Brazilian Barbecue Recipe - Brazilian Marinade Recipe Ingredients 1: Boil 15 grams of red yeast rice flour and add it to the meat (15 grams plus 50 grams of water) Second: Alkaline wheat flour 1.

Brazilian barbecue recipe - Brazilian marinated recipe

Ingredients 1: red yeast rice flour 15g, boil it and add it to the meat (15g plus 50g water)

2nd: 1.5g alkaline wheat flour rosemary 10g Chopped papaya powder 15 grams thyme powder 8 grams salt 8 grams mustard powder 5 grams curry powder 10 grams salt powder 15 grams ginger powder 5 grams chicken powder 10 grams MSG 5 grams mix well and set aside

Ingredients 3: red wine 15 grams Very fresh soy sauce 15g blended oil 15g.

Specific procedures; spread ingredient 1 evenly into the meat and let it cool. Add ingredient 2 into the meat and mix well. Add ingredient 3. Finally, fry the black pepper until crispy. Hammer into fine particles and press in. Marinate the meat for about 30 minutes.

Grilled chicken wings , chicken legs:

onions, minced garlic, 3 spoons of salt, 4 spoons of flavor, 3 eggs, 2 bottles of beer, appropriate amount of chili powder, appropriate amount of hot pepper, cumin powder , spicy flavored flour coating, Maggi umami sauce, red oil. Marinate for one day. It can be grilled on skewers or in the oven. The upper heat is 160 and the lower heat is 180, about 45 minutes.

Chicken breast:

green onions, salt, flavor, soy sauce, eggs, chicken powder, hot pepper, grape juice , red oil. Just marinate.

Pork tenderloin:

whole tenderloin, green onions, salt, flavor, loose meat powder , eggs, oil consumption, cumin powder, chili powder, fried powder , Maggi fresh, red oil. Appropriate amount of each, marinate for one day.

Excellent flavor Barbecued pork:

Barbecued pork 30 pounds, ginger, green onions, salt, flavor, sugar (1:2:3) salad oil, oyster sauce, sesame oil, sesame oil, dark soy sauce (10 pounds) about 4 tablespoons of meat). Just marinate.

Pork liver:

clear oil, green onions, ginger, half a spoon of salt, 2 spoons of MSG, 3 spoons of chicken essence, 2 spoons of peanut butter, 2 spoons of oil, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, a small amount of Maggi. Just marinate.

Garlic pork ribs :

30 pounds, 1 tael of salt, 1 tael of flavor, 1 tael of sugar, a little loose meat powder, glutinous rice flour, corn starch, chestnut flour , 2 eggs, peanut butter, half a spoon of orange-yellow coloring, clear oil. Just marinate.


1 spoon of salt, 2 spoons of seasoning, 3 spoons of chicken essence, one egg, sesame peanut butter, 2 spoons of oyster sauce, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, red oil, a small amount of Andorf. Just marinate.


30 pounds, 4 spoons of salt, 4 spoons of MSG, chicken essence, soy sauce, light soy sauce (4 spoons each of light soy sauce and oyster sauce), loose meat powder, garlic, garlic head, cumin powder, chili powder, old 42 bottles of godmother html, sesame oil, red oil, sesame butter, peanut butter, onion, rice wine , Shuanghe rose wine. Marinate for one day.

Lamb leg :

Salt, taste, Andolf, onion, ginger, rose wine, sugar, Maggi fresh, black pepper, cumin powder, chili powder, red oil. Just marinate.

Lamb chops:

Lamb chops, celery, carrots , green onions and ginger are boiled in water to remove the smell and set aside. Heat the oil, stir-fry the ginger, pepper, star anise, cinnamon, bay leaves, dried red pepper, baiji, angelica until fragrant, add the bean paste, stir-fry the hot pepper until fragrant, adjust salt, taste, sugar, soy sauce, Add the paste soup, chives, bring to a boil, add a little chili essence , then add the blanched lamb chops and cook. Then lightly grill the cooked lamb chops, sprinkle with barbecue powder, chili powder, spicy powder, thirteen spices, and cumin powder. This is the signature dish.


Beef is about 10 pounds in large chunks. Skewer the beef and grill it over the fire. Sprinkle salt on both sides, drizzle oil on the tin foil, sprinkle with chicken powder, wrap the tin foil tightly, make sure it is tight, and the openings of the tin foil are staggered and continuous. Wrap it in 6-7 layers, wrap it tightly to ensure there is no air leakage, and bake it on the upper grill for half a day. This dish seems to be simple but difficult to make. It is delicious inside and out after being cooked. The meat is juicy and fragrant. It is the signature of every Brazilian barbecue restaurant. Because the baking time is extremely long, if the tin foil leaks air, the meat will become dry and hard, making it inedible.

Beef tongue:

Salt, taste, onion, ginger, celery, Maggi juice, allspice powder, fried powder, cumin powder, red oil, marinate.

beef tendon:

30 pounds, 3 spoons of salt, 4 spoons of seasoning, 4 spoons of chicken essence, 3 spoons of oyster sauce, 3 spoons of hot sauce, 6 spoons of dark soy sauce, 1/5 bottle of Zhejiang vinegar, Maggi juice, light soy sauce, green onions, Garlic, chili powder, fried powder (add a little more), red oil, sesame oil. Just marinate.


2 spoons of salt, 2 spoons of flavor, 1 egg, 2 spoons of dark soy sauce, 2 spoons of oil, delicious juice, green onion, minced garlic, hot pepper, chili powder, cumin powder, spicy breading powder , black pepper and red oil for marinating.


quail half piece, 2 spoons of salt, 2 spoons of seasoning, three spoons of chicken essence, half a bottle of light soy sauce, 2 spoons of oil, delicious juice, 6 spoons of black pepper, chili powder, onions, minced garlic, red oil, pickled Just make it.

Field snails:

Salt, flavor, chicken essence, rice wine, rose wine, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, Maggi fresh, sesame paste, aged vinegar, star anise, pepper, perilla, cumin , red oil, sesame oil. Just marinate.


Just grill it over high heat.

hot dog :

grilled over high heat.


Steamed corn, roast it over high heat, and brush it with honey or cream before taking it out of the oven.


Roast slowly over low heat until the syrup comes out. The taste is very good.


Slice and thread, brush with honey and bake.