1. Classic son funny joke. When I went shopping with my son, I saw a pair of beautiful high heels. I couldn't help but go in and try them on. I put it on and took two steps, but it was really difficult to walk. I couldn't help but sigh: "Why can't such expensive shoes be made mor

1. Classic son funny joke. When I went shopping with my son, I saw a pair of beautiful high heels. I couldn't help but go in and try them on. I put it on and took two steps, but it was really difficult to walk. I couldn't help but sigh: "Why can't such expensive shoes be made more comfortable?" The waiter glanced at me disdainfully and said, "People who can afford this brand don't need to walk!" Just when I was a little embarrassed , the son said silently beside him: "Are all the people who wear this brand in wheelchairs?"

2. Search and follow Tiantianyixiaoxiao.com to see more funny jokes. On the wedding night, the bride saw the groom still reading a book, and she was not helpless. He said jealously: "I wish I could become a book." "Why?" the groom asked puzzledly. "Then you will hold me in your hand all day and all night." "That won't work! You know, I have to buy a new one every time I finish reading one."

3. The embarrassing daughter-in-law makes a hilarious joke, and the husband drinks it He was drunk and knocked on the door in a daze. The wife saw that he had drunk too much and said angrily: "We went to the wrong door!" After hearing this, the husband turned around and went downstairs. The wife lay on the window and saw her husband squatting downstairs, fearing that he would freeze. So I went downstairs to call him. When my husband saw his daughter-in-law, he was so aggrieved that he almost cried and said, "I just knocked on the wrong door, and some ugly bitch kicked me out."

4. In a primary school Chinese class, the teacher asked a student: "Do you think your composition is better, or his?" The little girl replied: "He is good, and so am I." "Dad, are boys faster or girls?" "Of course men are faster." "Then why do boys always chase girls?"

5. "Ms. Nurse, you are so beautiful!" "Then do you want to see more of me?" "Of course I do!" The nurse came over quickly and pinched my almost healed wound. "Ouch! It hurts me so much. What are you doing?" The nurse smiled: "If you stay in the hospital for a few more days, can you see me for a few more days?"

6. Dad: "How is your study during this period?" The son replied: "It's pretty good. I learned how to write today." The father said: "Very good! What did you write?" The son replied: "I don't know, I haven't learned to read yet?"

7. I went back two days ago. I visited my parents and brought a gift to my 5-year-old nephew. After that, I teased him and said, how can I thank my uncle? This guy pondered for a while and said to me: Uncle, why don't you share one of my two girlfriends at school with you? . .

8. There is a new beautiful colleague in the company. Her clothes are so transparent that you can see the color of her underwear underneath. One time when everyone was discussing, I asked: "Why don't I see her wearing white?" In the afternoon, the boss called me to the office. It turns out that your kid didn't come to work on Tuesday. I...