In the 17th year of Zhenguan, Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng wrote the strange book "Tui Bei Tu" to predict the fate of China for two thousand years after the Tang Dynasty. The amazing thing is that many of these predictions actually match history according to some people's interp

2024/06/0817:30:32 history 1381

About Yuan Tiangang Li Chunfeng is of course recorded in official and unofficial history. In the 17th year of Zhenguan, Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng wrote the strange book "Tui Bei Tu" to predict the fate of China for two thousand years after the Tang Dynasty. The amazing thing is that many of these predictions actually match history according to some people's interpretations, and Even the Japanese invasion and the founding of New China can be traced in "Tui Bei Tu". What is even more legendary is that when it was calculated after 2000, Yuan Tiangang pushed Li Chunfeng's back and said: "The secret of heaven must not be revealed", hence the name "Tui Bei Tu".

In the 17th year of Zhenguan, Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng wrote the strange book

Li Chunfeng

Both Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang are recorded in official history. In " New Tang Book ", Yuan Tiangang predicted that would be replaced by a woman in the Tang Dynasty , and gave the woman's surname. "武", this is the future Wu Zetian . Li Chunfeng discussed this topic with Tang Taizong. This is recorded in the history books:

Taizong received a secret prophecy and said that "the Tang Dynasty was weak, and there was a female warrior who could replace the king." When he asked Chunfeng, he replied: "The omen has been fulfilled and it is already in the palace. He has been king for forty years, and the descendants of the Tang Dynasty have all died out." All the women with the surname "Wu" have their hearts in mind, but Li Chunfeng said something:

"It is the destiny of heaven not to go, but the king is immortal, and only makes people suspected of prostitution and innocence. And your majesty's beloved, Forty years old, the old man is benevolent. Although he will eventually change his surname, he can't eliminate the Tang Dynasty. If he kills the strong ones and kills them many times, his Majesty's descendants will not be left alive."

In the 17th year of Zhenguan, Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng wrote the strange book

(Li Chunfeng)

Li Chunfeng saw it! Taizong was afraid that he would go too far, and told him that it was useless to hurt innocent people with suspicion, and that there was no way to escape the destiny. And he also said that despite this, this woman would not interrupt the Tang Dynasty's vitality. Later, Wu Zetian removed her title before her death and other measures, which indeed confirmed Li Chunfeng's statement. Now when we talk about Wu Zetian, many people think that she is from the Tang Dynasty but do not know that her country name is "Zhou".

Li Chunfeng has made great achievements in mathematics and astronomy, and there are many legends about him. These points will not be repeated.

Yuan Tiangang

The most eye-catching thing about Yuan Tiangang is his prediction about Wu Zetian. The record in "New Book of Tang" is as follows:

When Empress Wu was young, Tiangang saw her mother and said, "Mrs. Fa will give birth to a precious son." Then he saw the second son. Yuan Qing and Yuan Shuang said: "The third rank of the official is to protect the head of the family." When they met the Korean lady, they said: "This girl is noble but not good for the husband." The youngest in the family, her mother held her in her arms to see him, and she was a man. Tiangang watched her steps. Looking at her eyes, she exclaimed: "Dragon eyes and phoenix necks are extremely valuable. If she is a woman, she will be regarded as the emperor."

(Yuan Tiangang)

At this time, Wu Zetian was the youngest. Her family took her out to see Yuan Tiangang and lied to him. This is a boy. Yuan Tiangang said an astonishing sentence: "If she were a woman, she would be treated as the emperor." If she were a girl, she would probably be the emperor. And in the official history, he also successfully predicted that Ma Zhou would not live long and Zhang Xing would become the prime minister.

And in "Journey to the West", Yuan Shoucheng, the fortune teller for the fish seller, is Yuan Tiangang's nephew.

In the 17th year of Zhenguan, Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng wrote the strange book

(Yuan Shoucheng in "Journey to the West")

Therefore, there are records of Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng in official and unofficial history.

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