Sand sculpture jokes: Why does a car need two gamepads to control it?

1. Why does a car need two gamepads to control it?

2. If there is a creature that preys on contemporary humans, what characteristics should the creature have?

3. For the first time I saw that the tires can still go outside, forgive me for laughing out of the pig called

4. I'm not busy, so I changed the wine bottle at home to Alcohol lamps, there should be no danger of explosion

5. I heard that girls like abdominal muscles?

6. The cafeteria is too cruel

7. How to test whether girls like you or not?

8. Can you really kill the popularity, why do you tell me? ! !

9. Hurry up and come personally to refute that she can't stand it anymore.

10. So, all the stories are from life, right?

11. An aunt introduced me to a girl in her village. Just added WeChat and ended up before talking, my friends, how should I reply to her

12. Tonight's Tickets, if you just broke up with your girlfriend, don’t watch it and take it for free

13. Use a trumpet to test your girlfriend, it’s hard to end without getting married!

14. The ex-wife will get married again soon,What kind of courtesy should I do?
