Among all competitive events, which one is the most spectacular and the most "cost-consuming", apart from equations and equestrian, it is sailing. Set sail on the sparkling sea, with blue sea, blue sky and dots of sail shadows, forming a A magnificent scenery on the sea, very orn

2024/07/0209:51:33 sports 1395

Among all competitive events, which one is the most spectacular and the most "cost-consuming", apart from formula and equestrian, it is sailing. Set sail on the sparkling sea, with blue sea and sky, and dots of sail shadows. It forms a magnificent scenery on the sea, which is very ornamental.

Among all competitive events, which one is the most spectacular and the most

Sailing boat, as the name suggests, is a boat that uses wind power as forward power. Using Bernoulli's principle , the sailor uses wind sailing, oars, winch , rudder and other means to propel the movement and steering of the ship. In the Ming Dynasty in the early 15th century, Zheng He went to sea seven times, relying on sailing ships driven by wind.

Among all competitive events, which one is the most spectacular and the most

There are many types of sailboats. Depending on the purpose, there are competition boats and leisure boats. Depending on the size of the hull, there are also distinctions such as keel boats, stable planks, and multihull boats.

Among all competitive events, which one is the most spectacular and the most

America's Cup

Among the many sailing boats, to say that they are the most spectacular and influential, we have to mention the hydrofoil sailing boats of the "America's Cup", as the oldest, most prestigious and most expensive existing ones. An international event, the America's Cup attracts many top sailors, yacht designers, celebrities and sponsors.

Among all competitive events, which one is the most spectacular and the most

has also benefited from this investment and research and development regardless of cost, and has extended many new types of sailboats. Nowadays, the speed of hydrofoil sailboats, , can reach 4 times the wind speed, and has exceeded the speed of more than 60 knots per hour. Top speed (approximately 111 kilometers per hour or 70 knots).

Among all competitive events, which one is the most spectacular and the most

Hydrofoil sailboat

Hydrofoil sailboat is a revolutionary sailing ship. It is more like an airplane flying on the sea than a ship sailing on the sea. It uses underwater metal sheets to hold up the hull when sailing, avoiding the resistance of the hull and allowing the ship to reach unimaginable speeds.

Among all competitive events, which one is the most spectacular and the most

( International Sailing Grand Prix Chinese team’s F50 racing boat)

Of course, when there are no limits to technology, the cost of hydrofoil sailboats is also unlimited. , each ship costs up to 100 million US dollars. In the 2013 America's Cup The cost of the regatta reached US$300 million.

Among all competitive events, which one is the most spectacular and the most

Hydrofoil sailboat operation

After the speed exceeds 100km, the water surface becomes as hard as cement, which means that driving a hydrofoil sailboat requires strong teamwork and collaboration capabilities.

Among all competitive events, which one is the most spectacular and the most

On a hydrofoil sailboat, a main helmsman is usually required to control the direction and guide the ship to the correct course. A sailor controls the direction of the mast and main sail and the raising and lowering of the boom . The other sailor controls the hydrofoil slope, the water Wing flaps and other adjustments. These 3 people are mainly responsible for controlling the ship. There are also 4-8 winches responsible for the power output of the hydrofoil sailboat. They need to put in power at any time and quickly rock the arm forward or backward to adjust the boat's hydraulic system and keep both sides of the hull on the water. Move forward with balance.

The super physical ability of the capstan hand

If the helmsman is the brain of the sailboat, then the capstan hand is the muscle of the sailboat. They need to provide a steady stream of power for the progress of the sailboat at all times.

Among all competitive events, which one is the most spectacular and the most

Therefore, every winchman needs to have super cardiopulmonary function and endurance. Their average output power exceeds 200 watts, and the maximum peak power is close to 1000 watts. The winchman’s heart rate often needs to be 90 for up to 20 minutes. % of the time is maintained at 185bpm-200bpm, which is a very rare physical ability in all sports competitions.

WaterGrinder sailing machine

WaterGrinder sailing machine simulates the crank rocker action of a sailboat capstan, using water flow as resistance, moving this extreme sport on a sailboat indoors, training upper limb strength and muscle endurance, and strong cardiopulmonary function without leaving home. With instant explosive power.

Among all competitive events, which one is the most spectacular and the most

The elegant drop-shaped wooden frame makes fitness equipment a work of art. The ergonomic paddle design uses the principle of hydrodynamics. The greater the force acting on the crank, the greater the resistance. With simple operations, you can save the victim. Ignore the upper body.

Among all competitive events, which one is the most spectacular and the most

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