Is Xu Fu the ancestor of the Japanese? Experts carry out DNA tests to find out that ancestors were different

2022/04/0105:33:18 history 1771

According to the records of "Historical Records ", the alchemist Xu Fu once followed the order of Qin Shihuang in 219 BC, and led 3,000 boys and girls and his general attendants across the Bohai Sea to Yingzhou ( Japan). The reason why Qin Shihuang asked him to take 3,000 boys and girls to Japan is to let him find or refine the elixir of immortality in Japan.

Because of this, since modern times, there has been a popular saying that "Xu Fu is the ancestor of the Japanese", but strictly speaking, this statement cannot be established without scientific proof.


"A Brief History of Japan" has a description of Xu Fu's arrival from the west. Xu Fu is definitely not the ancestor of the Japanese, but in the eyes of the Japanese, Xu Fu, who came from west to east, is indeed the first person who started the cultural exchange between China and Japan. and respectful.

Is Xu Fu the ancestor of the Japanese? Experts carry out DNA tests to find out that ancestors were different - DayDayNews

Did Xu Fudong's departure have any impact on Japan? Then the answer to this question is yes. Before Xu Fu arrived in Japan, Japan did not have the surname "Qin". On the other hand, in today's Wakayama, Japan, there are many Japanese people with the "Qin surname"; , The word "Qin" is clearly engraved on the wooden signs at the gates of some residents in Wakayama.

There are still many evidences that can prove that Xu Fu went to Japan and had a profound influence on Japan, such as the well-known Xu Fu Temple, Xu Fu Temple, etc. The reason why the Japanese built these temples in the name of Xu Fu is not to make China People go east to worship, was specially built for Japan at the very beginning.

So from the above, we can draw the conclusion that according to the records of Japanese history books and some related phenomena that still exist today, Xu Fu is not the ancestor of the Japanese. Before Xu Fu easted to Japan, the land at that time Human reproduction has already existed since then, and Japan at that time has entered an institutional slave society.

Is Xu Fu the ancestor of the Japanese? Experts carry out DNA tests to find out that ancestors were different - DayDayNews

Although Xu Fu is not the real ancestor of the Japanese, Xu Fu's arrival in Japan has indeed brought great influence to Japan.

is disgusted with some historical materials of Chinese dynasties and dynasties. After verification, it is found that also does not have any records about "Xu Fu is the ancestor of the Japanese".


has already been mentioned at the beginning, this kind of absurd statement has been popular since modern times, not to mention the Japanese will not admit it, even the Chinese with a little cultural knowledge will not affirm it. However, with the "bad public opinion" that swept up in modern times, under the rapid spread of three people becoming tigers, this statement did spread to Japan at that time. In order to verify the accuracy of this statement,

even started the most rigorous scientific inquiry - DNA testing.

Is Xu Fu the ancestor of the Japanese? Experts carry out DNA tests to find out that ancestors were different - DayDayNews

After multiple DNA tests, it not only pierced the absurd statement that "Xu Fu is the ancestor of the Japanese", but also traced the "primitive breath" of the Japanese, whose ancestors are the recognized Jomon and Yayoi people.

These two groups of people have always been recognized as the ancestors of the Japanese. Although domestic scholars have different views on this, the saying that "the Jomon and the Yayoi are the ancestors of the Japanese" has lasted for a long time.

Just like living tens of thousands of years ago, our recognized "our ancestors" are Yuanmou people in Yunnan , cave people and Beijing people, Japanese also have records about their original ancestors.

Is Xu Fu the ancestor of the Japanese? Experts carry out DNA tests to find out that ancestors were different - DayDayNews

The Jomon people existed more than 16,000 years ago, far earlier than the Yayoi people who lived more than 7,000 years ago. The two are completely different from the "era of civilization". The former existed in the Paleolithic Age, and the latter A new era has come. Since the difference between the existence of the two is nearly 10,000 years, Japanese scholars in modern times have put forward different views. They believe that:

"The Yayoi people are very likely to be the continuation of the Jomon people, because the Jomon people's origin is located in , Hokkaido, , . It is near the of Honshu Island, which is located in the north of the island country.”

Is Xu Fu the ancestor of the Japanese? Experts carry out DNA tests to find out that ancestors were different - DayDayNews

Due to the terrain and climate of the Japanese island country, the ancestors of the Japanese have been widely engaged in fishing since their origin. At the same time, the Lantian people on the land of China have begun to learn to use their own pottery to store grains such as grain, millet and millet. At that time, the ancestors of the Japanese were still grinding stone tools to prepare for fishing.

According to local historical records in Japan, Xu Fu, who came from the east, brought them more advanced farming techniques, so this led to the opening of agricultural civilization in Japan. I am afraid this is also an important reason why Xu Fu is widely welcomed by the Japanese. Speaking of this, the process of Xu Fu bringing the gospel to Japan is really like the scene when Princess Wencheng entered Tibet.

Is Xu Fu the ancestor of the Japanese? Experts carry out DNA tests to find out that ancestors were different - DayDayNews

Although it is a fallacy to say that Xu Fu is the ancestor of the Japanese, we cannot rule out another way of saying that among the Japanese today, there may really be many descendants of Xu Fu, or descendants of people from the Qin Dynasty who arrived in Japan at that time. The record of "three thousand boys and girls" in is official historical data.

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