescue, he was soon released from prison.

In 1940, Zhou Enlai sent Long Feihu and He Yi to lead Peng Shilu and some children of martyrs to leave Guangdong.

When the Prime Minister saw him, he bent down and touched his head and said: My child, I finally found you.

Peng Shilu was arranged to study in the Middle School of Yan'an University. For Peng Shilu, this was not easy. His parents died early and he was imprisoned twice by the opposition. He has lived in Guangdong all year round. He only speaks Cantonese and cannot speak Mandarin. He cannot keep up in class.

Peng Shilu, who has suffered so much, will certainly not face this difficulty. Being intimidated, he worked extra hard to study, liked to "break the pot and ask for answers", and was good at drawing inferences from one example. This learning attitude laid the foundation for him to become a great scientist in the future.

In 1951, Peng Shilu passed the exam and became one of the first 300 students to study in the Soviet Union, starting his study abroad career.

3. Becoming the "Father of China's Nuclear Submarine"

Peng Shilu went to the Soviet Union to study with a mission. In order to live up to the money the country invested in him, he never took a break before twelve o'clock during his several years of studying in the Soviet Union. , studying for more than 16 hours a day, it can be said that I spend half my life studying.

In 1958, Peng Shilu returned to China from Moscow. It was in this year that Sino-Soviet relations took a turn. Khrushchev refused to provide nuclear submarine technology to China as promised. He also believed that China could not handle it. He said that the technology was complic - DayDayNews

Peng Shilu in the Soviet Union

In 1956, Peng Shilu successfully graduated from the Moscow Institute of Chemical Industry and Machinery with excellent results. And because the United States developed the world's first nuclear submarine (Nautilus) two years ago and put it into service, it is very lethal.

Chen Geng came to the Soviet Union at that time and asked Peng Shilu, who was about to graduate, if he was willing to change careers. Peng Shilu said without any hesitation: "As long as the motherland needs it, I am willing to do anything!"

Peng Shilu gave up his plan to return to China and devoted himself to the nuclear power industry. He returned to China in 1958 and worked at the Beijing Institute of Atomic Energy.

He firmly remembered Chairman Mao's words: "It will take ten thousand years to build a nuclear submarine!"

The fledgling Peng Shilu was appointed as the deputy director of the Nuclear Kinetic Energy Research Laboratory. His task was to design the most critical part of the nuclear submarine - nuclear reactor .

This was difficult, because at that time we had no idea about nuclear submarines. We only had five very blurry photos of foreign nuclear submarines, which could be regarded as "imagining out of thin air" and "making things behind closed doors."

The research conditions at that time were very poor. The first test site for the construction of atomic reactors, the "909" base, was very simple at first, and there was no bathroom. When encountering natural disasters, Peng Shilu said: "At that time, we were doing scientific research eating steamed cornstarch. Sometimes we couldn't even eat cornstarch, so we dug wild vegetables to eat."

In 1958, Peng Shilu returned to China from Moscow. It was in this year that Sino-Soviet relations took a turn. Khrushchev refused to provide nuclear submarine technology to China as promised. He also believed that China could not handle it. He said that the technology was complic - DayDayNews

Peng Shilu was working

There was no computer at that time, only a hand-operated calculator. Everyone used slide rule and abacus. Countless data were calculated day and night with these tools.

Peng Shilu often used it since he was a child. He was hungry and got stomach trouble early. During the final debugging phase of the nuclear submarine, Peng Shilu suffered from severe stomach pain and almost fainted. When he was sent to the hospital for examination, it was discovered that he had acute gastric perforation. In the end, three-quarters of his stomach needed to be drained. After the operation, his body had not fully recovered and he returned to work.

The hard work paid off. On August 30, 1970, China's first potential nuclear power device was successfully tested!

In 1958, Peng Shilu returned to China from Moscow. It was in this year that Sino-Soviet relations took a turn. Khrushchev refused to provide nuclear submarine technology to China as promised. He also believed that China could not handle it. He said that the technology was complic - DayDayNews

Peng Shilu was so happy. As for mentioning this incident to others many years later, he still laughed heartily: "It made me so excited that I couldn't sleep for five days and five nights! "

People praised Peng Shilu as the "Father of China's nuclear submarine" for his hard work and achievements. He modestly denied: "The success of China's nuclear submarine development is by no means something that can be achieved by one or two people. It is the collective wisdom. of crystallization. "

This is much greater than some businessmen being called godfathers and being complacent!

After the nuclear submarine was developed, he led the team to participate in the "728" project. Later, the first phase of the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant project was designed based on his design plan. Come out.

Scientists like this should be remembered by every Chinese, and Peng Shilu should be written into textbooks to let everyone know about his glorious history.

Peng Shilu was born in a revolutionary family. His family has contributed a lot to China. His father. Peng Pai, a family full of heroes, 7 people died for the revolution. Peng Shilu, as Peng Pai's son, also paid a lot for New China and made great contributions.

Chairman Mao was also grateful to their family. On November 16, 1956, Mao Zedong. When the chairman met with Zhou Feng at the Great Hall of the People, he cordially held her hand and said: "Peng Pai is our good comrade, and you are Peng Pai's good mother! ”

In 1958, Peng Shilu returned to China from Moscow. It was in this year that Sino-Soviet relations took a turn. Khrushchev refused to provide nuclear submarine technology to China as promised. He also believed that China could not handle it. He said that the technology was complic - DayDayNews

In the middle is Peng Pai’s mother

We cannot forget Peng Pai, nor can we forget Peng Pai’s son Peng Shilu!

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