In the early 1950s, economist Ma Yinchu was the president of Peking University. He wrote an article about his experience in physical exercise and sent it to the editorial office of Peking University Newspaper.

2024/06/2302:57:33 history 1767

Zhou Weiqiang

In the early 1950s, economist Ma Yinchu was the president of Peking University . He wrote an article about his experience in physical exercise and sent it to the editorial office of Peking University Newspaper. Jian Bozan, editor-in-chief of the journal, declined, saying that the Peking University journal was to be exchanged with foreign universities and the manuscript was not academic enough. Principal Ma had no choice but to take the article back. Ma Yinchu did not think that his principal's majesty was offended. This not only shows that Jian Bozan puts academics first, but also shows that Ma Yinchu respects academics and does not use the "official authority" of the principal to overwhelm others. The principal of

not only understands the dignity of academics, but also puts academics first in external communications. A story about Liu Wendian is also a good talk. Liu Wendian became the president of Anhui University, and Chiang Kai-shek came to power soon. Jiang wanted to increase his reputation, but Liu Wendian actually refused to invite Chiang to the school to "lecturing" him. Later, Liu refused to allow teachers and students to "welcome and see off Chiang in a proper manner" when he visited. At that time, Liu's famous saying "A university is not a government office" was circulated.

In the early 1950s, economist Ma Yinchu was the president of Peking University. He wrote an article about his experience in physical exercise and sent it to the editorial office of Peking University Newspaper. - DayDayNews

Mr. Cai Yuanpei.

A university is not a government office, so what is a university? In the 7th year of the Republic of China (1918), Cai Yuanpei wrote an article for "Peking University Monthly". President Cai Yuanpei said: "A great scholar is a school that covers all major schools."

When Mr. Cai said "all major schools are included," he meant the school The construction of educational and academic facilities and resources such as books. "Collecting many schools" naturally refers to professors with expertise. In order to recruit famous teachers, the principal even knelt down for a long time. In the twenty-seventh year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1901), Zhang Baixi presided over the Imperial Academy and recommended Wu Rulun, the leader of the Tongcheng School. In desperation, Zhang knelt down and said: "I am seeking a teacher for the whole country, and I am the disciple of the whole country. If the teacher does not come out, how can it be like China!" Famous scholars at that time Yang Renshan , Tu Jingshan , Wang Yaozhou, Yan Fu, Cai Yuanpei, etc. were all hired. Zhang Baixi is known as the "Father of Universities" in modern China. The later famous Peking University and Beijing Normal University had their origins in the Capital University.

In the early 1950s, economist Ma Yinchu was the president of Peking University. He wrote an article about his experience in physical exercise and sent it to the editorial office of Peking University Newspaper. - DayDayNews

Zhang Baixi, the “Father of Universities” in modern China.

Kuang Yaming was the president of Jilin University in the 1950s and 1960s and built a "professor building". A director of the General Affairs Department was assigned one of the buildings and got the key. When Principal Kuang found out, he immediately called the director and said seriously: "When this building was first built, I said it was a 'professor building' and should be allocated to professors. You should not be on a first-come-first-served basis. Month. I’m not saying that your house is already good and you shouldn’t live in it, but you can’t live in this building. You hand over the keys and you can move in later. “When building a building in a university, the first priority is to improve the living conditions of the professors. administrative officer. This is to create material conditions for "catching families", which is called living in peace and contentment.

Cai Yuanpei went on to say in this article published in the March issue of Peking University html: ""The Book of Rites·The Doctrine of the Mean" says that all things grow together without harming each other, and the Tao runs in parallel without contradicting each other. This is enough to describe... This general principle of freedom of thought, And the reason why a university is so big is. "In a letter to Lin Shu in the eighth year of the Republic of China (1919), Mr. Cai further elaborated: "First, regarding doctrine, follow the common practice of universities around the world and follow the principle of 'freedom of thought'. , adopt inclusiveness... No matter what school of thought, if what it says is reasonable and has reasons, but has not reached the fate of natural elimination, although it is opposite to each other, let it develop freely... 2. For teachers, use academic attainments The teachings in the school are based on opinions that do not violate the first type. The school has never questioned the freedom of speech and listening outside the school, and cannot take responsibility for it..." Hu Shi does China Public School. The principal’s story may be an annotation of Mr. Cai’s thoughts. Next to the walkway of China Public School Square, there are many wooden signs on the trees for students to post on the walls. Some of those posters had no party affiliation, some were members of the Kuomintang, some were leftist, and some were nationalist. Hu Shi treated everyone equally and allowed students to express their opinions. Once, there was a poster criticizing Hu Shi. The wording was very exaggerated. The school authorities wanted to tear it up, but Hu Shi refused, saying that he advocated freedom of speech and should set an example.

In the early 1950s, economist Ma Yinchu was the president of Peking University. He wrote an article about his experience in physical exercise and sent it to the editorial office of Peking University Newspaper. - DayDayNews

Cai Yuanpei’s appointment certificate as President of Peking University.

Cai Yuanpei said this, and his actions preceded his words. When Mr. Cai first arrived at Peking University, it was the early years of the Republic of China. Peking University students and senators and representatives of Congress were all guests of the famous Bada Hutong (prostitute area), the so-called "Two Houses and One Hall" ( Senate , House of Representatives, Peking University Hall) , infamous. During military drills, the instructor would add a sentence before calling the command: "Attention, gentlemen!" Students welcomed part-time teachers from the political and judicial circles, but showed little respect for full-time teachers. Because they want to have a backer in the political and judicial circles so that they can find a good job after graduation. The school has neither high-end entertainment nor student organizations. The students have no interest in learning except to cope with exams. In December of the fifth year of the Republic of China (1917), Cai Yuanpei was appointed president of Peking University. As soon as he took office the following year, he repeatedly emphasized that the university was neither an institution selling diplomas nor a place for imparting knowledge, but a place for studying academic theories. He warned students: Don’t regard promotion and wealth as a ladder in life, but regard academic research as your vocation. Later, three things were done: first, to recruit really knowledgeable professors such as Chen Duxiu and Hu Shi to "promote the study of knowledge and promote the society"; second, to "promote the virtue society to curb the habit of running around and wandering"; third, Advocate the establishment of student associations to develop a spirit of autonomy. The old and new are removed, and the school spirit has changed drastically.

Following Cai Yuanpei's idea of ​​"gathering together all the experts", Fu Sinian made in-depth thoughts on the appointment of university professors. Fu Sinian wrote "Several Issues in Reforming Higher Education" in the 21st year of the Republic of China (1932), saying : "The success or failure of a university depends on the competence of professors. Therefore, the qualifications and protection of university professors must be clearly stipulated and strictly enforced. In today's universities, professors are not invited based on their qualifications, and there is no reason to teach. This is really ancient and modern. It is a strange story that has never been seen before. Just so-called "foreign students" can be professors. If they do not suit the personal wishes of students, colleagues or principals, they can leave. If academic performance is not so important, how can there be a culture of mechanics in the university? "Fu Sinian? This article was published in the "Independent Review" No. 14 on August 28 this year. Fu founded the Institute of History and Philology of Academia Sinica and served as its director. He also served as a professor at Peking University. He later served as acting president of Peking University and president of National Taiwan University. He died suddenly of cerebral hemorrhage while serving as president of National Taiwan University.

In the early 1950s, economist Ma Yinchu was the president of Peking University. He wrote an article about his experience in physical exercise and sent it to the editorial office of Peking University Newspaper. - DayDayNews

Letter from Mr. Mei Yiqi .

A great scholar is not a building. Mei Yiqi’s words are now well known to everyone. This is what Mr. Mei said in his inaugural speech as the president of Tsinghua University in the 20th year of the Republic of China (1931). Mr. Mei's original words are: "The reason why a university is a university depends entirely on whether it has good professors. Mencius said: 'The so-called motherland does not mean that it has trees, but that it has ministers.' I can now As the saying goes: 'The so-called great scholar does not mean a building, but a master. '" The text of Mr. Mei's speech was published in the 341st issue of the "National Tsinghua University Journal" published on December 4 of that year. superior.

Mei Yiqi’s words, we have seen earlier versions. Mr. Mei's words may have come from there. When Gilman, the famous American university president, started planning for the establishment of Johns Hopkins University in 1872, he believed that in order to build a "good university", he must have "good professors" and that the foundation of a university lies in "people", not in "buildings". ", he has a three-word famous saying: "Man, not buildings." Chinese and foreign educators also have a consensus on universities and how to run them well.

Author introduction: Zhou Weiqiang, editor and reviewer. He is the author of "Twilight at Jimen: Essays on the History of the Yuan Dynasty", "The Artistic Conception of the Shulin", "The Master of the Snow-Sweeping House: A Biography of Qian Xuantong", "The Wind of Taibai: A Biography of Chen Wangdao", "The Back of Not Yet Far Away: Celebrities in Education and Culture and Hangzhou", "Shi Si" "With Wenxin", "Thinking", "Old News from Xuelin", "The Most Reminiscent of Hangzhou", "Commentary on Nineteen Ancient Poems", "Clouds in the Pen: Past Events Inscribed by Mr. Shen Yinmo", etc.

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