One day in 1950, Zhou Enlai came to Zhongnanhai Yi Niantang with a report. When he handed the report to Chairman Mao, he said: "Chairman, can you not kill Zhao Hongwenguo? She has made great contributions to the people. Just Give her a chance to change her ways!" Chairman Mao was

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One day in 1950, Zhou Enlai came to Zhongnanhai Yi Niantang with a report. When he handed the report to Chairman Mao, he said: "Chairman, can you not kill Zhao Hongwenguo , she has great influence on the people." Contribution, give her a chance to change her ways!"

Chairman Mao was silent for a while after listening to Zhou Enlai's words, and then slowly expressed his thoughts after a long time. It was Chairman Mao's idea that determined the fate of Zhao Hongwenguo and the future fate of her family.

So who is Zhao Hongwenguo? What unforgivable mistake did she make? Why did Zhou Enlai plead for her? How did Chairman Mao handle this matter?

One day in 1950, Zhou Enlai came to Zhongnanhai Yi Niantang with a report. When he handed the report to Chairman Mao, he said:

Zhao Hongwenguo

" Double Gun Old Woman" Zhao Hongwenguo

Zhao Hongwenguo's original name was Hongwenguo. He was born in a poor peasant family in 1880. In 1898, he married Zhao Yutang as his wife. Later, he took her husband's surname and changed her name. Zhao Hongwenguo. From 1905 to mid-1931, Zhao Hongwenguo gave birth to a total of 12 children. She advocated that boys should study and girls should not have their feet bound.

When dealing with family affairs, Zhao Hongwenguo advocated that everyone should work hard to live a good life, but she was not stingy with money and even advocated helping the poor, which was very influential among her neighbors. Especially when Zhao Hongwenguo thinks something is wrong, she will stand up and speak out. She also likes to fight against injustice, so she is very respected by the locals.

Back then, Japan and Russia went to war in Northeast China to compete for their interests in Northeast my country and North Korea. Zhao Hongwen was only a teenager at this time, and she was extremely dissatisfied with this. She believed that although the Russo-Japanese War did not directly fight China, the battlefield was on Chinese soil, and she believed this was an insult to our country.

Therefore, when the Japanese army occupied North Korea and began to invade the northeast, Zhao Hongwenguo mobilized the local people to organize a joint defense, build bunkers, buy guns for self-defense, and actively contribute money to do these things. In addition, Zhao Hongwenguo also sent his third son, Zhao Tong, to the Mudanjiang Police Station to serve as a police officer.

After the "September 18th Incident" broke out, the Japanese army occupied Northeast my country. Police Commissioner Deng Tiemei established the "Northeast People's Self-Defense Force", and Zhao Tong also became a soldier of the People's Self-Defense Force. Zhao Hongwenguo organized villagers to support the people's self-defense forces and actively participated in anti-Japanese activities.

One day in 1950, Zhou Enlai came to Zhongnanhai Yi Niantang with a report. When he handed the report to Chairman Mao, he said:

At that time, the anti-Japanese guerrillas in the Northeast were raging, and there were teams fighting the Japanese everywhere. This team was defeated, and new teams were established there. Under this circumstance, Zhao Hongwenguo organized villagers to participate in anti-Japanese activities, and took his son Zhao Zhong, daughter Zhao Liyong and some villagers to organize anti-Japanese guerrillas.

Zhao Hongwenguo used his family property as funding to mobilize the villagers in the village to participate in the fight against Japan and national salvation. The rich contributed money and the poor contributed people. After this team was formed, they would kill Japanese soldiers who were alone when they saw them, and begin armed mobilization after seizing weapons.

Zhao Hongwenguo, who is over fifty years old, runs around day and night, working tirelessly to protect her family and country. She has also grown from a rural woman who did not even dare to kill a chicken to an old lady with two guns.. Zhao Hongwenguo has practiced marksmanship very well, and he can hit wherever he points. It can be said that he is always on target.

The most important thing is that Zhao Hongwenguo cares deeply about the guerrillas. She often fights and lives with the team members. Zhao Hongwenguo once said this:

"I was originally an old lady with little knowledge and little ability, but I used my enthusiasm to influence the brothers and comrades in the guerrillas. I and them We live together and work together. I love them and help them, so we can work together and fight the Japanese army together!"

Later, because of Zhao Tong's relationship, the guerrillas organized by Zhao Hongwenguo aroused the suspicion of the Japanese army. On this day, more than 300 Japanese troops surrounded the Zhao family and captured Zhao Hongwenguo's family. When the Japanese army interrogated Zhao Hongwenguo, she said without fear: "You Japanese came to our country, robbed everything, and said that we Chinese were wrong and that our volunteers were bandits.If the volunteers were really bandits, then why didn't they go to Japan to rob? "

One day in 1950, Zhou Enlai came to Zhongnanhai Yi Niantang with a report. When he handed the report to Chairman Mao, he said:

Although the Japanese army tortured Zhao Hongwenguo, she always preferred death to surrender and refused to reveal a word. In this way, Zhao Hongwenguo was locked up in a bunker by the Japanese army. After countless tortures, she still could not find any questions. The Japanese army failed to Zhao Hongwenguo got strong information from her mouth and there was no evidence, so she had to be imprisoned.

More than three months later, Zhao Hongwenguo took advantage of the lax Japanese guard post and miraculously escaped.

In early July 1937, Zhao Hongwenguo escaped. Zhao Hongwenguo was very angry when she learned that the Japanese army would attack Peking. Then Zhao Hongwenguo began to organize a group of young people and college students to buy pistols, bullets, uniforms, etc., and began to organize guerrillas. Team.

The day before the Marco Polo Bridge " July 7th Incident ", Zhao Tong also came to Zhao Hongwenguo. They found a hiding place in Peiping City and then began to transport guns and other items. As we all know, transporting guns is not a good idea. A simple matter, so who should I hand it over to?

At this moment, Zhao Hongwenguo stood up. She took the initiative to take on this task and said: "I am an old woman, even if I am caught by the enemy. It doesn't matter whether he lives or is shot. "

Zhao Hongwenguo was personally responsible for transporting guns and ammunition out of Peiping. During the transportation process, she did not let a young man come to help. Zhao Hongwenguo was wearing shabby clothes and carrying a tattered basket. There were tattered bedding and old trousers outside. Two thousand yuan of arms were transported out of the city by Zhao Hongwenguo.

One day in 1950, Zhou Enlai came to Zhongnanhai Yi Niantang with a report. When he handed the report to Chairman Mao, he said:

However, it didn't take long for the Japanese army to occupy Peiping, and Zhao Hongwenguo had to escort the young people who joined the guerrillas. Out of the city. This time Zhao Hongwen was smart about Chinese studies. She hired two old ladies and told them: "Every time you take a few young people out of the city, if you are questioned by someone, just say they are your nephews..."

old lady In addition to taking the young people out of the city, they also had to carry guns and ammunition. They hid the guns in their baggage and quilts to prevent them from being discovered by the enemy.

Once, Zhao Hongwenguo set out with two other old ladies, and she also brought them. A suitcase of bullets. When the three were about to leave the city, a policeman came to them and asked, "Where are you going?" "

Zhao Hongwenguo hurriedly replied: "We don't know, isn't this an escape, where is it? The policeman continued to ask: "Isn't this a bit unreliable?" "

Zhao Hongwenguo said: "Are you still afraid of what we three old ladies can do? If you want something, take the tattered quilt from this box! " Under the cover of Zhao Hongwenguo, the police let them go.

After that, the guerrillas developed faster and faster, from a few hundred people at the beginning to several thousand people. Soon after, Zhao Hongwenguo took this group The team was named "National Anti-Japanese Army", with Zhao Tong as its commander.

In the spring of 1938, Zhao Hongwenguo's eldest son was unfortunately captured in a battle, and the Japanese army brutally killed him. When Zhao Hongwenguo learned about this, he was heartbroken. But it also aroused her hatred of the country and her family. In the battle of Qinggaoling in the Taihang Mountains, the National Anti-Japanese Army led by Zhao Hongwenguo won a complete victory, killing 33 people including the Japanese squad leader Miura Kazu, and captured and wounded 22 puppet policemen. .

One day in 1950, Zhou Enlai came to Zhongnanhai Yi Niantang with a report. When he handed the report to Chairman Mao, he said:

" Ta Kung Pao " reported the news of Zhao Hongwenguo's ambush of the Japanese army. Later, her anti-Japanese guerrilla group was reorganized into the first detachment of our Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region. Zhao Hongwenguo served as the deputy commander and chief of staff of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region. Commander Nie Rongzhen personally met and praised Zhao Hongwenguo.

Under the leadership and strong cooperation of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region, Zhao Hongwenguo's team set up an ambush and attacked the Japanese army. Zhao Hongwenguo also became famous and was called "" The old woman with two guns.

From standing beside the people to standing opposite the people

In the spring of 1940, Zhao Hongwenguo was received by Chiang Kai-shek as an anti-Japanese hero.Chiang Kai-shek took a group photo with Zhao Hongwenguo and personally wrote the words "Mother of Guerrilla" to her. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Chiang Kai-shek, in order to win over Zhao Hongwenguo, named her Lieutenant General Commander-in-Chief of the "Second Route Appeasement Headquarters in the Hebei Reliao Border Region".

Faced with Chiang Kai-shek's appointment, Zhao Hongwenguo burst into tears of gratitude and vowed to follow Chiang Kai-shek and serve him. And Zhao Hongwenguo also turned against the people because of her wrong choice, and she gradually became a confidant of Chiang Kai-shek.

At the same time, Zhao Hongwenguo thought to himself: "The Communist Party is so poor, what's the benefit of following them? Now the Japanese are getting worse and worse, and the world will still belong to the national army in the future. It's better to follow Chiang Kai-shek, that's the way out!" In this way, the ungrateful Zhao Hongwenguo personally pulled out a reactionary armed force.

In the autumn of 1949, the People's Liberation Army liberated the north, and Zhao Hongwenguo had no choice but to flee to Chongqing with his whole family. Not long after, Jiang Jingguo came to Zhao Hongwenguo's residence and read a letter of appointment to her. Upon learning that the "Prince" was coming in person, Zhao Hongwenguo quickly burned incense and offered sacrifices before going to accept the appointment.

One day in 1950, Zhou Enlai came to Zhongnanhai Yi Niantang with a report. When he handed the report to Chairman Mao, he said:

Chiang Ching-kuo held up a letter of appointment and said:

"Hereby appoints Zhao Hongwenguo as the Second Route Appeasement Commander of the Southwest 'anti-communist' guerrillas. I hope that Guixiling can inspire the anti-Japanese spirit, carry forward the guerrilla experience, expand the 'anti-communist' army, and establish new achievements." !"

Zhao Hongwenguo took the letter of appointment with both hands, and then said: "Please tell the committee that you are grateful for the promotion, and please remember that I am an old man. I will definitely do my best for the party and the country! "

On that day, Zhao Hongwenguo took his son, son-in-law and a large group of confidants, holding a letter of appointment and the guns and ammunition presented by Chiang Kai-shek, to the western Sichuan plain, preparing to cooperate with Chiang Kai-shek in the Chengdu Metropolitan War.

The Chengdu metropolitan battle was Chiang Kai-shek's wishful decision. The 18th Corps of the People's Liberation Army crossed the Qinba mountains and approached Chengdu. Subsequently, the Second Field Army liberated eastern Sichuan and southern Sichuan. Chiang Kai-shek's designated Chengdu Metropolitan Battle Force was either defeated by our army or voluntarily surrendered. The liberation of Sichuan Province was just around the corner.

Seeing the Kuomintang's defeat, Zhao Hongwenguo sighed and said: "What should we do, what should we do! No, no, no, the national army can withstand even the Japanese army, why can't it defeat the Communist Party!" At this time, Zhao Hongwenguo has not given up yet. She still hopes that she and the Kuomintang can make a comeback.

On December 19, 1949, the 16th Army of the People's Liberation Army captured Kuomintang Lieutenant General Song Xilian at the Jinkou River in Emei. When Zhao Hongwenguo learned the news, her face turned pale instantly, but Zhao Hongwenguo still did not give up. She did not think that the Kuomintang would fail.

One day in 1950, Zhou Enlai came to Zhongnanhai Yi Niantang with a report. When he handed the report to Chairman Mao, he said:

Soon after, Zhao Hongwenguo asked for help from Dong Songheng, the commander of the 16th Corps of the Kuomintang stationed in Guanghan. Faced with Zhao Hongwenguo's request for help, Dong Songheng said: "I have no choice. Now that the Kuomintang is gone, if we resist, we can only be used as artillery fire. Our only way out is to take the path of uprising."

Dong Songheng paused. He continued: "You also made a lot of contributions during the Anti-Japanese War. If you join the uprising with me and surrender to the Communist Party, maybe the Communist Party will forget about it and let you spend your remaining years in peace."

I thought Zhao Hongwen would agree to it, but he didn't expect it. She was very loyal to Chiang Kai-shek. She smashed the cigarette pot on the table and scolded: "Chairman of the Chairman and I have always treated you well. This is the time when the party and country's soldiers are serving the country with loyalty and dedication. How can you be so afraid of death?" , betray him at this time? Okay, if you betray, do it yourself. My double-gun old lady will never betray the party and the country or the chairman of the committee!"

Zhao Hongwenguo couldn't find a backer, so she had to bring her family to Shifang County. Near the Red and White Square in Sanhe Township, what was surprising was that she was actually welcomed by Ma Julin, the famous local land bully leader. After the People's Liberation Army liberated Chengdu, Shifang County declared peaceful liberation and established a "Liberation Committee." Ma Julin became a committee member, but he was very confused and didn't know where to go. The arrival of Zhao Hongwenguo made him very happy, as if he had found the backbone.

Zhao Hongwenguo noticed Ma Julin's uneasiness. She said: "I have been traveling around for decades, dealing with the Japanese army, the National Army, and the Communist Party. In my opinion, the National Army is better. , People like you belong to the feudal exploiting class. The Communist Party will give you some sweets first, and soon..."

Zhao Hongwenguo did not finish speaking, but she made a shooting gesture, which also made Ma Julin stunned. , just kept saying: "I will obey all your instructions, Mrs. Zhao." In this way, Zhao Hongwenguo lurked in Sanhe Township.

One day in 1950, Zhou Enlai came to Zhongnanhai Yi Niantang with a report. When he handed the report to Chairman Mao, he said:

Zhou Enlai interceded for Chiang Kai-shek’s cronies. How should Chairman Mao deal with it?

On February 5, 1950, with the sound of a gunshot at Longtan Temple in the northeast of Chengdu, large-scale banditry broke out in western Sichuan. Zhao Hongwenguo believed that the time had come, so he issued orders in Sanhe Township, Shifang County, and randomly appointed officials to the gangsters who came to seek refuge. Zhao Hongwenguo appointed hundreds of people as "commanders" and "regiment leaders", and many bandits claimed to be under the jurisdiction of Zhao Hongwenguo.

The day after Zhao Hongwenguo officially pulled the flags, she killed more than 20 cadres and staff of the Sanhe Township Farmers' Association, and instructed the gangsters to bury more than 10 food collection team members alive.

In addition, Zhao Hongwenguo also directed the gangsters to organize reactionary armed forces to fight a decisive battle with our army. In a decisive battle, a company of the People's Liberation Army was surrounded by Zhao Hongwen's troops, which also resulted in the heroic sacrifice of seven soldiers of our army.

In view of Zhao Hongwenguo's various evil deeds, our army decided to wipe him out.

The first crackdown took place on January 27, 1950.

At that time, Wu Shaokang, deputy commander of the 62nd Army Independent Division, led a regiment, a battalion of the 554th Regiment of the 185th Division, a total of 4 battalions. With the cooperation of the 364th Regiment of the 16th Army Rebellion, they attacked the rebels gathered in Shifang County, Pengxian County and other places. Zhao Hongwen's National Bandit Division launched an encirclement and suppression campaign.

On January 30, the People's Liberation Army launched a full-scale attack on Zhao Hongwen's bandit headquarters. However, due to the heavy rain, our army only annihilated a few bandits, and the remaining bandits scattered and fled. Not long after, Zhao Hongwen's bandit unit returned to the Hongbaichang area to harm the local people.

It is ironic to say that in order to fight against the Japanese army, Zhao Hongwenguo organized the people in the Red and White Square area and protected them, but now he wants to endanger the local people.

One day in 1950, Zhou Enlai came to Zhongnanhai Yi Niantang with a report. When he handed the report to Chairman Mao, he said:

Li Youjun

The second crackdown took place on February 24, 1950. The bandit suppression troops successfully trapped Zhao Hongwen's bandit headquarters in the Hongbaichang area. After the battle started, participating troops of our army rushed over from all directions. Li Youjun, the battalion commander of the 1st Battalion of the 537th Regiment of the 179th Division, led his troops on a small road and marched more than 50 kilometers before reaching the vicinity of Hongmiaochang and Baimiaochang.

As soon as Li Youjun arrived here, he heard fierce gunfire from the south side of Hongmiaogou. He immediately judged that the gangsters had started fighting with their brother troops. So Li Youjun ordered a platoon of the third company to be an assault platoon. Company commander Liu Zhiquan led two squads of troops to quietly approach the bamboo rope bridge, and then launched a fierce attack on the bandits along the bridge.

After more than ten minutes of fierce fighting, the soldiers successfully destroyed the command center of Zhao Hongwenguo's bandit headquarters, but it was a pity that the bandit leader Zhao Hongwenguo took advantage of the chaos and escaped. After the battle, our army killed and injured more than 1,000 bandits and captured more than 3,000 people, severely damaging Zhao Hongwen's bandit corps.

Our army learned from the captured bandits that Zhao Hongwenguo had fled back to Hongmiaozi to hide, and then ordered Company Commander He Jianji, who was located in Hongmiao Township, , to lead his troops to carry out a cleanup. He Jianji was the company commander of the 1st Battalion and 1st Company of the 364th Regiment of the 123rd Division of the 16th Corps during the uprising. After the uprising, he actively supported the anti-bandit policy of our party and our army, and was therefore selected to lead his headquarters in the anti-bandit campaign.

html On March 2, when He Jianji was checking his household registration, he found many business cards of Zhao Hongwenguo in the home of a man named Yu, which also aroused his great suspicion. He Jianji immediately interrogated Yu, and Yu said hesitantly: "These are not mine, I picked them up from the street."

One day in 1950, Zhou Enlai came to Zhongnanhai Yi Niantang with a report. When he handed the report to Chairman Mao, he said:

He Jianji saw that the other party was hesitant and concluded that he was hiding something, so he sent someone to Yu A search was carried out at XX's home, but Zhao Hongwenguo was not found after a thorough search.At this time, He Jianji found a tall building without a ladder, and he immediately led his soldiers to climb over from the house of the fellow next door.

In the dark room, He Jianji found an old woman lying on the bed, her face pale and looking sick. He Jianji took out Zhao Hongwenguo's photo and compared it, confirming that she was Zhao Hongwenguo himself, and then asked her: "Are you the old lady Zhao?" Zhao Hongwenguo could not deny it at all. In this way, the sensational "old lady with two guns" was caught .

Because Zhao Hongwen had made great contributions to the country's resistance against Japan, after she was captured, the army chief told her to treat her preferentially and try to influence her. Zhao Hongwenguo was arranged to live in a courtyard, with her door open, and she could sleep and sit whenever she wanted, without any restraint.

In addition, the head of the army also made special instructions:

First, take care of her life;

Second, monitor her actions to prevent suicide;

Third, do her ideological work and persuade her to give her son and Other gangsters wrote letters, laid down their weapons and surrendered.

Zhao Hongwenguo didn't speak at first, and she didn't eat the food given to her. Later, she was still hungry for a long time before she would eat. The comrade who took care of Zhao Hongwenguo told her to ask the kitchen to cook whatever she wanted to eat.

One day in 1950, Zhou Enlai came to Zhongnanhai Yi Niantang with a report. When he handed the report to Chairman Mao, he said:

While guarding Zhao Hongwenguo, Comrade Han Caiyun from the Enemy Industry Department of our army repeatedly did her ideological work and said to her:

"The Communist Party and the People's Liberation Army are the saviors of liberating the people and have won the support of the people. You should follow us now The Communist Party is leaving. Chiang Kai-shek is the public enemy of the people. He has committed an unforgivable crime. The Chiang Kai-shek regime is finished. Why do you still want to be loyal to him?

You should give your troops an order to stop killing people. "Hurry up and put down your weapons and surrender. Chairman Mao always treats prisoners preferentially."

Zhao Hongwenguo thought for a moment and said, "It's okay for me to surrender, but I have to talk to Commander-in-Chief He Long personally, and you have to agree to three conditions." "Han Caiyun was silent for a while, and then said: "What conditions do you have, tell me."

Zhao Hongwenguo said: "First, give each of my troops a pair of shoes immediately. They don't have any in the mountains. Shoes to wear; secondly, carve out a territory for my troops; thirdly, my troops must be managed by myself."

Soon after, Han Caiyun reported the three conditions proposed by Zhao Hongwenguo to the central government, and the central government not long afterward reported them. Come: "The first and second conditions can be agreed, but the third condition is absolutely impossible. The insurrectionary troops must be centralized and educated by us. This is our policy and regulations."

One day in 1950, Zhou Enlai came to Zhongnanhai Yi Niantang with a report. When he handed the report to Chairman Mao, he said:

The central government gave Zhao Hongwen three days. Considering the time, she was asked to write a letter to her troops and son to ask them to surrender, but it was a pity that Zhao Hongwenguo refused to write a letter. On March 29, 1950, the People's Liberation Army captured Zhao Hongwenguo's son Zhao Lianzhong alive. At this point, Zhao Hongwenguo's bandit gang was completely wiped out.

During the interrogation of Zhao Hongwenguo, she also imagined that she could go out and open a quilt factory, be the director of the factory herself, and invite comrades from our army to be political commissars. In prison, Zhao Hongwenguo did not forget to appoint others to official positions to please his comrades in the army.

Zhao Hongwenguo did not want to die, but local people petitioned to kill her, especially the family members of those she killed. Facing the people's petition, the local government was also very embarrassed and had to report the matter to Premier Zhou Enlai.

On this day, Zhou Enlai came to Zhongnanhai Yi Niantang with a report. When he handed the report of the people's petition to Chairman Mao, he said: "Chairman, how should Zhao Hongwen deal with it? She had it during the Anti-Japanese War." She has merit, but after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, she did many things that were detrimental to the people. I wonder if we can give her a leniency and let her change her ways."

Chairman Mao heard this. Silent, and then said after a long time: "Enlai, Zhao Hongwenguo must be shot, but we must treat her family members well. Those who have been arrested can be released as long as they have not committed any major mistakes."

One day in 1950, Zhou Enlai came to Zhongnanhai Yi Niantang with a report. When he handed the report to Chairman Mao, he said:

Zhao Hongwenguo was escorted to the execution ground

It is well known that Chairman Mao treats prisoners leniently, but Chairman Mao will never be soft-hearted towards those who have harmed the people.

On July 4, 1950, Zhao Hongwenguo was shot. 71 years old. Zhao Hongwenguo once stood with the people, which created her legend; later she betrayed the people and received the due punishment.

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