These chat records between children and parents are so funny, do you envy them?

When you see these funny chat records, you have to be prepared, don’t smile and your stomach hurts, hahahaha...


After reading these chat records,I really laughed until my stomach hurts. Why are there such funny parents? If this is a chat between friends, I can still understand it, but this is a chat between a father and a child, it’s really too Surprisingly, in our country, there are really no such families, which can be said to be very few.

I don’t know why I didn’t just look at it and laughed. I also felt envious of these families. I really like these families. If I live in this kind of family, wouldn’t it be super fun? Do you think?

This article is written by the editor in short-term language. It is hoped that this can draw everyone's distance, so that everyone can feel the funny of these chat records more accurately.

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