1. I just passed by the entrance of a pedicure shop, and a girl wearing revealing clothes waved to me. I wanted to ignore it, but then I thought about it, how could such an offensive and bad habit exist in a civilized period? I made a bold decision. I wanted to teach her by words

1. I just passed by the entrance of a pedicure shop, and a girl wearing revealing clothes waved to me. I wanted to ignore it, but then I thought about it, how could such an offensive and bad habit exist in a civilized period? I made a bold decision. I wanted to teach her by words and deeds, and use practical actions to spur her to let her know what was illegal, so we both took off our clothes... After that, I gave her a hundred yuan and asked her to Buying clothes again can be regarded as a vivid legal education lesson for her...

2. When I first started working, there was a beautiful front desk girl in the company who kept ogling me. My heart was moved. One day, she quietly asked me: "Do you want to go to my house to play bondage games?" I almost started bleeding from my nose: "Is it really okay?!" Just like that, I went to her house with her. , helping her mother make rice dumplings for a day, her hands are almost useless...

3. She has not been married in these years, has never brought a boyfriend to the family, and refused their introduction. My dad thought I was a lesbian, but he didn't say it openly, but he checked a lot of information behind his back, and even went undercover on forums. His browsing traces were discovered by my mother, and now the whole family thinks he is gay

4. When I was a child, my family had a dog that was used to being loose and would not be allowed to be tethered. One day, I went out to play and saw my own dog wandering around, so I used my dog The scarf was tied up for him to show off to his friends. See if I look cool holding the dog. After saying that, the dog broke away and ran away wearing my scarf. When I ran home, my mother was staring at the dog. When he saw me entering the yard, he said to me: Son! ! If you don't come back, I'll think you've turned into a dog!

5. When I was in primary school, I picked up a wallet on the road and handed it to the owner. The owner asked: "What is your name? I will ask your school to praise you!" I said: "My name is Hong Lingjin." The owner said: " He is really a good boy who does good deeds without leaving his name behind."

6. I was shopping with my boyfriend and passed by Hai Lan Home . I accidentally asked: "Are the clothes here

expensive?" The second-rate boyfriend yelled: "The advertisements on TV say that you can only go shopping twice a year, you fucking say are they expensive!!" Me:. . . . . .

7. My girlfriend asked me: "Dear, if someone gave you one million in exchange for me, would you choose me or money?" I said I would choose money, and she asked me why? Is it not as good as the money in my heart? I hugged her: "My dear, you are priceless in my heart. You have suffered a lot with me these years, but I will not delay your happiness because of my selfishness. When you get married, I will This million will be used as your dowry." After hearing this, she burst into tears. I think, if someone really offered her one million in exchange for her, how blind would that person be...

8. Every time I see it When junior high school students and high school students fall in love, I will advise them: "Children, there is still a long way to go in life. Your age is the right time to study. Don't learn those bad habits. It won't be too late to talk about it when you are as old as your uncle." Ah. Come and listen to uncle, give them to me first, okay?"