Preface Nine of the most heart-wrenching jokes for test/development programmers 1. IT engineer = overtime maniac + programmer + test engineer + implementation engineer + network engineer + electrician + loader + porter + superman, do you feel the same way? 2. Summarize the relati


nine of the most heartbreaking test/development programmers funny points

1, IT engineer = overtime maniac + programmer + test engineer + implementation engineer + network engineer + electrician + loader + porter + superman, I feel the same Yes.

2. Summarizes the relationship between HTML, CSS and JS in one sentence. HTML is a noun, JS is a verb, and CSS is an adjective and adverb.

3. I am a programmer. One day I was sitting on the roadside, drinking water and checking bugs hard. At this time, a beggar sat down next to me and started begging for food. I felt pitiful, so I gave him 1 yuan, and then continued to debug the program. Maybe his business was not good, so he just looked at what I was doing out of boredom. Then after a while, he said quietly, there is a semicolon missing. . . semicolon. . . semicolon. . .

4. The girlfriend said to the programmer: " Forbidden City takes up so much space!" Programmer: "Kill that child process..."

5. The water pipe in a programmer's house was broken, and he called a water pipe. Repair work. The plumber worked for an hour and finally fixed the pipe. He handed the programmer a bill of 600 yuan. "600 yuan!" the programmer said angrily: "I couldn't make so much money in a day as a programmer!" "Yes." The plumber said calmly, "It was the same when I was a programmer."

6, ten years Before, the woman said: "I'm sorry, I won't like you. Stop insisting. It's like letting Linux and Windows run on a PC at the same time. Is it possible?" After hearing this, the boy walked away silently. Ten years later, in At a virtual technology conference, I heard a virtual technology development programmer tell me this story.

7. Programmer asked Programmer Yuan: "Why do you want to leave me? I'm not good enough?" Yuan said: "Don't be stupid, we are basically people in two worlds, just like we can never call it in JS It's the same as JAVA, it's impossible between us." The monkey was silent for a long time, turned around and left. A month later, he published the complete code of dwr in the open source community .

8. [Programmer’s reaction after the bug was reported] 1. How is it possible? 2. This is good to me, if you don’t believe me, come and take a look; 3. It’s really strange, it was fine just now; 4. It must be a data problem; 5 .Try clearing the cache; 6. Try restarting the computer; 7. What version of the class library have you installed (jdk) 8. Who wrote this code; 9. Why is Nima still using the 360 secure browser ; 10. Users will not operate like you do.

9. I typed code all night and shed two lines of old tears; using three languages, only my limbs suffered; when the rooster crows at the fifth watch, the showers first stopped; then I went to the door and stood in a long pavilion for ten miles; desire penetrated the tearful eyes, but there was no satisfactory husband. ; With a little help, I hope to find a good match; If two birds are paired together, they are imagining the clouds; Within the love network, do crawler crawling; For the connection of Guizhi, data analysis; Thinking about the rules of a thousand miles, helping to frame the world; How to find my thoughts in the vast sea of ​​people?

The following is the most comprehensive learning knowledge architecture diagram for software test engineers in 2022 that I compiled

1. Getting started with Python programming to mastering

2. Practical combat of interface automation projects

3. Practical combat of Web automation projects

4. Practical combat of App automation projects

5. Resume of a first-tier manufacturer

6. Test and development DevOps system

7. Commonly used automated testing tools

8. JMeter performance test

9. Summary

If you are not particularly lucky, please work hard first. Don't fail because of laziness and pretentiousness. Attributing the cause to one's own misfortune. You have to work extra hard to appear effortless.

Excluding sleep, there are only more than 10,000 days in a person's life. The difference between people is: do you really live for more than 10,000 days, or do you only live for one day but repeat it more than 10,000 times.


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