Although "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" contains many fabrications, it is written vividly and lively. Although Zhou Lang was young, he was indeed a great "general". Many people in later generations praised him in this way. If he had been born in modern times, he would have b

2024/05/1915:08:32 history 1052

Although "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" contains many fabrications, it is written vividly and lively. One of the most lively scenes was the battle at Chibi. Cao Cao 830,000 troops were defeated by Wu and Shu who formed a united front. The "commander" who commanded the three armies of Wu and Shu in strategizing was the famous Zhou Lang -one Zhou Yu Zi Gong Jin .

Although Zhou Lang was young, he was indeed a great "general". Many people in later generations praised him in this way. If he had been born in modern times, he would have been called a young genius military strategist.

Unfortunately, not long after the victory in Chibi, this young genius military strategist died. It is said that he was angry to death by Zhuge Liang " Three Qi Zhou Yu".


It is probably no accident that Zhou Yu was angry to death, and I also have some suspicions that he "brought his anger to himself". Anyone who has watched "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" or old dramas such as "The Meeting of Heroes" knows that Zhou Yu can't stand Zhuge Liang at all times. The two decided to defeat Cao's plan. The word on Zhuge Liang's palm was the same as his, which was the word "fire", so he was very unhappy. He beat 黄狗 severely, but Zhuge Liang saw that it was a bitter trick, and he was very unhappy. . Later, he even completely abandoned the position of the unified front and wanted to kill friendly forces. He used the problem of making 100,000 arrows in three days to kill Zhuge Liang, and ambushed Liu Bei who came to marry him with axes after the wine banquet in Ganlu Temple, but The former was overcome by Zhuge Liang by "borrowing arrows from a straw boat", while the latter not only failed, but also "lost his wife and soldiers". The anger in his stomach accumulated more and more, and he was instantly angry to death.

Why is it that Zhuge Liang is always smiling and shaking his goose-feather fan without getting angry, while the young and handsome Zhou Yu is so narrow-minded that he will be angry to death? The secret is probably related to age. Zhuge Liang is already an "old student" wearing a beard, while Zhou Yu is just a "little student" with a high-pitched voice. As a young person, this is where Zhou Yu suffered.


Young people have many advantages, but in terms of broad-mindedness, they are not as good as older people. Although the amount of energy varies from person to person, generally speaking it increases with age. A child can stay silent for three days in order to fight for a piece of candy. In the eyes of young people who have advanced a step further, it is already "why bother". However, youth is also a period that is so-called "romantic" and full of vitality. It encounters few nails and has not much experience. It does not want to be hit, and it does not want others to be better than itself. This is the main reason why Zhou Yu cannot tolerate others. He seems to be reluctant to leave the meeting because he cannot agree with others. He is unwilling to sacrifice minor differences for the sake of common ground. He doesn't care about the current enemy - Cao Cao is still "composing poems". He only wants to be angry, just want to kill Zhuge Liang, and just want to eliminate him from heaven and earth! There is no intelligent person, so when he was about to vomit blood due to Zhuge Liang's third "Qi", he was still shouting: "Since Yu is born, how can Liang be born?"

After Mr. Lu Xun shot Ah Q, There are also some people who dug up Ah Mi in their bodies and became very angry and said: Lu Xun actually wrote a novel to scold me, how unreasonable! Dear young comrades, will we control Zhou Yu in ourselves? If Zhou Yu Jingran is dug out of work, should we let him be angered to death by Zhuge Liang without mercy or not? ......


Enlightenment: Zhou Yu's tragedy tells us that in life, we should be more tolerant and less arrogant; more humble and less arrogant.

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