On January 26, 2022, the Shanghai No. 1 Intermediate People's Court made a public verdict on the bribery case of Xia Jianguo, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and President of Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology.

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On January 26, 2022, the Shanghai No. 1 Intermediate People's Court made a public verdict on the bribery case of Xia Jianguo, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and President of Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology. The defendant Xia Jianguo was sentenced to years and six months in prison for accepting bribes and was fined RMB 2 million.

is reported to be between 2003 and 2020. Xia Jianguo took advantage of his position to seek benefits for others in contracting school construction projects, selling products and equipment, and other matters, and demanded or illegally accepted other people's property, totaling more than 22.5735 million yuan.

Xia Jianguo is a typical "two-faced person". His coaching career lasted 38 years, during which he received many honors. For example, he has won titles such as "Person with Outstanding Contributions to Education", "Shanghai Talent Award", and "University President Favored by Students". On the surface, Xia Jianguo appears to be a good principal with integrity and courage. Secretly, he used his power to amass money, lived a corrupt life, and kept a mistress for a long time.

On January 26, 2022, the Shanghai No. 1 Intermediate People's Court made a public verdict on the bribery case of Xia Jianguo, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and President of Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology. - DayDayNews

Xia Jianguo

Xia Jianguo is very good at hiding himself, and he "plays" one thing on stage and another off stage to the fullest. He attaches great importance to building his own "personality" and often appears in front of teachers and students with a very positive image, but behind the scenes he has been completely corrupted. He became a corrupt person who was greedy for money and beauty.

Xia Jianguo was once an "academic master". He graduated at the age of 19 and became the vice principal of a college at the age of 24. It can be said that he is young and promising, and his future is bright. But when he took power, he embarked on a path of no return.

How did Xia Jianguo decline step by step? Let’s listen to what the author has to say.

His official career was smooth and he won many honors.

In January 1963, Xia Jianguo was born into an ordinary worker's family in Songjiang District. Xia Jianguo's family background is not superior, and his parents' education level is not high. But they understand very well that knowledge can change a person's destiny.

Therefore, his parents deliberately cultivated Xia Jianguo's interest in reading when he was still young. Perhaps this kind of training played a role. Xia Jianguo has been particularly fond of reading since he was a child. In addition, his parents also found that Xia Jianguo seemed smarter than his peers.

Xia Jianguo did not disappoint his parents. His grades have always been excellent and stable. Xia Jianguo is an out-and-out academic. In 1982, 19-year-old Xia Jianguo graduated from university. After graduation, Xia Jianguo entered the Shanghai Electrical Technology College.

On January 26, 2022, the Shanghai No. 1 Intermediate People's Court made a public verdict on the bribery case of Xia Jianguo, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and President of Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology. - DayDayNews

Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology

Xia Jianguo not only has excellent learning ability, but also has unambiguous working ability. Xia Jianguo is very active in his work, and the diligent Xia Jianguo is very popular among his leaders. In 1984, Xia Jianguo, 21 years old after only two years on the job, became the vice president of Shanghai Electrical Technology College.

Xia Jianguo's promotion speed was like a rocket, and he was in a leadership position within a few years of working. Xia Jianguo has been in this position for more than 20 years. In 2009, Xia Jianguo served as dean of Shanghai Institute of Electrical Engineering. In 2014, Xia Jianguo was appointed president of Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology. Two years later, he also served as deputy secretary of the party committee and became the top leader of the university.

Xia Jianguo's working ability is quite good. In Xia Jianguo's more than thirty years of coaching career, he has won many honors. Xia Jianguo has won the title of "Outstanding Dean of Shanghai Vocational Education", "Shanghai Education Award", the 4th National Education Reform and Innovation Outstanding Principal Award, etc.

It is worth mentioning that Xia Jianguo was also rated as "Students' Favorite" in 2016 The award speech at the time introduced Xia Jianguo like this:

On January 26, 2022, the Shanghai No. 1 Intermediate People's Court made a public verdict on the bribery case of Xia Jianguo, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and President of Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology. - DayDayNews

Xia Jianguo won the 2016 "Students' Favorite University President"

He ran selflessly in the "education journey" and "came with a heart in his hands" He won the hearts of the students with his diligence, pragmatism, humility and magnanimity. He is the "wonderful" principal who publishes his mobile phone number to all students; he is the principal who insists on morning breakfast with his classmates every day. The "sunshine" principal who runs away from school; he is a "model worker" principal who is used to having no days off during the winter and summer vacations.

Looking at it now, these award speeches seem extremely ironic.We believe that Xia Jianguo initially had beautiful ideals and beliefs, but when he came to power, he put all of this behind him.

lavishly amassed money and was accused of living a corrupt life and keeping a mistress

According to the prosecutor's office, Xia Jianguo first accepted bribes in 2003. At that time, Xia Jianguo served as Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of Shanghai Electrical Engineering College.

Xia Jianguo, who took a leadership position, found that he seemed to have more and more "friends". Surrounded by "flattery" people and hearing too many good words, Xia Jianguo's mentality changed a lot. He believes that he has excellent work ability and has made great contributions to the company, so he deserves to enjoy a higher quality of life.

So, faced with those businessmen who wanted to ask Xia Jianguo. He no longer rejects them, but instead intentionally gets closer to these people. Because Xia Jianguo understands that these people can bring benefits to him.

On January 26, 2022, the Shanghai No. 1 Intermediate People's Court made a public verdict on the bribery case of Xia Jianguo, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and President of Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology. - DayDayNews

Xia Jianguo eventually lost himself.

Xia Jianguo's method of making money was very simple. He mainly used his power in school engineering projects and cadre recruitment to make profits.

Xia Jianguo holds power over school engineering projects, so some businessmen who want to obtain these projects come to visit. These people frequently entertain Xia Jianguo and give him money and gifts. Soon, Xia Jianguo "fell". Xia Jianguo conducted power and money transactions with these businessmen and received large amounts of bribes.

Another means of making money by Xia Jianguo is to use personnel power for profit. As the main leader of the school, Xia Jianguo naturally has great power in the appointment and adjustment of some cadres. In order to get promotion, some colleagues chose to "curry favor" with Xia Jianguo. Xia Jianguo received a large amount of "thank you money" from it.

Xia Jianguo's corruption is not only reflected in bribery. Xia Jianguo, who is used to a life of "feasting and feasting", is completely corrupted. Not only was he extravagant in food and clothing, but he was also accused of having bad teacher ethics and family tradition. There are reports that Xia Jianguo has kept a mistress for a long time and his private life is chaotic.

These aspects are also reflected in Xia Jianguo's briefing:

"Xia Jianguo is politically degenerate, ideologically corrupt, economically greedy, and life-indulgent. His behavior has seriously polluted the political ecology of the education system...; his life is corrupt and degenerate, He kept a mistress for a long time and neglected his relatives; he took advantage of his power to accept huge bribes. "

It is reported that between 2003 and 2020, Xia Jianguo took advantage of his position to seek improper benefits for his clients, asking for or illegally accepting other people's property. The total amount is equivalent to more than 22.5735 million yuan.

On January 26, 2022, the Shanghai No. 1 Intermediate People's Court made a public verdict on the bribery case of Xia Jianguo, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and President of Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology. - DayDayNews

Xia Jianguo takes bribes

Xia Jianguo is a man with different appearances. On the surface, he has been trying to create an image of a decent and good cadre. Behind the scenes, there is another face. So much so that after Xia Jianguo was dismissed, many teachers and students in the school were quite surprised.

went to jail and accepted justice.

As the saying goes, "There is no airtight wall in the world." Although Xia Jianguo is very good at disguise, his "mask" was finally revealed.

In October 2020, the Shanghai Commission for Discipline Inspection released a news: Xia Jianguo, president of Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology, was suspected of serious violations of disciplines and laws and was subject to disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Shanghai Commission for Discipline Inspection.

In January 2021, Xia Jianguo was "double-opened" in accordance with the law. In March of the same year, the First Branch of the Shanghai Municipal People's Procuratorate prosecuted Xia Jianguo and charged:

"Between 2003 and 2020, the defendant Xia Jianguo used his position as Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of Shanghai Electric College of Electric Power, Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Director of Shanghai Institute of Electric Power Providing help to others in undertaking supply business, contracting projects and other matters, seeking benefits, extorting or illegally accepting payments from others due to the convenience of positions such as deputy dean, dean, president of Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology, or the convenient conditions formed by authority and status. The amount of property is extremely large, and he should be held criminally responsible for accepting bribes according to law.”

On the morning of January 26, 2022, the Shanghai No. 1 Intermediate People’s Court made a public verdict on Xia Jianguo’s bribery case: Xia Jianguo was sentenced for accepting bribes. He was sentenced to 12 years and six months in prison and fined RMB 2 million; the illegal gains from bribery shall be recovered and turned over to the state treasury.

On January 26, 2022, the Shanghai No. 1 Intermediate People's Court made a public verdict on the bribery case of Xia Jianguo, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and President of Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology. - DayDayNews

Xia Jianguo in court

Xia Jianguo finally paid the due price for his greed and arrogance. Xia Jianguo took up a leadership position at a young age and won many honors during this period. It can be said that his future is bright. But in the end, he succumbed to money, and his ending was entirely his own fault.


The so-called desire for wealth is a tiger and lust is a sword.

Don’t reach out, otherwise you will be caught!


The Paper: "Xia Jianguo, the former president of Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology, accepted bribes and was sentenced to 12 and a half years in prison."

Henan Business News: "Served as vice president at the age of 21 and was rated as "Student Favorite"! A university president amassed money and his mistress was raped."

Poster News: "Xia Jianguo, the former president of Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology, took bribes of more than 22 million and was sentenced to 12 and a half years in prison."

Beiqing Qnews: "Xia Jianguo, the former president of Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology, took bribes. 22.57 million yuan and sentenced to 12 and a half years in prison in the first instance》

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