The reason why prostitutes are called prostitutes is because they live in a dirty place in the eyes of the world. Among these girls, some fell into prostitution because they had no choice but to make a living.

2024/05/2020:16:33 history 1100

The reason why prostitutes are called prostitutes is because they live in a dirty place in the eyes of the world. Among these girls, some fell into prostitution because they had no choice but to make a living. - DayDayNews

The reason why prostitutes are called prostitutes is because they live in a dirty place in the eyes of the world. Among these girls, some fell into prostitution because they had no choice but to make a living. These women are undoubtedly poor people. Especially in troubled times, promiscuous women are completely helpless and have no way to decide their own destiny.

During the Republic of China, the order in Fengyue Field was particularly chaotic. In fact, it is easy to understand when you think about it. At that time, most people in society had too much time to take care of themselves. Who had the time to care about the affairs of the romantic field? Therefore, the life of romantic women during the Republic of China was even more miserable.

The reason why prostitutes are called prostitutes is because they live in a dirty place in the eyes of the world. Among these girls, some fell into prostitution because they had no choice but to make a living. - DayDayNews

In 1939, a prostitute was trapped in a cellar for two full years. When she was hooked out by the iron hook two years later, the look was really horrible to watch. This promiscuous woman is considered a red girl, the number one in the romantic field, but she still experienced such bad luck.

was abducted and fell, and met his beloved

During the Republic of China, the Shili foreign market was different from the chaos and bloodshed in the outside world. There was always an atmosphere of drunkenness and wealth here. The people here were like "business girls who don't know the hatred of subjugating their country." ", the flowers in the backyard are still singing across the river", as if they are isolated from the chaos of the outside world, only indulging in the romance of wind, flowers, snow and moon.

The reason why prostitutes are called prostitutes is because they live in a dirty place in the eyes of the world. Among these girls, some fell into prostitution because they had no choice but to make a living. - DayDayNews

In Shanghai at that time, there was a very powerful man named Li Baosheng. He opened a very famous brothel, and almost all dignitaries would come here. And the red girl is the number one in his romantic field, the most popular among the guests. The red girl has beautiful appearance and rich talents. She is his best-selling product here.

In fact, before the red girl became the red girl, she was just a girl with very romantic feelings, and she liked handsome guys very much. Her ears were very soft, and she liked to listen to sweet words. This characteristic caused the greatest tragedy in her life.

The reason why prostitutes are called prostitutes is because they live in a dirty place in the eyes of the world. Among these girls, some fell into prostitution because they had no choice but to make a living. - DayDayNews

She was seduced by others, deceived by men, and trafficked to a romantic place in Shanghai. had just arrived in this strange and scary place. Her heart was full of fear, and she was very resistant to everything that was about to happen. But how strong can a weak woman be in resisting? Everyone here is pushing her, and every day makes her feel on pins and needles.

Finally, under mental oppression and torture, she changed from an innocent girl to a red girl. The red girl knew that her life was completely ruined, so she no longer had any extravagant hopes for love. She treats everyone who comes here as a guest and does everything she needs to do, but she will never have the slightest emotion.

The reason why prostitutes are called prostitutes is because they live in a dirty place in the eyes of the world. Among these girls, some fell into prostitution because they had no choice but to make a living. - DayDayNews

Before meeting Mr. Wang, Miss Hong always thought so. It's a pity that the appearance of Mr. Wang broke all the rules of the red girl. Mr. Wang is a young and handsome man, and he is very gentle and considerate, and he always makes the red girl feel extremely warm. She had never had hope in a man again, and she saw a long-lost hope in Mr. Wang.

So Miss Hong went to tell Li Baosheng that she wanted to be a good person, and from then on she followed Mr. Wang wholeheartedly.

Imprisoned in a dungeon and subjected to inhuman torture

When Li Baosheng heard Miss Hong's words, he was simply in disbelief. He couldn't understand at all why a woman who had lived in a romantic world for so long would still have such unrealistic fantasies about men. What's more, Miss Hong is his cash cow here, and there is absolutely no way he will let her go.

The reason why prostitutes are called prostitutes is because they live in a dirty place in the eyes of the world. Among these girls, some fell into prostitution because they had no choice but to make a living. - DayDayNews

So Li Baosheng first tried to persuade Miss Hong. He said: "You have been here with me for so long, and there is absolutely no way I can harm you. I have seen many such things. None of these men are good. You follow me." He will definitely be wronged in the future. At that time, no one will be like me and come to comfort you without caring about anything."

Li Baosheng tried to persuade Miss Hong to give up this idea. But the girl's attitude was very firm. She told Li Baosheng: "I know Mr. Wang very well, and I believe that he will never do anything to feel sorry for me.Don't worry, even if I leave here, I will definitely regard you as my benefactor and will never forget to honor you. "

The reason why prostitutes are called prostitutes is because they live in a dirty place in the eyes of the world. Among these girls, some fell into prostitution because they had no choice but to make a living. - DayDayNews

refused to eat the soft ones, so Li Baosheng started to eat the hard ones. Two days later, Miss Hong still insisted on leaving, so Li Baosheng picked up the stool on the side and threw it at her. After throwing the stool, he still couldn't get over his anger, Li Baosheng He took out the whip on the side and whipped the girl hard. The girl was beaten to pieces, and she could only breathe.

Li Baosheng imprisoned the girl in the dungeon and ignored her at all. He only gave her some food every day. The leftovers went in, and it didn’t matter whether Miss Hong had eaten or not, let alone whether she was dead or alive. It was 1939, and a living person just disappeared. But due to Li Baosheng’s power, no one dared. Find out more about the whereabouts of the red girl.

Mr. Wang, who was very admired by the red girl, has already had a new love and has forgotten the past here.

The reason why prostitutes are called prostitutes is because they live in a dirty place in the eyes of the world. Among these girls, some fell into prostitution because they had no choice but to make a living. - DayDayNews

The corpse appeared and was extremely corrupt.

In 1941, a man came here and finally discovered the place. There was a stench coming from underneath. Some people couldn't help but turned the dungeon upside down and found a corpse inside. When people hooked the corpse out, they found that the corpse was decomposed. It was so difficult to see the face, and the body was covered with maggots, and the stench almost made people vomit.

After everyone identified it, this body was the girl Hong who had disappeared for two years. Li Baosheng saw it. Miss Hong's body was dug up, and he was not afraid at all. Anyway, these girls were the ones who signed the contract of sale, and he had the right to decide whether they lived or died.

The reason why prostitutes are called prostitutes is because they live in a dirty place in the eyes of the world. Among these girls, some fell into prostitution because they had no choice but to make a living. - DayDayNews

In the end, it was still up to him. At that time, one of Miss Hong's little sisters couldn't stand it anymore, so she used her own money to buy a straw mat for poor Miss Hong, and asked someone to put her body in place. In fact, it was said to be a resettlement. It's just like putting it in a mass grave.


Li Baosheng's behavior of abusing people and killing people is so obvious, but at this time, the law cannot restrain him at all. He is a powerful person who can be above the law.

The reason why prostitutes are called prostitutes is because they live in a dirty place in the eyes of the world. Among these girls, some fell into prostitution because they had no choice but to make a living. - DayDayNews

This is the Republic of China. There is no romance as everyone thinks, only a ten-mile foreign business. Women in the Republic of China have no control over themselves.

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