When I glanced at the title, I thought it was a bit offbeat. After all, there are so many things to write about, including hundreds of kilometers of colorful mountains, rivers and fields, and quaint and beautiful towns and villages along the way.

2024/06/0822:03:33 history 1164

When I glanced at the title, I thought it was a bit offbeat. After all, there are so many things to write about, including hundreds of kilometers of colorful mountains, rivers and fields, and quaint and beautiful towns and villages along the way. - DayDayNews

I glanced at this title and thought it was a bit offbeat. After all, there are so many things to write about. There are hundreds of kilometers of colorful mountains, rivers and fields, and simple and beautiful villages along the way. There are more stories about Youshan, including the secret traffic station in Leta, Zhu Yimei's bravery in saving the Red Army, the courage of red traffic officer Li Guihua in rescuing Chen Yi, and the story of Chen Yi's family reciprocating the truth after liberation. The story of Xiang Ying and Youshan's "three old cousins", Zeng Jicai's heroic deeds of becoming more courageous, firm in his faith, and dedicating himself to the revolution despite setbacks, the 1.7 million-year-old Bole tree seen at Youshan Cadre College...

Of course, there are also the eloquent writings written by Chen Yi The 324-word Gannan Guerrilla Ci can be called the soul of Youshan Red Scenic Spot. Each scenic spot has a stele depicting Gannan Guerrilla Ci. Don’t you think it fully complies with Wen Yiduo’s “ three beauties ” principle of poetry? ? It talks about the guerrilla environment, guerrilla conditions, guerrilla discipline, guerrilla tactics, guerrilla missions and ideals, guerrilla support and backing, and the enemy's means of encirclement and suppression. It can be called a historical picture of the three-year guerrilla war between Jiangxi and Guangdong. It has the foundation of Book of Songs , the charm of poetry, the form of words, the flavor of allegro , and is a proper "Chen Yi Style".

In fact, the "Three Caves" of Chen Yi I talked about are all in the Youshan Guerrilla Secret Passage. If you take a quick look at them, wouldn't they just be gray and rusty old cultural relics? It's just a red label. If you only see it as a relic and carrier of Chen Yi's revolutionary activities, but do not have the vision to see through these ordinary cultural relics, then it will make no difference whether you come to Youshan or not. But when I walked over the mountains and ridges to complete this 5-kilometer winding guerrilla secret road, what amazed me was not the nearly vertical 83-step boardwalk, but the two grottoes and a wooden house next to the secret road. The first cave is only a few dozen meters away from the mountain entrance and is used for sentry. The second cave is close to the side corner of the long curtain-like waterfall at the top of the mountain. This can be used for hiding and meeting. The roar of the waterfall can cover up the sound inside the cave. Next to the wooden board halfway up the mountain is The side of the papermaking workshop greenhouse that has existed for a long time in Youshan is also Chen Yi's hiding place.

In fact, the hiding places for Red Army soldiers include shacks with bark or weeds as roofs on the roadside, and even among the trees and shrubs in Youshan. Chen Yi's wisdom can be seen from this. Whether he is hiding in a cave near the top of the mountain, or in a shack or in the woods, when the White Army comes, there are reports from sentries scouting in caves near the mountain pass, as well as reports from old men in the papermaking workshop. , can the White Army still catch him? By the time the enemies were frightened and climbed such a steep mountain road, they would have disappeared without a trace. Before leaving, a shuttle could knock down a few of them. Therefore, despite going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, and almost dying, one can always turn disaster into good fortune and turn disaster into good fortune. Even if the enemy resorted to emigrating and merging villages, setting up joint security forces, and building blockades at all levels, and tens of thousands of people gathered to loot and burn mountains, they could not do anything to Chen Yi, because he had the protection of the people. They may work in groups of three or five, deeply hidden and rooted among the masses; or they may use their profession as a cover to do mass work skillfully.

When I glanced at the title, I thought it was a bit offbeat. After all, there are so many things to write about, including hundreds of kilometers of colorful mountains, rivers and fields, and quaint and beautiful towns and villages along the way. - DayDayNews

While dispersed and concealed, the Red Army soldiers adopted the tactics of "appearing elusive and surprising the enemy" and "sparrow tactics, the eagle catches the chicken" to proactively attack the enemy's relatively empty central strongholds or rear areas, attacking the local reactionary militia and suppressing the enemy. Some local tyrants and evil gentry seized large quantities of guns and ammunition. As early as March 1935, Xiang Ying and Chen Yi led their troops to go south to Fujian and were blocked. With the help of Zeng Jicai, they came to Youshan to meet up with Li Letian, Yang Shangkui and others, and then transferred to Beishan. In mid-April, they arrived in Dayu County. A meeting of military and political cadres was held in Changling Village. The meeting formulated the policy of "relying on the masses, persisting in struggle, accumulating strength, creating conditions, and welcoming a new revolutionary upsurge." It was determined to rely on the Nanling Mountains and use Youshan and Beishan as the main base areas. , insist on long-term guerrilla war .

This created conditions for Xiang Ying and Chen Yi to build the Youshan guerrilla secret tunnel and the secret tunnel "Three Caves". Only with "Caves" can you have a home, and only with a home can you be stable. The so-called "Three Caves" of Chen Yi are the "Three Caves" of the Red Army. .Chen Yi was kind, modest, kind and open-minded. He accepted and reused Zeng Jicai, a good comrade who was wrongly classified as a rightist and despised by all the Soviet areas. Zeng Jicai was loyal and well-led, and he mobilized the masses to support Chen Yi's team, which made Chen Yi more popular. The oil mountain takes root and is indestructible.

It is said that once, Chen Yi and his guards went out of the mountain during the day to avoid the Kuomintang army entering the mountain during the day to clear the enemy. But on the way back to the mountain at night, he heard the news that the Kuomintang army would camp in the mountains. Chen Yi had an idea and decided to go to the foot of the opposite mountain. Stay one night at a rich man's house. This frightened the guards, because the enemy posted notices everywhere offering rewards for Chen Yi's capture, and the wealthy people hated him desperately. "You can't win even if you hide, how can you still send it into the tiger's mouth?" Chen Yi said: "Brother Comrade, no matter where you live now, you are not as safe as the wealthy family. Don't be afraid, come with me, no problem." Chen Yi and his group opened the door After the rich man's house opened, the guards blocked the door. Chen Yi explained the policy of the Red Army guerrillas to the local tycoon, pointed out the strong relationship, and then signed a gentleman's agreement with the local tyrant that the two sides would not invade each other and take care of each other. The local tyrant must ensure the safety of Chen Yi and several others, otherwise there will be trouble. Of course, the local tycoon had no choice but to agree, obediently cooperate with Chen Yi and his group's requests, and even cooked a table of meals for them. When they left at noon the next day, the rich man invited them to tea again. Do you think Chen Yi's "turning enemies into friends" skill adds another dimension?

"No matter how stubborn the enemy is to attack and suppress, the red flag on the border will never fall." During the three years of guerrilla warfare, Chen Yi relied on the mountains and the masses to defeat the enemy and preserve the revolutionary fire. Only then did he achieve the great victory of Yanling in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the surprise of Huangqiao Shaobing in the War of Liberation, and the great battles such as Menglianggu and the Battle of Crossing the River. Only then did he display his talents, power and heroic spirit as the mayor of Shanghai, deputy prime minister, and foreign minister.

In short, the red trip to Xinfeng Youshan before July 1st allowed me to see another side of Marshal Chen Yi who was resourceful and cunning during the three years of guerrilla war in southern Jiangxi.

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About the author : Author: Wang Ruifeng, staff of Chongyi Highway Branch!

When I glanced at the title, I thought it was a bit offbeat. After all, there are so many things to write about, including hundreds of kilometers of colorful mountains, rivers and fields, and quaint and beautiful towns and villages along the way. - DayDayNews

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