Foreign jokes-foreigners' jokes about convenience

2021/04/0214:54:04 funny 1856

Nowadays, many people have poor driving skills. They arbitrarily change lanes to overtake, scream in buildings, avoid pedestrians on rainy days, and march wildly. I'm different. I don't even have a driver's license. . .

Foreign magazines of humor and jokes.

I just watched my grandfather set up a small stall there to sell glasses, but no one wanted to cheer up, "Master, how do you sell these glasses?" "Girl, that's not for you, it's more for your face Wear this.” I finally know why no one patronizes his business anymore.

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Foreign jokes-foreigners' jokes about convenience - DayDayNews

Foreign jokes: Foreign jokes

Ha! Hope you are happy! ! HeWonTommy: Hello, little brother Johnny, Johnny? Johnny: He is sick and bedridden. He was injured. Tom : It's really bad, what's wrong? Johnny: Let's play the game and see who can extend the furthest window, he won. "What happened to me?" Ivan asked. "What happened to me?" Ivan said. Mother asked. "When he sees him again, will he?" Ivan said, "His ears are still in my pocket."

Foreign jokes-foreigners' jokes about convenience - DayDayNews

A good boy, little Robert, to another guy Spread two cents. ," said my mother proudly." Here is another two cents. "What did you do with the money you gave you yesterday?" He replied, "I gave it to a poor old woman." "You are such a good boy," his mother said proudly. "I'll give you two more cents. But why are you so interested in that old lady?" "She is a candy dealer."

Foreign jokes-foreigners' jokes about convenience - DayDayNews

One day, the father was drunk, and the father and the little one The sons have all gone home."There is only one policeman!" The father drank for a day and took the youngest son home. This child is at the age when he is interested in everything, and he is always asking questions. He asked his father, "Dad, what does the word'drunk' mean?" His father replied, "Well, boy, look at the two policemen standing there. If I think they are four, then I am drunk. "But, Dad," said the boy, "there is only one policeman.

Foreign jokes-foreigners' jokes about convenience - DayDayNews

"Hospitable, the host sent her a apple pie guest who did not prepare any cheese." The little boy of this family stayed quietly in the house, preparing a piece of cheese , And then put it back on the guest's plate. The guests smiled and beat the piece of cheese into a ball, dismissing you. Since the guests were eating apple pie and there was no cheese in the house, the hostess apologized to everyone. The little boy of the family left the house quietly. After a while, he returned to the room with a piece of cheese and put the cheese on the guest's plate. The guest smiled, put the cheese in his mouth and said, "My child, your eyes are better than those of your mother. Where did you find the cheese?" "On the trap, sir," the little boy said.


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