After more than 40 years apart, Deputy Director Yan Bingzhang and I met at a confidential comrade-in-arms meeting of the Tibet Military Region in October 2003. He was so handsome back then, but he already had silver hair, but he was still energetic and strong.

2024/05/2014:33:45 history 1791

To Yan Bingzhang

Wang Shilian

After more than 40 years apart, Deputy Director Yan Bingzhang and I met at a confidential comrade-in-arms meeting of the Tibet Military Region in October 2003. He was so handsome back then and had a head full of silver hair, but he was still full of energy and body. Be strong and strong. I was so excited and inspired by poetry that I gladly wrote a song for it.

After more than 40 years apart, Deputy Director Yan Bingzhang and I met at a confidential comrade-in-arms meeting of the Tibet Military Region in October 2003. He was so handsome back then, but he already had silver hair, but he was still energetic and strong. - DayDayNews

You have silver hair, a kind face, sharp ears and eyes, and your eyes are shining with firm and kind eyes.

You are a Gazi soldier who broke out from Baiyangdian . You joined the army at the age of twelve and joined the party at the age of fifteen.

You fought in the north and south, defeated the Japanese, and eliminated the Kuomintang, which brought disaster to the country and the people.

rushed non-stop to the southwest, letting the five-star red flag fly high in the land of Bashu.

With the call to march into Tibet, a new, more arduous and glorious burden falls on your shoulders again.

Your footprints have fallen on the top of Erlang Mountain, and the lights of your late night work are shining on the banks of Dadu River.

Queershan was stepped on by you. On the thousands of miles of Kangzang Highway, there was a tent where you burned the midnight oil and fought.

On the roof of the world, your blood and sweat are sprinkled. For countless days and nights, you fight on the battlefield of counter-insurgency, reform, self-defense and counterattack.

You are thinking about your comrades on the front line, and you keep the warmth and warmth of the turned serf in your heart.

The harsh climate of the snowy plateau has forged your steel and iron bones, and the water of the Brahmaputra River has given birth to your warm-blooded and soft intestines.

You are quick-thinking and healthy in body and mind. When you talk about those prosperous years, you talk endlessly and your voice is clear.

You have been working in Tibet for thirty-eight years. Your husband and wife have been separated for twenty-two years. You guard the border and guard the country without caring about the growth of your children and grandchildren.

Although you are not full of descendants, your descendants will be great and glorious Communists for four generations.

You never left me. From a leftist political commissar who uprightly resisted evil trends, he became a branch secretary and party group leader without any position or power.

My wife said that you are public-spirited and forget selfish interests. Your children and grandchildren say that you are good at accumulating virtues and doing good deeds. Comrades unanimously praised you as an example of someone who has built Tibet and the river as their home for a long time.

You live in poverty and simplicity, wearing cloth shoes brought from Jizhong, and wearing that military uniform that never fades.

You are frugal, diligent and thrifty, and use all the hundreds of thousands of yuan you have saved for student aid and famine relief.

You refuse to be corrupted and never get involved. You regard profligacy, corruption and corruption as dung wolves.

You are upright and a good son of the party.

You have selflessly dedicated your life to the great cause of communism and to the glorious, correct and great Communist Party.

The Party Committee of the Military Region issued a red-headed document calling on officers and soldiers to learn from you. "People's Daily" wrote an article to praise your old Tibetan spirit.

Ah, Yan Bingzhang, ah Yan Bingzhang, your mind is very broad and your moral character is extremely noble.

You are a good example for every party member and cadre to learn from.

Ah, Yan Bingzhang, ah Yan Yan Bingzhang, your sixty-three-year journey has radiated the brilliant light of the Communist Party members’ endless lives and endless battles.

From the Yanzhao Plain to the north and south of the Yangtze River, from the land of Bashu to the thousands of miles of snowy land, your wonderful life has been sincerely praised by the people.

Ah, Yan Bingzhang, Yan Bingzhang, you are confidence and strength, you are a role model and role model.

Some people say that you are a living Lei Feng. I think that is the reality.

Some people say that you are a living Kong Fansen. I don’t think it is an exaggeration at all.

Ah, Yan Bingzhang, ah Yan Bingzhang, the great communist cause requires thousands of selfless dedication Yan Bingzhang.

Ah, Yan Bingzhang, ah Yan Bingzhang, I respect you, admire you, learn from you and sing to you loudly.

After more than 40 years apart, Deputy Director Yan Bingzhang and I met at a confidential comrade-in-arms meeting of the Tibet Military Region in October 2003. He was so handsome back then, but he already had silver hair, but he was still energetic and strong. - DayDayNews

The second from the left in the front row is Yan Bingzhang

(Illustrations in this article are provided by the author)

About the author: In the 134th Division Artillery The Third Battalion of the 541st Regiment served as a central cultural teacher. In July 1956, he entered Changchun Confidential School to study. After graduation, he worked in the Confidential Bureau of Shenyang Air Force Headquarters. In March 1959, he went to Tibet to support counter-insurgency. In July of that year, he worked at the Second Regiment Headquarters of Shannan Division. In 1965, he was transferred to the Political Department of the Military Region and the Cultural Department. In 1970, he was transferred to the Third Battalion of the 52nd Division as an instructor. In December 1978, he transferred to the Cultural Bureau of Linqing City, Shandong Province as director. In 1985, he was transferred to the Chengdu Municipal Health Bureau, where he remains until his retirement.

After more than 40 years apart, Deputy Director Yan Bingzhang and I met at a confidential comrade-in-arms meeting of the Tibet Military Region in October 2003. He was so handsome back then, but he already had silver hair, but he was still energetic and strong. - DayDayNews

Author: Wang Shilian

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