Sun Yat-sen: If you want to become a world power, Ili is the best capital. What is the basis for this?

2021/09/0316:21:14 history 1759

When the people were screaming hard under the weak and weak rule of the Qing government, a man with a sharp blade cut through the darkness of the times and brought light to the Chinese nation, which had been unable to lift its head for thousands of years, and made them straighten their waists. .

This man’s name is Sun Yat-sen, and his sharp blade is called the Revolution of 1911.

The Revolution of 1911 completely ruined the history of China's feudal dynasty, and Mr. Sun Yat-sen also became the pioneer of history.

Sun Yat-sen: If you want to become a world power, Ili is the best capital. What is the basis for this? - DayDayNews

Then, as the interim president of the Republic of China, Mr. Sun Yat-sen proposed many reforms for the development of China, one of which was the location of the capital.

The beginning of the Republic of China

In history books, we have learned many times: "The Revolution of 1911 was a democratic revolution. It overthrew the rule of the Chinese feudal dynasty and established the first in Chinese history. A country of democratic dictatorship..."

In this way, to ordinary people, it sounds unrealistic.

But if you put it another way, the 1911 Revolution liberated the history of the enslavement of the Chinese people at the bottom of the country, and women have the right to get out of the house , the government is no longer the sole imperial power, then, do you feel it? How great is it?

The Revolution of 1911 liberated not only the rule of a dynasty, but also reformed not only the political system of a country, but fundamentally liberated the minds of the entire Chinese people. Therefore, this is its most precious historical value. It is also the greatest thing about Dr. Sun Yat-sen.

Sun Yat-sen: If you want to become a world power, Ili is the best capital. What is the basis for this? - DayDayNews

Then,After the reform is over and the Republic of China is formally established, Mr. Sun Yat-sen will seek development in other areas for the survival of this country, for example, Dingdu.

Location of the capital

In the history of China's feudal dynasties, the location of the capital of a dynasty was largely dependent on "feng shui."

Although the siphon effect of economic and political centers is also considered, the factors of feudal superstition still influence the fixed capital of a dynasty.

However, since Mr. Sun Yat-sen is the first person to break feudalism, he will certainly not repeat the feudal superstition, so when choosing the capital, Mr. Sun Yat-sen proposed three alternatives: Xi'an, Wuhan, And Yili.

It is reasonable to say that Xi’an and Wuhan are the capitals. After all, think about how much Xi’an is the ancient capital of thirteen dynasties, let alone the geographical location of central Shaanxi that extends in all directions, whether it is regional customs or business plans. Xi'an is a good choice.

Sun Yat-sen: If you want to become a world power, Ili is the best capital. What is the basis for this? - DayDayNews

is located in Xi'an, which can make the economic center and the political center overlap, and it can also play a higher role in the governance of the country.

Secondly, Wuhan, not to mention the location of Wuhan, as a treasure of the "nine provinces", not to mention the pleasant climate, it is also an important inland city, once the country has an accident, then Wuhan in the center will be Get the response in the fastest time. And it's also a good place with plenty of products.

What about Yili? During the site selection, Mr. Sun Yat-sen said this sentence: "Wuchang (now Wuhan) if you seek the headquarters, Xi'an if you seek the service of the vassal, and Ili if you seek the continent!"

From the progressive relationship of this sentence figure it out,Mr. Sun Yat-sen has high hopes for this area of ​​Yili.

Sun Yat-sen: If you want to become a world power, Ili is the best capital. What is the basis for this? - DayDayNews

However, what is so special about Yili? What is the development prospect of Mr. Sun Yat-sen in his mind?

Why do you value Yili? ‍

Yili's current is called : Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture. It is an area located in my country's Xinjiang Province.

Everyone may be a little confused to hear this: It is in my country’s Xinjiang Province, that is to say, Yili has reached the border of my country, and everyone knows that there are many deserts in Xinjiang and the living environment is harsh, far inferior to Xi’an. The land and products of Wuhan and Wuhan are fertile.

Sun Yat-sen: If you want to become a world power, Ili is the best capital. What is the basis for this? - DayDayNews

Moreover, at the beginning of the last century, complete education and superior support policies did not have heading toward Xinjiang like today’s . How could Mr. Sun Yat-sen feel that he must be in Yili? What about the choice of "Continent"?

Actually, Mr. Sun Yat-sen is also aware of Xinjiang's poverty, because the economic center has moved south hundreds of years ago. Under this situation, choosing Yili as the capital is really not a wise choice.

But great men are great men. The reason why Mr. Sun Yat-sen chose Yili as his capital is because his consideration of China's development has never been limited to the territory of a country.

Sun Yat-sen: If you want to become a world power, Ili is the best capital. What is the basis for this? - DayDayNews

is like the details hidden in that sentence: "If you seek a continent, then Ili", so Mr. Sun Yat-sen chose Ili, not to focus on domestic economic development.Instead, look at the entire Asian continent and "seek a continent" for China!

, doesn't it sound convincing and terrifying now? If we look at the current world map, we can know that although Yili is on the edge of China's territory, it is a unique center position on the entire Asian continent!

Once Mr. Sun Yat-sen settles down in Yili, then the entire Asian country will be shocked by this country!

Sun Yat-sen: If you want to become a world power, Ili is the best capital. What is the basis for this? - DayDayNews

Mr. Sun Yat-sen once included Yili as a capital city. Although the resolution was not passed in the end, in the eyes of future generations, we have to admire the wisdom and grand vision of great people.


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