1. Hilarious classic middle school students’ funny jokes. While riding in the car, I listened to a few middle school students chatting. Two of the boys were discussing which girl was the prettiest in their grade. They were having fun, and a girl next to them said: “My mom said I’

2024/06/2904:35:32 funny 1990

1. Hilarious classic middle school students’ funny jokes. While riding in the car, I listened to a few middle school students chatting. Two of the boys were discussing which girl was the prettiest in their grade. They were having fun while the discussion was going on. A girl next to me said: “My mom said I’m pretty. "The two boys were silent for a few seconds, and one of them said: "Don't say this anymore, your mother lied to you!"

1. Hilarious classic middle school students’ funny jokes. While riding in the car, I listened to a few middle school students chatting. Two of the boys were discussing which girl was the prettiest in their grade. They were having fun, and a girl next to them said: “My mom said I’ - DayDayNews

2. Search and follow Tiantianyixiaoxiao.com to see more funny jokes. It's the first time I went to my girlfriend's house. When I met my parents, I felt unspeakably nervous. I kept asking her what she should pay attention to along the way. She seemed a little annoyed by my questions and comforted me: "Don't be afraid, my parents are very nice people. Just relax." , Teacher Wang. "

3. Embarrassing, hilarious, classic and cold jokes about suits, the process of changing to a new suit. After changing into a new suit, I found that the original shirt did not match; after changing into a new shirt, I found that the original tie did not match; after changing into a new tie, I found that the original belt did not match; after changing into a new belt, I found that the original belt did not match Later, I found that the original leather shoes did not match. After changing the leather shoes, I found that the original suit did not match again...

4. Today, the naughty kid came back from tutoring and said to me: "Can you not go to the tutoring class?" I asked: "Why? "Would you like it if I asked you to work overtime every week?" . . I don’t like working overtime, and I don’t like going to work. I don’t want you to take tutoring classes just to make money! ! ! Why do you feel like you've done something wrong? !

5. A man taking the initiative to kiss a woman is an emergency, while a woman taking the initiative to kiss a man is a premeditated event. If a boy doesn't take the initiative to look for a girl, it means that he really doesn't want to talk to her; if a girl doesn't take the initiative to look for a boy, it's because she's waiting for him to look for her~

6. I just got my driver's license and went out after a rain. The speed of the car was so fast that the water accumulated in it. The wave hit a young man. I wanted to apologize so I reversed the car, but it splashed all over him again. Now I was too embarrassed to get out of the car and apologized. I stepped on the accelerator and left quickly, but it splashed all over him again. I still remember his words that spread throughout the street. The roar of the street, I c you~ big~!

7. In the morning, the child was naughty and was beaten by his father. At noon, his dad: Oh, son, are you still angry? It was your mother who asked me to beat you. Me: That’s what I said, you really hit me. . Son: Humph, they are not good things!

8. The girlfriend I want to find must have this effect: when we walk on the street, every passerby who meets me will say behind my back, Damn! How did this woman fall in love with this guy... No matter how smart a woman is, she is confused when it comes to her own appearance, and no matter how stupid a man is, he is still sober when it comes to a woman's appearance.

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