【Daily Reading of Party History】October 5

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【Daily Reading of Party History】October 5 - DayDayNews

[Important Discussion]

October 5, 1928

Mao Zedong presided over the second congress of the Communist Party of Hunan and Jiangxi in Buyun Mountain, Maoping. The meeting passed the meeting resolution drafted by Mao Zedong. The resolution proposed for the first time the important idea of ​​"armed separation between workers and peasants," and focused on analyzing the reasons and conditions for the occurrence and existence of China's red regime, and answered the question of "how long will the red flag last?" The resolution pointed out: First, China is an economically backward semi-colonial country indirectly ruled by imperialism. The semi-feudal local agricultural economy (not a unified capitalist economy) and imperialists have implemented a split and exploitative policy of dividing spheres of influence on China, resulting in whiteness. Divisions and wars continue to occur between regimes. This is the condition for the occurrence and existence of red regimes in a small area. The separation of the border between Hunan and Jiangxi is a small piece among these many small pieces. Second, the places where the red regime first occurred and can exist for a long time are the places affected by the first revolution, such as Hunan, Guangdong, Hubei, Jiangxi and other provinces. Third, the long-term existence of political power in small localities depends on whether the national revolutionary situation moves forward. The national revolutionary situation is moving forward, and the long-term existence of a small red area is not only unquestionable, but it is inevitably a force among the many forces that have gained power throughout the country. Fourth, the existence of an official Red Army with considerable strength is a necessary condition for the existence of a red regime. If there is no formal armed with considerable strength, it will definitely not be able to create a separatist situation, let alone a long-term and increasingly developing separatist situation. Therefore, the idea of ​​"armed separation of workers and peasants" is an important idea that the Communist Party and the masses of workers and peasants in separate areas must fully possess. Fifth, for the long-term existence and development of the red regime, in addition to the above-mentioned conditions, there must also be an important condition, that is, the strength of the Communist Party organization and the correctness of its policies. The resolution also clarified the policies of the Special Committee on the Border between Hunan and Jiangxi of the Communist Party of China and the Military Commission of the Fourth Red Army: resolutely fight against the enemy, create the Luoxiaoshan mid-section regime, and oppose escapeism; deepen the land revolution in the separatist areas; the army and party help For the development of the local party, the regular army helps the development of the local armed forces; concentrate the Red Army’s cameras to deal with the current enemy,Oppose the division of troops to avoid being destroyed by the enemy; the expansion of the separatist regions adopts a wave-like policy of advancement and opposes the policy of rash advancement. The first part of this resolution is "Why can China's red regime exist?" "" as the title, included in the first volume of "Selected Works of Mao Zedong".

October 5, 1936

Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai wrote to Zhang Xueliang . The letter pointed out: When the Japanese invaders were preparing for a new large-scale offensive, they in turn ordered the Southern Army of Hu Zong to go deep into Shaanxi and Gansu to expand the fratricidal civil war. In this regard, we formally declare that in order to quickly implement the idea of ​​halting the civil war and unanimously resisting Japan, as long as the Kuomintang army does not obstruct the Red Army’s anti-Japanese route and invade the Red Army’s anti-Japanese rear, we shall first implement the cessation of attacks on the Kuomintang army as our resolute truce. Said that only when the Kuomintang army attacked us, we would counterattack necessary in the way of self-defense, all of which were to promote the consciousness of the Kuomintang authorities. Mr. is the leader of the Northwest Army, and is an important person in the civil war and the war of resistance. If you can take into account the way out of the historical juncture of the Chinese nation, that is, pray decisively, immediately stop the Northwest Army’s offensive against the Red Army, and pray for our opinions Convey Mr. Chiang Kai-shek made a decision immediately and sent formal representatives to each other to negotiate the specific conditions of the armistice and resistance to Japan. Kou Shen is in dire danger, and I hope that Mr.

October 5, 1988

When Deng Xiaoping met with Kenyan President Moi, he talked about China’s development plan and pointed out that in our development plan, the first step is to let the coastal areas develop first; the second step, The coastal areas help the inland to develop and achieve common prosperity. Common prosperity is an unshakable principle of the socialist system. It is our development plan to start with the coastal areas and then the inland areas. However, there are many raw materials in the inland areas and not in the coastal areas. This will lead to various contradictions between the coastal areas and the inland areas. Therefore, each step must consider the objective world and formulate the next steps and methods. Speaking of development, first, we must have a long-term strategic vision, and second, we must be cautious in every step we take.We must be bold and adhere to the current guidelines and policies, but we must also take steady steps. Requesting too hastily is often the source of big mistakes.

[Party History Review]


The resolution of the Jiangxi Border Party drafted by Mao Zedong on October 5 was passed by the Second Workers’ and Peasants’ Congress. The thought of armed separatism. In January 1930, Mao Zedong's reply to Lin Biao (later changed to "A single spark, can start a prairie fire"), proposed to shift the focus of the party's work from the city to the countryside, and began to form the idea of ​​rural areas encircling cities and armed seizure of power.


October 5 The Politburo meeting discussed and approved in principle the "Opinions on the Enrollment of Higher Education Institutions in 1977" by the Ministry of Education. On the 12th, the State Council approved this opinion and decided that starting this year, higher education enrollment will adopt voluntary registration, unified examinations, and merit-based admissions methods to restore the college entrance examination system that was abandoned during the "Cultural Revolution." From November to December, about 5.7 million people across the country took part in the unified examinations organized by provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities, and 273,000 were admitted.


October 5 The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued "Several Opinions on the Implementation of the Revitalization Strategy of Old Industrial Bases in Northeast China."


October 5th China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences researcher Tu Youyou won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine .This is the first time that a Chinese scientist has won the Nobel Prize for Science for scientific research conducted in China. It is the highest award ever received by the Chinese medical community and the highest award for achievements in traditional Chinese medicine.

[Historical Moment]

【Daily Reading of Party History】October 5 - DayDayNews

published in October 1934, "Span12span", "Span12span", "Span12span", "Span 12span" War, defend the Soviet power.

Source: The website of the Central Party History and Literature Research Institute of the Communist Party of China

【Daily Reading of Party History】October 5 - DayDayNews

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【Daily Reading of Party History】October 5 - DayDayNews


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