I believe everyone knows that summer vacation has arrived. During this period, major platforms will also give out various benefits, including the summer garden season organized by the KS platform. It can be said that KS has indeed collaborated a lot this time Games, including Hon

2024/06/3011:09:32 game 1346

I believe everyone knows that summer vacation has arrived. During this period, major platforms will also give out various benefits, including the summer garden season organized by the KS platform. It can be said that this time KS is indeed linked. There are few games, including Honor of Kings, CrossFire, League of Legends and other major games. It can be said that the popularity is quite high and will last until August 31. Friends who like to play games must be impatient.

I believe everyone knows that summer vacation has arrived. During this period, major platforms will also give out various benefits, including the summer garden season organized by the KS platform. It can be said that KS has indeed collaborated a lot this time Games, including Hon - DayDayNews

For example, in League of Legends activities, you only need to invite 3 friends to participate, and you can also get prop rewards. More importantly, the first place can also get a star guardian skin gift pack, and return skins, etc. A series of skins are waiting for you. Five great gifts will be given out. The way to participate in this task is also very simple and there is no difficulty. Remember to complete the lottery task.

I believe everyone knows that summer vacation has arrived. During this period, major platforms will also give out various benefits, including the summer garden season organized by the KS platform. It can be said that KS has indeed collaborated a lot this time Games, including Hon - DayDayNews

Of course, the official has also prepared a lot of physical rewards. Go to KS and search League of Legends to participate in the event, and you can hope to get them, such as Star Shou customized mouse, gaming chair , etc. If you like short videos, you can publish game videos about League of Legends on the KS platform from July 15th to August 31st. Just use the topics #星之卫2022, #游戏亚洲夜生活, etc. , if your work is collected, you can also get the benefits of a 10,000 yuan grand prize. Can you still not be moved after seeing this?

I believe everyone knows that summer vacation has arrived. During this period, major platforms will also give out various benefits, including the summer garden season organized by the KS platform. It can be said that KS has indeed collaborated a lot this time Games, including Hon - DayDayNews

Because this event lasts from July 15th to August 31st, friends can also participate according to their own schedule. It can be said that the summer gardening season of KS Games is indeed quite exciting, and it has been arranged Wave after wave of content makes summer vacation no longer boring. Participating in activities with the anchor can get double happiness.

I believe everyone knows that summer vacation has arrived. During this period, major platforms will also give out various benefits, including the summer garden season organized by the KS platform. It can be said that KS has indeed collaborated a lot this time Games, including Hon - DayDayNews

In general, in the summer garden season held by KS, not only each game has a popular anchor, but also a variety of programs, and more importantly, benefits will be given to the players. This is the biggest surprise. If you are also on summer vacation and cannot waste a wonderful vacation, then don’t miss these highlights!

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