Every year in July and August, the college entrance examination results release season has become the busiest time for students. Except for a few who are recommended in advance, most students have to go through the anxious period of checking scores, choosing their favorite school

2024/06/2204:28:33 history 1428

In ancient times, there were titles on gold lists, but now there are top scorers in college entrance examinations. Every year in July and August, the college entrance examination results release season has become the busiest time for students. Except for a few who are recommended in advance, most students have to go through the anxious period of checking scores, choosing their favorite school, applying for admission, and waiting for the admission notice.

As the saying goes, some are happy and some are worried. Some who do not do well in the exam choose to continue to re-study next year, some choose a suitable school according to their own circumstances to continue their studies, and some simply join the melting pot of society. The situation of doing well in the exam is always the same, and parents cannot help but give a reward to their children who have studied hard for more than ten years. In addition to buying clothes, new mobile phones, computers and other study equipment, they will also hold a college entrance banquet to invite relatives, friends, teachers and classmates to celebrate.

Every year in July and August, the college entrance examination results release season has become the busiest time for students. Except for a few who are recommended in advance, most students have to go through the anxious period of checking scores, choosing their favorite school - DayDayNews

Others, compared with ancient times, the entrance banquets we hold now are a lot more monotonous. In order to celebrate high school, the ancients had many other ways besides the most basic entrance banquet. Let’s find out together below!

Ancient "College Entrance Examination" - Imperial Examination System

A long drought brings sweet rain, meeting an old friend in a foreign land; the night of flowers and candles in the bridal chamber, the time when the gold medal is named. Among the four great joys in life in the eyes of the ancients, gold list title occupies a particularly important role. In terms of importance, the title on the gold list should be ranked first. Because ancient scholars, especially those from poor families, wanted to achieve a class jump, they could only change their destiny through the imperial examination. After ten years of hard work, no one asked, he became famous all over the world in one fell swoop. This is a true portrayal of the society at that time when Fan Jin in " Fan Jin passed the exam " went crazy after passing the exam at the age of 54. Because going to high school often meant gaining both fame and fortune at that time.

The imperial examination system in ancient my country began in the Sui Dynasty . After the unification of the Sui Dynasty, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Yang Jian, in order to strengthen the central government's rule, returned the power of selecting officials to the central government, abolished the previous nine-level Zhongzheng system , and began to use examinations to select officials. It can be said that the establishment of the imperial examination system broke the monopoly of central power in the hands of wealthy gentry before the Sui Dynasty. A large number of students from common people and even poor families improved their status through their own efforts. After Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty Yang Guang succeeded to the throne, he established the Jinshi Branch and promoted the imperial examination system for selecting officials. This marked the official birth of our country's imperial examination system. It was not until the Tang Dynasty that the number one scholar appeared. Empress Wu Zetian won the first place in the imperial examination and was named the "number one scholar". To this day, "top scholar" is also a commendation for outstanding students.

Every year in July and August, the college entrance examination results release season has become the busiest time for students. Except for a few who are recommended in advance, most students have to go through the anxious period of checking scores, choosing their favorite school - DayDayNews

Now we divide the college entrance examination into two subjects: liberal arts and science. In the ancient imperial examination system, it was divided into two subjects: civil and military. Therefore, there is the saying that is the best in writing, is the best in martial arts. To put it simply, the ancient imperial examination results were divided into three grades: first, second and third. Only three people are chosen from the first class, the first one is "number one", the second one is "second place", and the third one is "third flower", they are called "Sanding A" and are awarded " Jinshi and "; the second class is based on the needs of the officialdom. No matter how many names you take, you will be given "Jinshi origin"; if you take any number of names in the top three, you will also be given " and the same Jinshi origin ".

Celebrations of the Ancients

Parade on Horseback:

After the palace examination of the ancient Dynasty, the results were announced, then announced to the world, and finally paraded on horseback. The new Jinshi were dressed in red and decorated, riding tall horses. There were crowds of people on both sides of the street, red flags were waving, gongs and drums were beating loudly, and it was a scene of endless scenery. In the Tang Dynasty, on this day, all the gardens in Chang'an City would be open to new scholars for everyone to visit.

Tang Dynasty poet Meng Jiao, after he passed the imperial examination at the age of 46, he left an eternal quatrain: "The spring breeze is so proud that the horse's hoof is sick, and I can see all the Chang'an flowers in one day."

Every year in July and August, the college entrance examination results release season has become the busiest time for students. Except for a few who are recommended in advance, most students have to go through the anxious period of checking scores, choosing their favorite school - DayDayNews

The title of Yanta:

The title of Yanta began in the Tang Dynasty.. According to legend, during the reign of Emperor Zhongzong of the Tang Dynasty, Zhang Ju, after becoming a Jinshi in high school, visited Ci'en Temple in the country. On a whim, he mentioned his name under the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. This move attracted latecomers to follow suit. Until the Qing Dynasty, new scholars regarded the title of Yan Pagoda as the most proud thing. The martial arts candidates of the Ming and Qing Dynasties inscribed their names at the Small Wild Goose Pagoda of Dajianfu Temple.

Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyiafter he passed the imperial examination at the age of 27, he left the poem "Under the Ci'en Pagoda, the youngest among the seventeen people."

Every year in July and August, the college entrance examination results release season has become the busiest time for students. Except for a few who are recommended in advance, most students have to go through the anxious period of checking scores, choosing their favorite school - DayDayNews

Eating, drinking and having fun, eating, drinking and having fun. In addition to having fun, of course eating and drinking are also indispensable. Among the celebrations of the ancients, the most famous one is undoubtedly the "Four Banquets of the Imperial Examination". The four imperial examination banquets refer to the Deer Ming Banquet, Qionglin Banquet, Yingyang Banquet and Huiwu Banquet. Among them, the Luming Banquet and Qionglin Banquet are liberal arts banquets; the Yingyang Banquet and the Huiwu Banquet are martial arts banquets.

The Imperial Examination Four Banquets

Deer Ming Banquet:
Deer Ming Banquet, started in the Tang Dynasty, is taken from "How about the deer's call, eating apples from the wild" in "Book of Songs". The Luming Banquet is a banquet set up for candidates who have passed the provincial examination. After the rural examination, a special banquet was held for the newly promoted candidates organized by the local parent officials, together with local squires, celebrities and others. At the banquet, pigs and sheep were slaughtered, accompanied by the sound of silk and bamboo orchestral music, and it got its name from the singing of the poem "Deer Ming".

The Luming Banquet is not only a celebration, but also an encouragement. It is hoped that candidates for the provincial examination can achieve the gold list in the subsequent joint examination and palace examination.

Qionglin Banquet:

Qionglin Banquet began in the Song Dynasty. Compared with the Luming Banquet, it can be called a state banquet. It was named because the banquet was held in the royal garden Qionglin Garden . Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin stipulated that after the palace examination, the emperor would announce the ranking of the Jinshi named on the gold list and give a banquet to celebrate, and then the Qionglin Banquet would begin. The new scholars had a drink with the current emperor and ministers, talked about the past and the present, and were in high spirits. It can be said to be the most glorious moment in life. In the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was renamed "Enrong Banquet", which was named after the grace and glory of the current saint.

Every year in July and August, the college entrance examination results release season has become the busiest time for students. Except for a few who are recommended in advance, most students have to go through the anxious period of checking scores, choosing their favorite school - DayDayNews

Compared with the liberal arts banquet, the martial arts banquet is much smaller in both scale and name. Many dynasties emphasized civility over military affairs, and sometimes they were not even held.

Eagle's Yang Banquet:

Eagle's Yang Banquet, taken from the line in the Book of Songs, "Wei Shi pays homage to his father, and Wei Ying Yang Yang" is a banquet held after the martial arts provincial examination results are announced. The scale is roughly similar to the Luming Banquet. . Xinju Wuju people celebrated with their parents and officials. There were many scenes of competition among masters during the banquet.

Martial Arts Banquet:

Martial Arts Banquet is a banquet held after the martial arts hall test results are released. It is held at the Ministry of War, and armors, waist knives, etc. will be awarded at the meeting. It is much larger than the Yingyang Banquet in terms of scale, specifications and pomp.

Every year in July and August, the college entrance examination results release season has become the busiest time for students. Except for a few who are recommended in advance, most students have to go through the anxious period of checking scores, choosing their favorite school - DayDayNews

From ancient times to the present, studying hard in the cold window is just to make it to high school one day. But the difference is that high school in ancient times means being able to enter the court and become an official, fly on a branch and become a phoenix, and the destiny of life will change from then on. But in today's society, entering college is only a stage in a person's life, and the rest of life needs to be achieved through continued hard work.

The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard!

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