#crossstraitculturaltreasurehunt# Speaking of Taiwan, there are three treasures that are very attractive to mainland people. One is Sun Moon Lake. Every primary school student has learned that text. The text describes Sun Moon Lake. What does the mist look like? What is the pool

Speaking of Taiwan, there are three treasures that are very attractive to mainland people.

one is sun moon lake . Every primary school student has learned that text. The text describes Sun Moon Lake. What does the mist look like? What is the pool like? It has taken root in the children's hearts very early. So when you go to Taiwan, you must go to Sun Moon Lake to see it.

The second item is the National Palace Museum in Taipei. There is a National Palace Museum in Beijing, and there is also a National Palace Museum in Taipei. We really want to go there to see what those precious calligraphy and paintings, jades, and bronzes of the same origin are like.

The third thing is Sanmao. Sanmao is an eternal idol in the hearts of mainland youth. The story

shares today comes from the legendary Taiwanese writer Sanmao, a respectable and lovely woman. Wandering literature is the label of her classic texts.

Sanmao said in the article that anyway, the couple's life is always about eating, and the rest of the time is busy making money for food, which is really not very interesting.

But after reading about the daily life of her and Jose , I still feel that it is much more interesting than the life of ordinary couples.

Sanmao, who only liked reading and disliked going to school since childhood, accidentally saw a photo of the Sahara Desert and felt the nostalgia of his previous life. Involuntarily, he and his husband Jose moved to the sparsely populated Sahara Desert.

There, she wrote many inspiring works, incorporating the vastness and wildness of the Sahara Desert and the hard work of married life into her words, showing the world the beauty of a foreign life.

No matter how sweet love is, it will eventually be implemented in daily necessities. In the Sahara Desert, where materials are extremely scarce, Sanmao opened a desert hotel that was closed to the public.

If you are the chef at home, you probably ask your family every day, what do you want to eat today? Most people will lose their initial enthusiasm if they cook rice and stir-fry every day.

Sanmao is very interested in cooking. She feels that it is a magical art to carefully cook a few simple ingredients into a delicious and beautiful dish.

Life in Sahara was not easy at first. There was no running water and the whole process had to be carried manually.

The dishes are even more single, all of which are Westernized dishes. Later, Sanmao's mother began to send Sanmao Chinese food, such as vermicelli, seaweed, mushrooms, San Miguel noodles, and beef jerky.

Sanmao was overjoyed, this is what a chef should be like. Especially for Orientals, without these Oriental ingredients, the food is like beef noodles without beef, it has lost its soul and cannot support the appearance of a Chinese restaurant.

Soon, Sanmao's Chinese Restaurant successfully attracted its first diner - Sanmao's husband.

The first popular dish is the hard-boiled egg with vermicelli. I don’t know whether this dish is Sanmao’s original creation or a delicacy from Taiwan. Anyway, I have never tried it.

Her husband José had never eaten vermicelli before, so Sanmao fooled him, "This is called rain."

Sanmao, who spoke on a whim and spoke casually, made up a piece of China on the tip of the tongue for José, saying that vermicelli is the first word of spring. Made in the rain, what a romantic and delicious taste on the tongue.

The second time I ate vermicelli, I made it into Ants Climbing a Tree . Sanmao then boasted that it was made from fishing nylon thread.

Jose tasted the delicious nylon thread, but still didn't figure out what food it was.

The third time, he mistakenly thought it was a shark fin. I was really blown away by the spirit of the couple who dared to speak and eat.

Sanmao’s hidden dried pork was accidentally found by Jose, so he lied to him and said it was Chinese medicine, and then later said it was throat lozenges. Jose couldn’t let go when he tasted the meaty taste. Not only did he enjoy the meal himself, but he also stole a lot to share with his colleagues, causing those colleagues to pretend to cough and ask for throat lozenges made from pork as soon as they saw San Mao.

Sanmao was making sushi, but her husband, Jose, mistook the seaweed for carbon paper and finally couldn't help but take a bite and realized it was seaweed.

In the end, even Jose's boss got wind of the news and came to the Desert Restaurant in Sanmao to taste Chinese food, and specified that he wanted to eat fried mushrooms with sliced ​​bamboo shoots.

There were no bamboo shoots in Sanmao, but Li Dai Taojiang used cucumbers to make a dish of stir-fried mushrooms with tender bamboo shoots, which won the praise of the boss and his wife, and also made Jose surprisingly call her the seventy-two changes of Qi. The great sage Sun Wukong.

This is how San Mao, a smart woman, created the myth of marriage with delicious food and humor in the ordinary Sahara desert.

Thinking about reality, we have neither the mood nor the patience to create this dreamlike love myth.

A wife is a yellow-faced woman in the eyes of her husband, and a husband is a pig teammate in the eyes of his wife. Haha, life is ordinary, and an extraordinary life must be created with perseverance and perseverance by one's own hands.

Do you like Sanmao? Do you like her magical stories? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area.