A Hundred Years of Party History, Reading Every Day | September 30

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A Hundred Years of Party History, Reading Every Day | September 30 - DayDayNews

Important Discussion

September 30, 1930

Zhou Enlai presided over the enlarged meeting of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai, and gave a report on the current Red Army’s central tasks and several fundamental issues. The report affirmed the strategy and tactics of the Zhumao Red Army's guerrilla warfare, and believed that the Zhumao Red Army's transition from guerrilla warfare to guerrilla warfare in order to adapt to the new struggle situation was a strategic change and was completely correct. The fact that the main force of the Zhumao Red Army marched from Jinggangshan to southern Jiangxi and opened up new base areas is the beginning of a new chapter in history, and it is entirely a process of the development of the Civil Peasant War under the leadership of the proletariat towards the war to eliminate warlords.

September 30, 1949

Mao Zedong attended the closing ceremony of the first plenary session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. The meeting elected members of the First National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and elected the chairman, vice chairman and all members of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China. Mao Zedong was elected as a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of the Central People's Government. The conference passed the "Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Declaration" drafted by Mao Zedong. The declaration stated: "The First Plenary Session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference has successfully completed its task." "China's history has since opened up a new era." "The People's Republic of China has now been proclaimed and the Chinese people have already With its own central government. This government will implement the People’s Democratic Dictatorship throughout China in accordance with the common program. It will command the People’s Liberation Army to carry out the revolutionary war to the end, eliminate the remaining enemy forces, liberate the country’s territory, and complete the great cause of unifying China. It It will lead the people of the whole country to overcome all difficulties, carry out large-scale economic and cultural construction, eliminate the poverty and ignorance left by old China, and gradually improve the people's material life and the people's cultural life. It will protect the people's interests, Suppress all counter-revolutionaries’ conspiracy activities. It will strengthen the people’s land, sea and air forces, consolidate national defense, defend territorial sovereignty and integrity, and oppose any imperialist countries’ aggression. It will unite all countries, nations and peoples that love peace and freedom, first of all. The Soviet Union and the new democracies considered their allies to oppose the imperialists’ conspiracy to instigate war.Strive for lasting peace in the world. The congress also passed the "Telegram of Tribute to the National People's Liberation Army", the decision to erect the "Monument to the People's Heroes Who Sacrificed for the Country" and the monument inscription drafted by Mao Zedong. At 6 pm, all representatives attending the CPPCC meeting held the People's Heroes in Tiananmen Square. The foundation-laying ceremony of the monument. Zhou Enlai delivered a speech on behalf of the presidium. Mao Zedong read the monument inscription: "In the past three years, the people's heroes who died in the People's Liberation War and the People's Revolution will be immortal! For thirty years, the people's heroes who died in the People's War of Liberation and the People's Revolution will be immortal! This dates back to 1840. Since then, in order to oppose internal and external enemies and strive for national independence and people’s freedom and happiness, the people’s heroes who have sacrificed in previous struggles will be immortal! "Mao Zedong and the chief representatives of the units attending the meeting shoveled the earth to lay the foundation for the monument and expressed their respect for the martyrs.

September 30, 2013

The ninth collective study was held. Xi Jinping emphasized when presiding over the study that the implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy determines the future and destiny of the Chinese nation. The whole party and the whole society must fully understand the great role of technological innovation, and be keenly aware of the development trend of global technological innovation. Seize and make good use of the opportunities of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and implement innovation-driven development as a major strategy facing the future.

He pointed out that at present, from a global perspective, science and technology are increasingly becoming a driving force. The main force of economic and social development, innovation-driven is the general trend. A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation are gestating and emerging. Some important scientific issues and key core technologies have shown signs of revolutionary breakthroughs, driving the cross integration of key technologies and group leap forward. The energy for change and breakthroughs is accumulating. The upcoming new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change form a historic intersection with China’s accelerating transformation of the economic development mode, providing a rare and major opportunity for us to implement the innovation-driven development strategy. Passing away, grasping is an opportunity, and if you can’t grasp it, it is a challenge. We must increase our sense of worry, firmly grasp and make good use of the opportunities of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. We cannot wait, wait and see, and cannot slack off.

Emphasize that from a domestic perspective, innovation is driven by the situation. China’s economic aggregate has leapt to the second place in the world.Social productivity, comprehensive national strength, and scientific and technological strength have reached a new stage. At the same time, the problems of imbalance, uncoordinated, and unsustainability in my country's development are still prominent, and the pressure on population, resources, and the environment is increasing. Material resources will inevitably be used less and less, while technology and talents will be used more and more. If we want to promote the simultaneous development of new industrialization, informatization, urbanization, and agricultural modernization, we must move to the track of innovation-driven development as soon as possible, release the potential of scientific and technological innovation, and give full play to the role of scientific and technological progress and innovation.

September 30, 2020

Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the United Nations Biodiversity Summit and pointed out that on the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, countries are committed to fighting the new crown pneumonia epidemic and promoting high-quality economic recovery. At every moment, the United Nations holds the Biodiversity Summit, and everyone discusses the major issues of protecting biodiversity and promoting sustainable development, which is of practical and far-reaching significance. At present, the global species extinction rate is accelerating, and the loss of biodiversity and the degradation of ecosystems pose a major risk to human survival and development. The new crown pneumonia epidemic tells us that man and nature are a community with a shared future. We must work together and act quickly to protect in development and develop in protection to build a beautiful home in harmony with all things. He put forward four suggestions in this regard: First, adhere to ecological civilization and increase the motivation for building a beautiful world. The second is to adhere to multilateralism and consolidate global environmental governance. The third is to maintain green development and foster high-quality economic recovery after the epidemic. The fourth is to enhance the sense of responsibility and enhance the ability to respond to environmental challenges.

Review of Party History


On September 30, Ye Jianying gave a speech to reporters of Xinhua News Agency, further expounding the nine principles and policies on Taiwan's return to the motherland and the realization of the peaceful reunification of the motherland.


On September 30, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the "Regulations on the Work of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China", which made "adhere to the party's leadership over all work and ensure the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee" as the central committee must grasp the work The first principle.This is a key move to uphold and improve the party's leadership system, and is a landmark achievement in strengthening the guarantee of the "two maintenance" system.

Historical Moments

A Hundred Years of Party History, Reading Every Day | September 30 - DayDayNews

On September 30, 1949, Mao Zedong was elected Chairman of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China. The audience stood up and applauded congratulations.

Source: Communist Party Member Network


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