In June 1919, Chen Duxiu published this passage in the newspaper "Weekly Review" he founded: "There are two birthplaces of world civilization: one is the scientific research laboratory, and the other is the prison.

2024/05/1808:44:34 history 1587

In June 1919, Chen Duxiu once published this passage in the newspaper " Weekly Commentary " he founded:

"There are two birthplaces of world civilization: one is the scientific research laboratory, and the other is the prison. We young people must be determined Go to prison after leaving the laboratory, and enter the laboratory after leaving prison. This is the most noble and noble life in life. The civilization that occurs from these two places is the true civilization and the civilization with life value."

At that time, China was experiencing heavy storms and severe disasters. Chen Duxiu was among them and made such a cry. What people didn't expect was that these words would later be "unfortunately hit" by Chen Duxiu.

He was imprisoned four times and released from prison four times in 1913, 1919, 1921, and 1922. It was true that "when you leave the research laboratory, you go to prison, and when you leave the prison, you enter the research laboratory."

But by the time he was arrested for the fifth time in 1932, Chen Duxiu could not regain his freedom as easily as before.

In June 1919, Chen Duxiu published this passage in the newspaper

Picture/Chen Duxiu Film and Television Image

In October 1932, Chen Duxiu was actually no longer a member of the Communist Party. In July 1927, he was suspended for "committing a right-leaning surrender error" and was officially expelled from the party in November 1929.

But even though he no longer held any position in the party, and even because he organized "Trotskyists" and was regarded as an internal conflict of the Communist Party, he was still arrested by Shanghai Public Security Bureau.

At that time, some people thought that this was a "bitter trick" by the Kuomintang, hoping to make Chen Duxiu surrender and serve the "party state". However, Chen Duxiu ignored these "gossips". He just regarded this arrest as an ordinary " Homely meals”.

So, on the train being escorted from Shanghai to Nanjing, in a carriage full of helmets, iron guns and bayonets, Chen Duxiu fell into a deep sleep. It was not until the train arrived at the station in the early morning that he was woken up by the escort. .

In June 1919, Chen Duxiu published this passage in the newspaper

He never regarded himself as a prisoner, nor did he feel inferior because of his status as a prisoner, so the first thing he did after arriving in Nanjing was to write to the Nanjing authorities, asking for additional clothes and quilts, because he had a heavy body He was ill and did not have time to bring any warm clothes when he was arrested.

Not only that, because of Chen Duxiu's celebrity status, there was an endless stream of journalists who requested to be imprisoned for interviews, such as "Crossing the River"; there were also many people who requested to be imprisoned for interviews simply because they admired Chen Duxiu's calligraphy. , hoping that Chen Duxiu would "give him the word".

Chen Duxiu did not reject all these visitors. When many young people from the Military and Political Department, armed with pens and ink and small slips of paper a few inches long, gathered around Chen Duxiu and "asked for books" to commemorate him, Chen Duxiu was in prison and dropped a piece of paper: "Be concerned about the world's worries first." , "The world will be happy and happy", "Don't wait until the young man's head turns gray"...

He was overwhelmed, and it was not until he finished writing the ink that he finally solved the problem. It is not only his flamboyant calligraphy, which combines strength and softness, that makes the young soldiers happy when they gain and regret when they lose. The concern for the country and the unyielding temperament of these Eastern philosophers are even more amazing. There is no disdain at all. The images of prisoners are just souls swallowing mountains and rivers.

Although he was in prison, Chen Duxiu was very respected. Not only the soldiers in custody, but also everyone looked at him differently.

In June 1919, Chen Duxiu published this passage in the newspaper

Picture/Chen Duxiu’s calligraphy

Outside the prison, it was also very "lively".

After the news came out in October 1932 that Chen Duxiu was detained by the Kuomintang, just like the previous four times, it once again aroused calls for rescue from all parties. The public opinion of this rescue exceeded any other in history. This is a big rescue from all walks of life.

First it was within the Kuomintang. Weng Wenhao, Hu Shi and Nanjing Government Foreign Minister Luo Wenqian called Chiang Kai-shek one after another, requesting that Chen Duxiu's case be handed over to judicial trial and not to military court. To some extent, this is a special "protection" for Chen Duxiu.

and academia.Shanghai academic leaders Cai Yuanpei, Yang Xingfo, Liu Yazi, Lin Yutang, etc. published an article in Shanghai's " declaration ", asking Chiang Kai-shek to "have pity on the elderly and cherish talents" and let Chen Duxiu go. In this way, " Academics are very lucky, culture is very lucky”...

In addition, there is the international community. In the month when Chen Duxiu was arrested, international celebrities such as Dewey, Russell, and Einstein called Chiang Kai-shek one after another to rescue Chen Duxiu, which caused an uproar in the world.

In June 1919, Chen Duxiu published this passage in the newspaper

Picture/Chen Duxiu

In this regard, Chiang Kai-shek's attitude was ups and downs. At the beginning, many people demanded that Chen Duxiu be "liquidated" because he was once the "initiator of the red bandits" and should be punished without any possibility of survival.

However, Chiang Kai-shek later compromised. Under pressure from the domestic academic community, especially the international community, and considering the "lively" situations after Chen Duxiu's arrest several times before, he called Nanjing on November 24:

"Chen et al. The crime committed endangers the survival of the Republic of China. The national law has clear provisions on this kind of crime. In order to maintain the dignity of judicial independence, it should be submitted to the court for a public trial."

Only then did he finally give up. The idea of ​​​​organizing a special military court was raised, and the trial was changed to a public court. This gave Chen Duxiu himself a great living space, and also gave outside rescuers great hope.

In June 1919, Chen Duxiu published this passage in the newspaper

Picture/Chen Duxiu in prison, film and television image

First, Chen Duxiu's Peking University student Fu Sinian published an article of support in the newspaper on October 30, 1932, praising Chen Duxiu as "the great comet of great brilliance" in the history of the Chinese revolution.

and then Soong Ching Ling . He traveled from Shanghai to Nanjing on October 31, and then flew to Wuhan. He wanted to visit Chiang Kai-shek and his wife for Chen Duxiu's case.

Cai Yuanpei, Hu Shi and others all recommended defense lawyers to Chen Duxiu. In particular, Chen Duxiu's good friend before the May 4th Movement, the Republic of China barrister Zhang Shizhao , volunteered to defend him.

So many people wanted to help Chen Duxiu, but they didn't expect that Chen Duxiu would go his own way. When reporters asked him about hiring a lawyer, he said that he had no money to hire one, and he always believed that his case did not require a lawyer.

"Being unashamed I am always calm and honest, and I am in a difficult situation like a rainbow" . He firmly believes that he can exonerate himself. He cannot afford a lawyer and does not need a lawyer.

But even so, Zhang Shizhao, who was well aware of Chen Duxiu's stubborn nature, went to Nanjing and took the initiative to get involved in this political whirlpool.

In June 1919, Chen Duxiu published this passage in the newspaper

Picture/Zhang Shizhao

Speaking of Chen Duxiu and Zhang Shizhao, they are actually old political partners. In 1903, when the Su Bao case broke out, they faced the difficulties together and founded the National Daily, which was second to the Su Bao. During this period, they went in and out together, ate and lived together, talked day after day, and were in high spirits.

Later in Japan in 1914, Chen Duxiu helped Zhang Shizhao found "Jiayin". However, due to different political views, after Zhang Shizhao became the director-general of education and the director-general of justice in Duan Qirui's government, the two parted ways and stopped talking about politics.

The "March 18th" massacre in 1926 shocked the whole country. Chen Duxiu was angry and wrote to Zhang Shizhao, expressing his intention to break off diplomatic relations with him.

From good friend to political enemy, Zhang Shizhao knew very well about Chen Duxiu's character. He once lamented: Chen Duxiu is "I am the most difficult person in the world to make friends with" , but even so, when his friend was in trouble in 1932, Even so, he still insisted on coming forward.

At that time, Zhang Shizhao was already a nationally famous barrister. For ordinary litigation cases, even if others hired him with a high salary, it was difficult to get his commitment. But for Chen Duxiu, he not only took the initiative to ask for help, but also took no money in order to rescue Chen Duxiu from prison.

In this regard, Zhang Shizhao was also praised by others at the time as "having the style of an ancient righteous man".

Chen Duxiu couldn't bear the "attitude" of his old friend and political enemy Zhang Shizhao and acquiesced to the move.

I thought that if the two talented men joined forces, they would put on a good show. Unexpectedly, there was a funny scene in the court.

In June 1919, Chen Duxiu published this passage in the newspaper

Picture/Chen Duxiu in Prison

At 9:30 in the morning on April 14, 1933, Jiangning District Court, "Silence! Silence!", with the sound of the clerk's hammer, the case of Chen Duxiu's arrest was officially opened.

Chen Duxiu entered the court first. He looked around the court with a calm demeanor, as if he had finally come out to take a breath after writing for a long time, which was better than strolling in the court.

After that, Chen Duxiu answered the judge's question, "I am Chen Duxiu, whose name is Zhongfu. I am from Huaining, Anhui. I live in Yongxing Lane, Yuezhou Road, Shanghai. I am unemployed..." He was calm and unhurried.

During the three court sessions, Chen Duxiu answered every question without fear. Although barrister Zhang Shizhao was present, Chen Duxiu did not appreciate it. He actually wrote a thousands-word "Plea" by himself and read it aloud in court.

"Yu Xingnian is fifty-five years old. Since the weak crown, those who have resisted the Qing emperor, resisted the Beiyang warlords, resisted the Beiyang ideas, resisted imperialism, and worked hard to transform China in the 30th year... If it is said that the reactionary government is "endangering the Republic of China", this kind of logic will inevitably be ridiculed by the world. Sun Yat-sen and Huang Xing once opposed the Manchu and Yuan Shikai, and the latter once denounced Sun Yat-sen and Huang as traitors to the country. How can this be said? ? Therefore, it is believed that opposing the government is treason, and Sun and Huang have committed treason for the second time. This is an absurd view. "

Chen Duxiu made an impassioned speech without the look of a prisoner. The presiding judge looked embarrassed and embarrassed. Announced: "In accordance with the court proceedings, the defendant's lawyer will defend him."

Afterwards, Zhang Shizhao stood up from the lawyer's seat, straightened his clothes, glanced around the court, and began his 5,600-word long defense.

"This case is the first to strictly distinguish between speech and behavior. Who is the speaker? In modern civilized countries, everyone fights for freedom of speech...Based on the discussion, the parts of Chen Duxiu and Peng Shu in this case... are actually inconsistent with public morality. "

In June 1919, Chen Duxiu published this passage in the newspaper

Picture/Cai Yuanpei and Chen Duxiu

From 1:00 pm to 1:53 pm, Zhang Shizhao continued to talk for nearly an hour. His mouth was dry, he was dizzy, his back was sore, and he wanted to go with Chen Duxiu. Cooperate to fight for a reduced sentence or even acquittal, but he never expected that his friend would not only not appreciate it, but also let him encounter the most difficult scene in his career as a lawyer.

Chen Duxiu was very dissatisfied with Zhang Shizhao's defense because there were phrases such as "Putting out the Communists and then taking over" and "taking advantage of the horns to clear out the Communists" .

Although Zhang Shizhao's wording was conducive to defense, in Chen Duxiu's eyes, the word "Qing Communist Party" had completely blasphemed his thoughts and distorted his soul. Even if it was just a temporary solution, he couldn't bear it.

Therefore, he first said loudly to Zhang Shizhao in prison: "Be strict and keep good intentions in mind, but it is really difficult for Zhongfu to obey your original intention by bending your kindness!"

Later in the court, Chen Duxiu even more In front of Zhang Shizhao and the judge, he said bluntly: "I have a supplementary explanation for the lawyer's defense. The defense of lawyer Zhang and others is based on his personal observations and criticisms, and is entirely his personal opinion. My consent has not been sought, and There is no need to ask for my consent. As for my political opinions, they cannot be based on lawyer Zhang’s defense, but on my own documents!” Even the judges were puzzled by the daily fatigue, resentment, and helpless sighs: stubbornness!

There was even more excitement in the auditorium, with comments such as "It's incredible", "He is really a revolutionary", and "Heroic spirit".

Whether it was scolding or applause, Chen Duxiu didn't seem to hear it. After Zhang Shizhao and others finished their defense, he only said hastily: "I just ask the judge to let me go home as soon as possible." The court immediately attracted attention again. A burst of laughter.

Zhang Shizhao, Peng Wangye, Wu Zhiping and other lawyers present were angry and helpless, so they could only let Chen Duxiu do whatever he wanted.

In June 1919, Chen Duxiu published this passage in the newspaper

Chen Duxiu believed that he was not wrong, so he was unwilling to adopt Zhang Shizhao's defense and insisted on following his own plea. However, the result was obviously not what he expected.

htmlOn April 26, the first instance verdict of the case was announced. Chen Duxiu was found guilty of "treason" and sentenced to " fixed-term imprisonment of thirteen years and deprivation of public power for fifteen years".

After the court announced the verdict, Chen Duxiu stood up and said angrily: "I am treason to the Kuomintang, not the country. I am imposing this unfair ruling on others. We will definitely appeal and use the name of right and wrong!"

But the judge ignored his strong words at all. After protesting, Chen Duxiu was escorted back to the detention center.

At that time, the person who felt the most complicated was Zhang Shizhao. He worked hard and defended his friends, but in the end he was like a pig who can look in the mirror. This kind of result is really embarrassing for a nationally famous barrister.

But Chen Duxiu didn't care about this. Later, he complained to his friend Wang Mengzou who came to visit the prison: "It's terrible to practice strictness! Go back and tell him immediately that I don't want him to defend me anymore!" "

Regarding Chen Duxiu's "ungrateful" behavior, Chen Duxiu's good friend Bo Liewu later said to Chen Duxiu's son Chen Songnian : "Your father still has the same temper when he is old. He wants to be a hero, and many of his friends want to be in court. I couldn't help him. I changed his confession and he still had to correct it..."

In June 1919, Chen Duxiu published this passage in the newspaper

Picture/Chen Duxiu Film and Television Image

"The light of the sword has dimmed, and the drums and horns have disappeared." , although Chen Duxiu never changed his mind from beginning to end. In the end, he completely refused to accept the court's "treason" theory. He appealed many times and cited classics to defend himself.

But this case is like "a lice on a bald man's head - it's obvious" and cannot be influenced by Chen Duxiu and Zhang Shizhao. This is not a simple case, but a struggle between multiple political forces.

Finally, on July 21, 1934, the Supreme Court of the Kuomintang government made the final verdict against Chen Duxiu, and he was sentenced to eight years in prison.

The judgment of the Supreme Court is final and can only be implemented without the possibility of further appeal. Soon, Chen Duxiu was escorted to Nanjing Laohuqiao Model Prison and began his last and long prison life.

Until August 1937, after the Japanese bombed Nanjing, Chen Duxiu got a reduced sentence and walked out of prison. Five years later, on May 27, 1942, Chen Duxiu died of illness in an unknown village in Jiangjin, Sichuan, ending his life full of struggle.

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