During the Age of Discovery in the 16th century, Europeans discovered the New World of America. They slaughtered Indians everywhere, occupied their land, robbed the fruits of their labor, and maliciously spread infectious diseases.

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During the Age of Discovery in the 16th century, Europeans discovered the New World of America. They slaughtered Indians everywhere, occupied their land, robbed the fruits of their labor, and maliciously spread infectious diseases. - DayDayNews

In the Age of Discovery in the 16th century, Europeans discovered the New World of America. As a result, a large number of adventurers, robbers, murderers, scoundrels... swarmed in. Killing Indians everywhere, occupying the Indians' land, robbing the Indians of the fruits of their labor, and maliciously spreading infectious diseases. The number of Indians soon dropped to only 1/5 of its original number. This is a typical dove occupying a magpie's nest, and the ugly face of tenants occupying the landlord's property. These people are the ancestors of today's Americans.

During the Age of Discovery in the 16th century, Europeans discovered the New World of America. They slaughtered Indians everywhere, occupied their land, robbed the fruits of their labor, and maliciously spread infectious diseases. - DayDayNews

These rogue beasts and desperadoes are ferocious, unscrupulous, and arrogant in the Indian land. But in the eyes of the British aristocrats, the mother country and suzerain country , they were inferior to pigs and dogs and were only worthy of being slaves. Regulations of Navigation and Trade established by the British Government. They were only entitled to salted fish, and all other goods could only be sold to England. They were not yet allowed to mint coins locally. Except for grinding flour, brewing wine, and making wax, they were not allowed to get involved in any other manufacturing industry.

These rogue gamblers and gangsters are naturally unwilling to give up. So a group of mobs were gathered and suddenly launched an encirclement and attack on the British troops stationed in North America. At that time, the total number of British troops in 13 North American states was only more than 6,000. The British army suffered a disastrous defeat in the Battle of Bunker Hill. In 1776, the British, who had come to their senses, began to send more troops to North America. In New York, they defeated the 18,000-strong army led by Washington . When Washington withdrew to the Delaware River, he had only more than 4,000 men, and his entire army was almost destroyed. The Continental Congress elected the young Washington as the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army. It had nothing to do with his personal prestige. It was simply because he was the only member of the top independent faction with military literacy. Moreover, the location was a hot potato at the time. Because everyone knows that the possibility of losing is countless times greater than the possibility of winning. And once it fails, the commander-in-chief will inevitably hang on the British gallows.

Fortunately, there is always a way out. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. So the British's old rivals - France, Spain, and even the Netherlands and Russia, did their best to help Washington. France directly dispatched more than 16,500 ground military forces, and the number of French Royal Navy participants reached 75,000. The American Revolutionary War was almost defeated by the French. Among the three people who signed the instrument of surrender, two were French - Lieutenant General of the French Army, Count Rochambeau, and Vice Admiral of the Navy, Count de Grasse. The remaining one was Washington. Even the "Treaty of Paris" at the end of the War of Independence in 1783 was signed in Paris, France. One can imagine how big a role France played in the American War of Independence.

During the Age of Discovery in the 16th century, Europeans discovered the New World of America. They slaughtered Indians everywhere, occupied their land, robbed the fruits of their labor, and maliciously spread infectious diseases. - DayDayNews

After the end of the Revolutionary War, Washington did not change and become "Washington I". He had to do it if he didn't want to, but he couldn't! Because the United States itself did not dominate the outcome of the War of Independence, no political force established its absolute authority through the war. Therefore, no single strong political figure emerged. Behind the leaderlessness of American politics is the "dual system" of the American economy. The group headed by Adams and Hamilton liked the British royal system, advocated the establishment of a monarchy, and found a pure "blue-blood aristocrat" from Europe to be the king. Later, the internal opinions were not unified, and they settled for the next best thing, advocating the establishment of a strong central government and the implementation of elite politics. The other faction, represented by Jefferson, opposed centralization and advocated strengthening local governments, believing that federalism was the best. Washington claimed to be a centrist and his style was slightly more federalist. Hamilton was the Secretary of the Treasury, and Jefferson was the Secretary of State. They were both real people with real power. Washington could only live in harmony. If he were like our country's Yuan Shikai and tried to get addicted to the emperor, the end would definitely be worse than Yuan Shikai!

Such a political foundation was destined to lead to the Civil War! In 1860, the total population of the United States was only 31 million. In the four-year Civil War, a total of 620,000 people died in the Civil War. This number exceeded the total death toll in all subsequent American wars.The Americans massacred their own people with an efficiency that even the later Germans and Japanese could not match. General Sherman implemented a thorough " three-light policy" against the southern United States, burning, killing, and looting all the way, leaving a scorched earth wherever he went. Such an extremely cruel and brutal solution would make even the Japanese feel inferior!

During the Age of Discovery in the 16th century, Europeans discovered the New World of America. They slaughtered Indians everywhere, occupied their land, robbed the fruits of their labor, and maliciously spread infectious diseases. - DayDayNews

After 1863, the obstacles to the power of farmers in the south were completely eliminated. Rapidly launch the country's industrialization construction. By 1890, the American economic crisis broke out. Germany and Japan, which started at about the same time as the United States, also encountered the same problem. In order to dump products, open up markets and pass on the economic crisis. The Germans beat up the French in Europe, and the Japanese launched the Sino-Japanese War against China in 1894, and later launched the Russo-Japanese War .

Americans are most afraid of a tough battle in which they risk their lives and gamble on the fate of the country. His favorite hobby is to bully the weak, bully the weak and avoid the strong, and pick on the weak. What they admire most is , the law of the jungle, , the law of the jungle. So we started from the edge of our nest and took action on our own brothers and sisters - violently attacking the Spaniards in South America.

wrested Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, Hawaii, Philippines from the Spanish... It was only after 1898 that America truly became the Americas of Americans, and South America became the backyard of Americans. , the United States exclusively enjoys the resources and markets here.

During the Age of Discovery in the 16th century, Europeans discovered the New World of America. They slaughtered Indians everywhere, occupied their land, robbed the fruits of their labor, and maliciously spread infectious diseases. - DayDayNews

Later, the United States used the Philippines as a springboard to frantically intervene in Asian affairs, proposing "an open door for all interests." Many wedges were planted all over the world.

World War I broke out in 1914. In the first three years of the war, the United States remained neutral in name, but in fact made a lot of money from the war. In 1917, the Russian October Revolution broke out. In March 1918, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was concluded with Germany. The balance on the battlefield began to tilt toward Germany. Britain and France owe more than $6 billion in loans to American capitalists, and they are about to be in vain. At this time, both sides were fighting until they were panting, hoarse, and dying. This is a great time to reap the benefits of fishermen. So the United States announced its participation in the war. 19 months later, Germany signed an armistice agreement in November 1918, World War I came to an end.

Since then, the United States has reaped huge dividends. The war created strong demand. The Great Leap Forward of industrialization in the United States took off and developed, and the United States ushered in a period of unprecedented prosperity.

After World War I, there were more than 20,000 millionaires in the United States. The gap between rich and poor continues to widen. In 1929, another serious economic crisis broke out and fell into the famous "Great Depression" period.

Capitalist developed countries, in order to pass on the crisis and expand their markets, the struggle between them has become increasingly fierce. The war to redivide the world began - this was World War II . The Americans are repeating their old tricks, first maintaining neutrality on the surface, and secretly taking advantage of troubled waters to make money from the war. When the two sides once again fought to the death, exhausted, and half-dead, the United States once again reaped the benefits. From then on, it far surpassed the United Kingdom, ascended to the position of world hegemony, and became the leader of capitalist countries in the Western world!

During the Age of Discovery in the 16th century, Europeans discovered the New World of America. They slaughtered Indians everywhere, occupied their land, robbed the fruits of their labor, and maliciously spread infectious diseases. - DayDayNews

In fact, the United States is naturally fond of robbery and massacre, sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight, taking advantage of the situation, and fishing in troubled waters. It has never believed in freedom, democracy, and fair human rights. All it believes in is the law of the jungle and the law of the jungle. Its behavior is to bully the weak and bully the weak.I never dare to bite a hard nut, dare not bet on the fate of the country, and fight for my life in a tough battle! Even for his own compatriots, his brothers and sisters, he will not show any mercy at all!

During the Age of Discovery in the 16th century, Europeans discovered the New World of America. They slaughtered Indians everywhere, occupied their land, robbed the fruits of their labor, and maliciously spread infectious diseases. - DayDayNews

The United States is a country of immigrants, with a diverse domestic population; a huge gap between the rich and the poor; various domestic conflicts and struggles are complex; each state has its own soldiers and self-respect, much like the feudal separatist regimes in the Tang Dynasty era of our country ...

During the Age of Discovery in the 16th century, Europeans discovered the New World of America. They slaughtered Indians everywhere, occupied their land, robbed the fruits of their labor, and maliciously spread infectious diseases. - DayDayNews

The United States Politicians are very "smart" and often use "gun ban issues", "abortion issues", "health care reform issues", "racial discrimination issues"... and even launch aggressive wars to divert the fierce domestic class conflict and cover up problems. the essence of. Sometimes, American politicians will take the blood-earned wealth that they have harvested, plundered and looted in various places around the world and given some to the people at home to alleviate conflicts, praise themselves and gain political capital.

Once the United States loses the ability to plunder other countries' resources and wealth, it will become inevitable for the United States to collapse and disintegrate like the former Soviet Union!

During the Age of Discovery in the 16th century, Europeans discovered the New World of America. They slaughtered Indians everywhere, occupied their land, robbed the fruits of their labor, and maliciously spread infectious diseases. - DayDayNews

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