On the afternoon of June 29, party members of the Feilong Town Government Branch of Wusheng County went to the Martyr Wang Pu Statue Square in Shipan Town, Wusheng County to carry out Party Day activities with the theme of "Recalling the Revolutionary Spirit and Firmly Holding th

2024/05/2017:53:33 history 1672

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, inherit and carry forward the party's fine traditions and style, and enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization. On the afternoon of June 29, party members of the Feilong Town Government Branch of Wusheng County went to the Martyr Wang Pu Statue Square in Shipan Town, Wusheng County to carry out Party Day activities with the theme of "Recalling the Revolutionary Spirit and Firmly Holding the Original Aspiration and Mission" to pay homage to the revolutionary martyrs and review 's oath of joining the Party. . A total of more than 30 party members participated in this event.

On the afternoon of June 29, party members of the Feilong Town Government Branch of Wusheng County went to the Martyr Wang Pu Statue Square in Shipan Town, Wusheng County to carry out Party Day activities with the theme of

Recall the glorious years of the revolutionary martyrs and accept the baptism of the revolutionary spirit. During the explanation by Zhang Pengcheng, secretary of Shipan Zhenhai Fishing Village, the party members further learned about Comrade Wang Pu’s heroic deeds of throwing his life and blood for the revolutionary cause, and learned from martyr Wang Pu’s deep feelings of serving the people wholeheartedly, his spirit of fighting without fear of hardship, Heroism without fear of sacrifice. Later, the party members visited the revolutionary martyrs' sites and memorial hall. Through historical photos, cultural relics, documents and other forms, they deeply felt the glorious years of the revolutionary martyrs' hard work.

On the afternoon of June 29, party members of the Feilong Town Government Branch of Wusheng County went to the Martyr Wang Pu Statue Square in Shipan Town, Wusheng County to carry out Party Day activities with the theme of

This party education activity allowed all party members in the agency to receive a profound revolutionary tradition education. Party members said that in the future work, they must follow the example of revolutionary martyrs, keep their mission in mind, have the courage to take on responsibilities, be loyal to their duties, and live up to their time, constantly improve their party spirit , forge ahead on a new journey, make contributions to a new era, and contribute to the construction of a landscape and pastoral ecology. Flying dragon and working hard! (Feng Xi)

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