Yesterday, KPL played two games, one in Group B and one in Group S. It’s the second round of the summer split, and every game is important. Yesterday, Group B was Shanghai EDG.M VS Xiamen VG; Group S was Chengdu AG Super Play Club VS Beijing WB. Just say it briefly. Group B: Shan

2024/07/0209:21:32 game 1275

KPL played two games yesterday, one in Group B and one in Group S. It’s the second round of the summer split, and every game is important. Yesterday Group B was Shanghai EDG.M VS Xiamen VG; Group S was Chengdu AG Super Play Club VS Beijing WB. Just say it briefly.

Group B: Shanghai EDG.M VS Xiamen VG

In this game, Shanghai EDG.M played well and everything was even. The game ended without seeing the Storm Dragon King in the first two games. It was only the third game that took a long time, and the go-getter who kept getting the last shot had nothing to do, but in the end he won and Xiamen VG got a clean sheet. I guess everyone has never thought that it would be a clean sheet scene. After all, they are the top two in the same group, how can they win a small game. Unfortunately, this is the truth. Shanghai EDG.M has won all four games, with 4 points and a winning margin of 8 points. It deserves to be ranked first in Group B. In this way, the pressure will be on the following three teams. Hangzhou LGD Goose, Xiamen VG, and Jinan RW Xia all have three games, and there are two more games. If Hangzhou LGD Goose and Xiamen VG lose one of their two games, Shanghai EDG.M will steadily maintain the top two spots in Group B. One of the teams, Hangzhou LGD Goose or Xiamen VG, will win the next two games, so Jinan RW Xia will have no chance. Because Xiamen VG was blocked, Hangzhou LGD Goose came to the second position in Group B and will face Shanghai EDG.M in the next game.

S Group: Chengdu AG Super Play Club VS Beijing WB

. These two teams are both championship teams. There are too many topics to talk about from them, so I won’t go into details. Judging from yesterday's game, Chengdu AG Super Wanhui lost, taking two small games from Beijing WB, and the game was dragged to the decisive game. It is not embarrassing. After all, the goal is to keep Group S in this round. This round of competition itself came with a learning attitude, and the goal was not set that high. Strictly speaking, Chengdu AG Super Play Club still made a lot of mistakes yesterday. After all, Guangzhou TTG also took two small games from Beijing WB and almost won, but AG was beaten in the last game yesterday.

First of all, Chengdu AG Super Play Club’s Weiyang is really good and plays very well; the same goes for Jiucheng, who is still so strong. Whether it is Ying Zheng or Huowu , they are all good. However, Yi'an almost didn't mean it. I may be nit-picking, but there are definitely some mistakes that shouldn't happen. If Yi'an hadn't lost so many points, maybe the result would have been different. Of course, the team is still working together and making progress. Let’s go back and review it, find problems, and strive to make further progress. In the last game, Chengdu AG Super Wanhui lost so frustratingly. However, if you want to say that there is nothing wrong with Chengdu AG Super Play in this game, it seems that there is none. If you want to say no, that is definitely wrong. How can you still lose if you have done everything well? There was still no room for resistance at all. Then there is still a problem.

If you have to say who takes the blame, it must be the coach and Yinuo. First of all, Coach Xiaoshou did not expect the King of Lanling from Nuanyang. In the whole game, it seemed that Hualou had good BP, and Nuanyang’s Lanling King had the best BP. The whole game was dominated by warm sunshine, which killed the game. But you can't blame Xiaozhan, because so far this season, no one seems to be using Lanling King as a jungler. Even among Jinyu's 11 jungle heroes, there is no Lanling King. Nuanyang has never been used before. It makes sense that the little beast can't think of it, and the total BP position is 4. When it comes to targeting Nuanyang, there are only two left. If there are still positions, I think it will be BAN. Let's talk about Yinuo, take Gongsunli , this is Yinuo's more confident hero. I believe that the coach and teammates are also relatively confident in his skills. To get Gongsunli for Yinuo, Yinuo needs to operate it. It's just that it didn't work, so I lost. We can't ask the players to perform superbly all the time, and we can't blame him entirely. This game is really difficult to operate. As for some tactics and stuff, I’m an amateur and won’t talk nonsense.

Beijing WB, one of the top three in Group S, is now the first in Group S, and has won all three games. If I find fault with others, I am not qualified. I will just talk about my intuitive feelings after watching the game. The Hanamaki should be strengthened, especially Shangguan Wan'er in the first game. I personally didn't see anything outstanding.

Looking at the points again, one of the two teams currently competing in Group S has been determined, and it is Guangzhou TTG. The other team should be one of Chongqing Wolves and Chengdu AG Super Play Club. Both teams have won three games and scored 1 point. However, Chengdu AG Super Play Club still has an advantage in points difference, but it is not enough to decide the outcome. Although we are currently in fourth place, there is still a possibility of being eliminated.

Yesterday, KPL played two games, one in Group B and one in Group S. It’s the second round of the summer split, and every game is important. Yesterday, Group B was Shanghai EDG.M VS Xiamen VG; Group S was Chengdu AG Super Play Club VS Beijing WB. Just say it briefly. Group B: Shan - DayDayNews

There are three games today. Two games in Group A and one game in Group S.

15 points Nanjing Hero VS Suzhou KSG

The two top players in Group B met again in Group A. Will Nanjing Hero continue their winning streak, or will Suzhou KSG succeed in revenge?

17 points Shenzhen DYG VS Changsha TES.A

These two teams stayed in Group A as the first round, but now they are fifth and sixth in Group A. However, the score in Group A is very tight now, and the ranking may change in every round.

20 points Foshan DRG.GK VS Chongqing Wolves

Chongqing Wolves’ Xiaochuang returns. Can he lead the Wolves back to the dominance of last season? Personally, I think it’s hard to say. First, Xiaopang has just come back, and the team needs to adjust; secondly, from various sources, the expectations for Xiaopang are too high, and the pressure on him will not be small. I don’t know if it will. will affect the status.

looks forward to today's game, which will be more exciting.

Yesterday, KPL played two games, one in Group B and one in Group S. It’s the second round of the summer split, and every game is important. Yesterday, Group B was Shanghai EDG.M VS Xiamen VG; Group S was Chengdu AG Super Play Club VS Beijing WB. Just say it briefly. Group B: Shan - DayDayNews

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