In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Wangqinglin District Grassroots Court actively implemented the learning and publicity activities with the theme of "Strive forward on a new journey and build a new era" and carried ou

2024/05/2707:59:32 history 1038

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Wangqinglin District Grassroots Court actively implemented the learning and publicity activities with the theme of "Forging ahead on a new journey and building a new era of contributions", and carried out party day activities with the theme of welcoming the 20th National Congress of the Party.

htmlOn June 30, at 9 a.m., the flag-raising ceremony officially began. The national flag guard composed of bailiffs marched vigorously, held their heads high and had heroic postures, escorting the national flag to the flag-raising platform. The bright five-star red flag slowly rose along with the loud national anthem. All police officers were neatly dressed, full of energy, and saluted with attention. The national anthem inspired the patriotism of all police officers in the hospital, boosted their morale and enhanced their sense of professional honor.

Later, the Party Branch of Wangqinglin District Basic Court organized all party members and police officers to visit and study at the Wangqing Patriotic Education Center to commemorate the revolutionary martyrs, review the glorious history of the party, and receive patriotic education and revolutionary traditional education.

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Wangqinglin District Grassroots Court actively implemented the learning and publicity activities with the theme of

Under the bright red party flag, all party members raised their right hands and reviewed the oath of joining the party.

Entering the exhibition hall, the true scenes of the Anti-Japanese War were restored one by one, and the precious revolutionary cultural relics reflected the glorious history of our party and recorded the glorious moments of a nation. It allowed party members and police officers to better understand the heroic feats of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Forces soldiers who fought to the death with the Japanese invaders during those turbulent years.

Only if you don’t forget where you came from will you know where you are going. Through this event, the majority of party members expressed that they should follow the example of revolutionary martyrs, continue the spiritual blood of communists, always integrate loyalty and faith into the blood and soul, persevere in carrying forward the party's glorious tradition and fine style, and meet the new challenges with practical actions. The 20th National Congress of the Party was successfully held!

correspondent Xu Xiaoxiao

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