Stick to the front line of anti-epidemic and contribute volunteer strength - remembering the "Chengcheng good youth" and outstanding volunteer Lei Qiang who are working on the front line of anti-epidemic Lei Qiang, male, born in 1989, native of Chengcheng, Shaanxi, Han nationalit

Stick to the front line of the fight against the epidemic and contribute volunteer efforts - remembering Lei Qiang, the "good young man from Chengcheng" and outstanding volunteer who is fighting on the front line of the fight against the epidemic. Cook, high school education, outstanding entrepreneur, director of Chinese Food Culture Research Association, ambassador of Chinese food culture, Shaanxi Provincial Cooking Master, executive director of Shaanxi Provincial Catering Industry Chamber of Commerce, deputy director of Snacks Professional Committee of Shaanxi Provincial Catering Industry Chamber of Commerce, Deputy Secretary-General of the Shaanxi Provincial Group Dining Professional Committee, winner of the Platinum Award in the Shaanxi Provincial Cooking Vocational Skills Competition, an innovative figure in the 40 years of Shaanxi catering industry reform and opening up, executive director of the Shaanxi Provincial Folklore Society Catering Professional Committee, and responsible for the filming of the Food Watcher of the Shaanxi Provincial Restaurant Association. He is the executive director of Xi'an Hotel and Catering Industry, the executive secretary of Xi'an Hotel and Catering Industry Famous Chef Professional Committee, a member of Xi'an Weiyang District Writers Association, Chengcheng County good young man, and the vice president unit of Heyang County Yiyin Research Association. Chengcheng Shuipan Mutton inheritor.