What do you think about whether #Qinshihuang's unification of China will do more harm than harm or more harm than good? As for whether Qin Shihuang's unification of the world will do more harm than good or good than harm, think about the ancient "Five Husbands", and today's Syria

2024/05/1906:00:33 history 1612

What do you think about whether #Qinshihuang's unification of China will do more harm than harm or more harm than good? As for whether Qin Shihuang's unification of the world will do more harm than good or good than harm, think about the ancient

We have known since childhood that "one chopstick is easy to break, but ten chopsticks are difficult to break", and Qin Shihuang's unification of the world condensed millions of people in our Chinese nation into millions of "chopsticks" , and the most direct change is that "there is strength in numbers."

is also the achievement of Qin Shihuang's unification of the world. From then on, the theoretical thought of unifying has penetrated into the minds of future generations.

What do you think about whether #Qinshihuang's unification of China will do more harm than harm or more harm than good? As for whether Qin Shihuang's unification of the world will do more harm than good or good than harm, think about the ancient

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the three kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu stood as a tripod. Why is it called "three parts of the world"? What exactly is the concept of "the world"? The world should be - Wherever the sun and moon shine, and where rivers reach, they are all Han lands.

once wrote in the opening chapter of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms": The general trend of the world is that if it unites for a long time, it must divide, and if it divides for a long time, it must unite. Since Qin Shihuang unified the world, subsequent dynasties may be divided and chaotic, but after a certain period of time, they will eventually move towards unity. This is the general trend of the times and the torrent of history.

What do you think about whether #Qinshihuang's unification of China will do more harm than harm or more harm than good? As for whether Qin Shihuang's unification of the world will do more harm than good or good than harm, think about the ancient

You can imagine that if Qin Shihuang did not unify the world, and the world did not have the concept of a unified world, then the world at this time should still be like the many countries in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, continuing to conquer each other, and all tribes and tribes were hostile to each other, with clear distinctions.

What do you think about whether #Qinshihuang's unification of China will do more harm than harm or more harm than good? As for whether Qin Shihuang's unification of the world will do more harm than good or good than harm, think about the ancient

After Qin Shihuang unified the world, the entire Qin State had a population of only more than 20 million. Up to now, there is not even a single province with a large population. There are many reasons for this situation. On the one hand, it is due to low productivity, and on the other hand, it is the casualties caused by the melee between various countries. According to the statistics of Mr. Liang Qichao, in the melee of the Seven Kingdoms, the casualties of soldiers clearly recorded in history books have reached more than two million people.

What do you think about whether #Qinshihuang's unification of China will do more harm than harm or more harm than good? As for whether Qin Shihuang's unification of the world will do more harm than good or good than harm, think about the ancient

Two million people, what kind of concept is this? It is equivalent to a reduction of one-tenth of the entire world's population. This shows that the melee between countries has caused huge casualties to the population.

Qin Shihuang unified the world, achieved peace and stability in the world, and ended the turmoil and chaos in the world. For the people of the entire world, his achievements are indelible.

Especially after Qin Shihuang unified the world, he unified characters, currencies, weights and measures, etc., making the entire world gradually enter a stage of cultural unification. And what was the situation like in the world before this?

What do you think about whether #Qinshihuang's unification of China will do more harm than harm or more harm than good? As for whether Qin Shihuang's unification of the world will do more harm than good or good than harm, think about the ancient

Each country has its own writing, currency, weights and measures that are completely different. This different culture leads to differences in thoughts ideologies and inconvenience in understanding, which is more easily misinterpreted by others and is not conducive to mutual communication. The function of unification is to achieve a great integration of cultures.

What do you think about whether #Qinshihuang's unification of China will do more harm than harm or more harm than good? As for whether Qin Shihuang's unification of the world will do more harm than good or good than harm, think about the ancient

If Qin Shihuang did not unify the world and the world would still be divided, then as time goes on, the gaps between countries will only become deeper and deeper, and it is very likely that the pattern of division in Europe will eventually form. The distance is not that far, there are many small countries, not even as big as our current province, but each has its own culture.

Nowadays, when you go out for fun, you may just go out of the province. If we really develop in the same way as Europe, the most likely outcome will be like Europe, directly leaving the province instead of going abroad.

What do you think about whether #Qinshihuang's unification of China will do more harm than harm or more harm than good? As for whether Qin Shihuang's unification of the world will do more harm than good or good than harm, think about the ancient

Qin Shihuang 's unification merit is that he strengthened the Chinese nation and twisted the Chinese nation into a rope. This unification allowed the Chinese nation to maintain an upper hand in the battles with foreign nations. Historically, the Central Plains dynasty took the fight against the Huns, Khitans, Tubos, and other foreign nations seriously in a unified manner, and even in periods when certain foreign nations were powerful, it even required the strength of the whole country to fight against them. confrontation.

What do you think about whether #Qinshihuang's unification of China will do more harm than harm or more harm than good? As for whether Qin Shihuang's unification of the world will do more harm than good or good than harm, think about the ancient

And if the Central Plains is a divided situation, when facing these unified nomads, it would be fine if the defending country is relatively strong and can resist the attack, but once it cannot defend, it is likely to be like the "Five Husbands Chaos China" In general, tens of millions of people were almost exterminated.

Later, the Central Plains also experienced wars, divisions, feudal lords, or dynasties living in one corner. However, the achievement of "unifying the world" has always been pursued by later generations of kings.

What do you think about whether #Qinshihuang's unification of China will do more harm than harm or more harm than good? As for whether Qin Shihuang's unification of the world will do more harm than good or good than harm, think about the ancient

It was precisely because of the great unification that the Central Plains Dynasty was able to face the surrounding countries with a strong attitude. The vast land created a strong population base, which also created the powerful military strength of the unified Central Plains dynasty. Compared with those Small countries fought hundreds and thousands of battles, and every attack of the Central Plains dynasty was based on tens of thousands.

In Chinese history, the unified Central Plains dynasty always looked down on the surrounding countries with a disdainful attitude, enjoying the honorific title of the Celestial Kingdom. It was also the unification achievements of His Majesty the First Emperor that opened the prelude to the unification of the Central Plains. The kings of later generations will all treat it according to the standard of unifying the world.

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