Qinzhuang is a village on the bank of Chaimi River, consisting of five small villages. In order to resist the invasion of the Japanese and puppet troops, the Qinzhuang militia, led by the district chief Qin Qijun and the captain Qin Tongren, relied on the natural barrier of the C

2024/06/1811:12:34 history 1865

Qinzhuang is a village on the bank of Chaimi River, consisting of five small villages. In order to resist the invasion of the Japanese and puppet troops, the Qinzhuang militia, led by the district chief Qin Qijun and the captain Qin Tongren, relied on the natural barrier of the C - DayDayNews

Shuhe Story

Iron Strike Qinzhuang

Jiang Han

Qinzhuang is a village on the banks of the Chaimi River and consists of five small villages. During the Anti-Japanese War, it was the location of the Eighth District of our Dongguanshu Anti-Japanese Base Area. In order to resist the invasion of the Japanese and puppet troops, the Qinzhuang militiamen, under the leadership of district chief Qin Qijun and captain Qin Tongren, relied on the natural barrier of the Chaimi River to make use of the Tuwei and Tuwei of Qinzhuang, Housongzhuang, Xiaozhangwei and Sunwei. They built watchtowers and other solid fortifications and launched a tenacious struggle with the enemy. They defended the enemy three times outside the village and were known as the "Iron-beating Qinzhuang".

In February 1942, Dofei and Zhang Huanan led more than 300 puppet troops, divided into two groups, to conduct a "mopping up" of our Dongguanshu Anti-Japanese Base Area, and headed towards Qinzhuang with great momentum.

Qin Qijun and Qin Tongren saw that the enemy was attacking the village from the east and west sides at the same time, and led more than 60 militiamen in the village to resist bravely. However, the enemy's firepower was fierce, Qinzhuang was surrounded by enemies on all sides, and was outnumbered, so they had to fight and retreat, and retreated to Xiaozhangwei , close the polder gate and use the polder wall to wait for help.

html On the 3rd, the puppet legions surrounded Xiaozhangwei, set up grenade launchers, and fired artillery shells continuously into the Weiwei. "Boom!" "Boom!" The sound was loud, dust was flying, houses collapsed, casualties, and militiamen hid. Entering the trenches, unable to fight back, the enemy tried to wipe out the Qinzhuang anti-Japanese armed forces in one fell swoop.

The sound of gunfire stopped, and the Japanese and puppet troops rushed up from all directions.

"The enemy is coming! Get ready to fight!" District Chief Qin Qijun held a shell gun in his hand, with smoke marks on his face and dust on his head. He observed the enemy's movements through the hole of the gun.

"Fire!" Captain Qin Tongren gave the order, and all the guns were fired. The Japanese and puppet soldiers in the front were shot and fell down. The enemies behind them stepped over their bodies and rushed forward crazily.

When the militiamen saw the enemy approaching Weizi, they threw out hand grenades one after another. The violent explosions shook the ground and the mountains, and the smoke and flames shot into the sky, causing the enemies to run away with their heads covered.

"Shoot!" Seeing that the attack failed, Doi ordered the machine gun to fire.

"Tatata" the Japanese fired a Type 92 heavy machine gun and two Type 96 light machine guns at the same time. The dense bullets flew toward Xiao Zhangwei, forming a hornet's nest on the wall of the Wei.

"Get down quickly!" Qin Tongren shouted when he saw militiaman You Qingyun's half-body exposed on the wall of the polder.

You Qingyun was eager to kill the enemy, so he lay down on the polder wall, aimed at the enemy and fired. He had no time to hide himself, but was discovered by the enemy. The Japanese turned the machine gun and fired a shuttle of bullets, hitting You Qingyun in the head. You Qingyun jumped from the polder wall. The edge fell down.

"You Qingyun!" the militiamen shouted loudly, but You Qingyun had already died.

"What a bastard!" When the militiamen saw that their comrades were unfortunately killed, they were filled with anger. They braved the enemy's fierce firepower and fought back with their rifles, risking their own lives.

The gunfire of resistance in Doi Jianwei still existed, and he also killed two Japanese soldiers and seven or eight puppet soldiers, and immediately ordered the grenadiers to fire artillery shells.

Another round of bombing began, and the Japanese wanted to pour all their shells here.

The gunfire stopped, and Xiao Zhangwei experienced a brutal fierce battle. There were broken walls and burned houses everywhere. Gunpowder smoke filled the sky over Qinzhuang, and the air was filled with the choking smell of gunpowder.

Qinzhuang is a village on the bank of Chaimi River, consisting of five small villages. In order to resist the invasion of the Japanese and puppet troops, the Qinzhuang militia, led by the district chief Qin Qijun and the captain Qin Tongren, relied on the natural barrier of the C - DayDayNews

Zhang Huanan stood up and looked at the devastated Xiaozhangwei. It was estimated that the militiamen were either killed or injured by the bombing. They lost their energy and couldn't help but reveal a proud smile on his face. He looked at his watch and saw that the hands had pointed to four o'clock in the afternoon. He wanted to end the battle as soon as possible, so he turned around and said to Tufei: "They were all killed. Even the rocks will be blown into powder!"

Tufei said: "Your troops are all dead." Go in, clean the battlefield, and prepare to end the battle."

Zhang Huanan received the order and directed Fan Naiji's four brigades of soldiers to go into Wei and clean the battlefield.

When the soldiers saw the gunshots and the silence in Xiaozhangwei, they lost resistance and the danger had been eliminated. Now it was time to reap the victory, so they swarmed forward.

Thirty meters, twenty meters, ten meters, the puppet soldiers approached the polder wall.

"Get up!" Qin Tongren emerged from the mound, wiped the dust on his face, and shouted to the militiamen: "The enemy is coming!"

The dusty militiamen emerged from the trenches one after another, Put the rifle back on the wall and aim it at the approaching puppet army .

The puppet soldiers never thought that there were militiamen in Weizi and that they could fight! Looking at the puppet troops getting closer and closer, the militiamen held their breath, aimed at their respective targets, and opened fire impatiently before Qin Tongren shouted. Militiaman Sun Honggao pointed his gun at a puppet captain and suddenly pulled the trigger. The guy staggered and fell to the side of the ditch.

Fierce gunfire came from the polder. The puppet soldiers in the front were killed and injured. When the other puppet soldiers saw this, they hurriedly ran away with their heads in their hands.

"Go back!" Doi shouted, waving his Japanese sword. Zhang Huanan and Fan Naiji also raised their guns to supervise the battle, standing at the intersection to intimidate the soldiers.

When the puppet soldiers saw it, they thought they would die if they went forward, and they would die if they went back. They let him go, turned around, and rushed back.

At this moment, a burst of gunfire came from the east. The commander of the Zhongtuan regiment of Lu Zhen led more than 500 people from the county independent regiment to come from Ouchizhuang for reinforcements and launched an attack from behind Dofei.

Dofei was attacked and panicked. The scene was in chaos. The opponent's grenades flew over like raindrops, exploding Japanese and puppet corpses everywhere.

District Chief Qin Qijun shouted happily when he saw that the enemy was like a headless fly. He saw Zhang Huanan gesticulating from a distance and was busy blocking the reinforcements. He stepped into an opening, raised his rifle, aimed at him and fired. The bullet hit Zhang Huanan squarely in the butt.

Zhang Huanan felt a pain in his buttocks. He stretched out his hand to touch it, and found that the bullet head was still half exposed outside the flesh. "Holy shit!" He stretched out his hand and tried to pull out the bullet head, but it failed to pull out and was embedded in the bone.

"Retreat!" Seeing the reinforcements arriving from the other side, Tufei was attacked from both sides and Zhang Huanan was injured again, so he quickly ordered to flee back to the county seat.

After Zhang Huanan was injured, the Japanese military doctor who came from Haizhou performed surgery on him and removed the bullet embedded in his buttocks.

As the saying goes, it takes a hundred days to break a muscle or a bone. Although this Huanan hip was not seriously injured, it was uncomfortable to lie on the hospital bed for a long time. After hearing the news, fifteen security brigade captains from across the county came to visit, which was somewhat of a comfort to Zhang Huanan who was in unbearable pain.

Captain Fan Naiji of the Fourth Brigade comforted Zhang Huanan and said: "Captain, you can rest in peace and recover from your injuries. The brothers will take care of the "security and order" issue in the countryside, so you don't have to worry!"

"Captain Fan, I'll appreciate it if you come to see me. It’s a big gift that makes me feel sorry for you,” Zhang Huanan said.

Why did Fan Naiji give gifts to Zhang Huanan? Fan Naiji is the captain of the Fourth Security Brigade stationed in Tangjian and Zhangji, and Qinzhuang is his defense area. Qin Zhuang was impregnable, Tu Fei retreated in disgrace, Zhang Huanan was injured, and Fan Naiji was afraid that they would find trouble for him in the future. There is another factor, that is, the position of deputy commander of the county security brigade has been vacant. Zhang Huanan originally wanted to promote Zhuang Zhiyuan, but Tufei never expressed his position, so the matter was suppressed. Fan Naiji had been spying for a long time and finally took a look at this opportunity to flatter him.

There are many people who are qualified for the position of deputy commander. Zhang Huanan only has the right to recommend, and the real decision-making power is left to Tu Fei. Zhang Huanan was well aware of Fan Naiji's enthusiasm and deliberately sighed: "Alas, everyone was dissatisfied with the battle at Qinzhuang, and I was hurt again. Only by taking down Qinzhuang can we have face in front of the imperial army."

" Captain, don't worry, no matter how strong Qinzhuang is, I will capture it. I will make an explanation in front of the imperial army and avenge you, Commander Zhang! "Fan Naiji continued.

"Then I'll leave it to you and all the brothers! I must speak kindly in front of the imperial army, and everything big will be easy to handle! "Zhang Huanan saw that Fan Naiji took the initiative to take over the battle to attack Qinzhuang again and gave him a few words of encouragement.

"Then just wait for the good news! "Fan Naiji said with confidence.

Zhang Huanan was very worried about Qinzhuang, and Fan Naiji knew it well. He firmly believed that Qinzhuang could not be attacked by force, but could only be outmaneuvered. Once he broke through, he would be bright in the face, and Dofeiyuan and Zhang Huanan has to take a good look at himself. Fan Naiji is secretly thinking about Qinzhuang. In mid-June, the wheat straw in the countryside has been piled up, and all the grain has been returned to the warehouse. The farmers are busy planting autumn crops. At this time, a team of more than 100 people appeared on the Chaimi River Embankment. Although their steps were not very orderly, judging from their appearance in gray cloth military uniforms, they wanted to march from the north bank of Zuodaokou. After crossing the river, I saw a ferry boat on the south bank, so I called out loudly: "Hey! Old man, we are the Eighth Route Army and we want to cross the river to the south bank. Hurry up and take the ferry, I'll give you as much as you want! "

" Are you the Eighth Route Army? "Dad Sun, who was ferrying on the south bank of Zuodaokou, asked loudly.

"Yes! We are the Eighth Route Army. Passing by here, hurry up and push the boat over! "

Speaking of the Eighth Route Army, Uncle Sun was very happy. In the spring, after Commander Lu Zhenzhong led the County Independent Regiment to drive away the Japanese and puppet troops, they stationed themselves at Sunwei, Qinzhuang that night. Commander Lu came to his house to greet him, and the soldiers also helped him. They fed the cattle and cleaned the yard, just like a family. The fine style of the Eighth Route Army left a deep impression on Uncle Sun.

Seeing that the Eighth Route Army team was about to cross the river, Uncle Sun had no doubts or caution at all, and readily agreed: " Just wait and come! "

Without saying a word, Uncle Sun turned the bow of the boat and quickly headed for the north bank. In his mind, the Eighth Route Army was a force of heavenly soldiers and generals that did good things for the people and fought against the devils to save China. How could there be no reason not to cross the boat!

The ship As the son slowly approached the shore, Uncle Sun glanced at the north bank and was stunned. Neither the commander of the Eighth Route Army, whom he knew, nor Xiao Xu, who helped his family carry water and sweep the yard, came here. Some of them were lying on the ground, some were wearing their military caps crookedly, some had their chests open, their guns slung across their backs, and they all looked carefree. Is this the Eighth Route Army? Uncle Sun wondered in his heart. , and asked loudly: "Are you from Commander Lu? "

" Yes! Commander Lu will be here soon. Old man, don’t be wordy and get to the shore quickly! "

As soon as the boat docked, the group of people rushed to squeeze onto the boat, causing the boat to sway from side to side.

"Hey, slow down, slow down! The boat is too small and can only carry six or seven people at a time. "Daddy Sun quickly stopped him.

"Damn it, you can only pass these few people at one time, too few. Hey, old man, punt faster and make more trips back and forth! "A man who looked like an official was gesticulating to Uncle Sun.

Uncle Sun held the pole hard, and the boat moved slowly with the force. Uncle Sun glanced at the officer on the shore, and then a big He jumped on the boat and the boat sailed towards the middle of the river.

Uncle Sun was wondering, these soldiers didn't look like the Eighth Route Army. The officer spoke and behaved rudely. Where did he seem to have seen him? There was a scar on his face, which was clearly visible but unfamiliar.

As he was rowing the boat, Uncle Sun thought hard and finally remembered! The scar on his face was Zang Jichen, the squadron leader of Fanchang Stronghold.

Last autumn, Sun’s father and his son went to Tangjian Street to sell fish. They were intercepted by the puppet troops at Fanchang stronghold, who took away the fish and injured their son. Zang Jichen pointed his pistol at his son and threatened him: "Boy, do it again." Move a little and I'll let you try the peanuts!"

finally remembered, Zang Jichen was indeed right! It's just that this year I have an extra scar on my face. A few years ago, I heard someone say that Zang Jichen went to Dali Village for a raid, encountered the Eighth Route Army, was stabbed with a bayonet, and luckily escaped with his life.

"What the hell, he's pretending to be the Eighth Route Army! What does he want to do?" Uncle Sun felt nervous and didn't know what to do.

At this moment, Sun Ximou, the president of the Qinzhuang Village Farmers' Association, went to the river to carry water to water the potato seedlings. He saw a group of Eighth Route Army troops on the boat and on the shore. He felt strange and was about to ask Uncle Sun what happened. The militia captain Qin Tongren He also rushed after hearing the news.

"Which part of the Eighth Route Army are you from?" Qin Tongren asked loudly.

The people on the ship felt guilty when they saw Qin Tongren interrogating him. They pulled the bolts of their guns one by one and pointed their guns at the south bank.

Zang Jichen from the north bank saw this and shouted: "We are the 2nd Battalion and 3rd Company of the Independent Regiment, and we have to cross the river to perform our mission!" Zang Jichen took out his gun as he spoke.

"Is Third Company Commander Xu Shouquan here?" Qin Tongren, who had long known the old classmate who served as Third Company Commander, asked loudly.

"I'm not here!" Seeing Qin Tongren on the other side breaking the casserole and asking for the truth, it was difficult to hide the truth, which made him feel guilty and panicked. One by one, they were lying nervously on the riverbank on the north bank, aiming their guns at Qin Tongren on the south bank.

Uncle Sun saw both sides drawing swords, and it would be too late if he didn't tell his nephew. Regardless of the danger to his life, he shouted to Sun Ximou: "Nephew, the people in this boat are all puppet soldiers pretending to be soldiers, and the shore is full of vandals." Enemy at the stronghold! "

The puppet troops on the "Bangbao" ship revealed their true colors in Lushan, and the guns were pointed at Qin Tongren and Sun Ximou and triggered the trigger.

"Bang Bang" The enemies on the north bank knew that their information had been exposed, and they also opened fire on the south bank.

Qin Tongren immediately lay down on the embankment and fought back at the enemy. While fighting, he said to Sun Ximou: "Go and call the militia!"

"Okay!" Sun Ximou put down the pole and ran towards the village, shouting as he ran: " The enemy is coming! Come on!"

Uncle Sun shouted on the boat, exposing all the enemies. The squad leader of the puppet army became furious, stood up from the cabin, pointed the muzzle of his rifle at Uncle Sun's chest, and cursed He shouted: "You old man, you ruined our big thing, I will kill you with one shot!"

Uncle Sun showed no fear, patted his chest, laughed and said to the puppet soldiers: "You are not afraid of feeding fish and shrimps "If you have the guts, shoot here."

All the puppet soldiers knew that the boat was sailing to the middle of the river where the water was deep and the current was fast. There were not many people who knew the water, and they were counting on Uncle Sun to hold the boat steady. Seeing that Uncle Sun refused to give up, the squad leader of the puppet army turned the butt of his gun and threw it at Uncle Sun. Uncle Sun dodged the butt of the gun. Seeing that the enemy was showing off his ferocity, he got wise and swiped the pennies in his hand. The squad leader of the puppet army could not stand still. He fell into the river with a splash.

"Help! Help!" The puppet squad leader was drinking water in the river and struggling in a hurry.

Uncle Sun sneered, stepped hard on the bow of the boat with both feet, and the boat suddenly started to rock.

"Ah!" The puppet soldiers were frightened when they saw that the boat was unstable and their bodies tilted left and right with the boat.

"Go down and feed the fish!" Uncle Sun tilted his body, and the boat capsized immediately, and all the puppet troops fell into the water.

When the boat capsized, Uncle Sun dove into the water and swam towards the south bank relying on his good water skills.

The puppet soldiers in the river struggled desperately. Those who knew how to swim swam to the north bank, and those who didn't know how to swim shouted for help. After two "flickering noses", they sank to the bottom of the water dizzy.

This was a trick carefully planned by Fan Naiji and Zang Jichen: soldiers from Fanchang and Tangjian strongholds disguised themselves as the Eighth Route Army in an attempt to take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness and attack Qinzhuang. Unexpectedly, they were discovered by an old man on the Chaimi River, and their efforts were in vain. Scheming.

Zang Jichen was so angry that he ordered the soldiers to concentrate and shoot at the other side. The grenades and machine guns were discharged at the same time, causing dust and smoke to rise from the south bank.

Qinzhuang urgently gathered more than 30 militiamen to join the battle. They shared the same hatred and defended the enemy on the north bank, making it difficult for the enemy to move forward.

Seeing that the surging river blocked the attack path, and there were no boats to ferry them across, the enemy had no choice but to vent their anger on the river embankment and throw more than a dozen artillery shells in succession.

Zang Jichen and the Qinzhuang militiamen faced off across the river for more than three hours. They had no choice but to return to Fanchang stronghold in despair.

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