Introduction: Mung bean soup is delicious but difficult to cook. I will teach you a trick. It will bloom in two minutes. It is so fragrant! Hello everyone, I am Shajie Gourmet. Food and beautiful scenery are the only things in life that I cannot live up to.

Introduction: Mung bean soup is delicious but difficult to cook. I will teach you a trick. It will bloom in two minutes. It is so fragrant!

Hello everyone, I am Shajie Gourmet. Food and beautiful scenery are the only things in life that I cannot live up to. The editor lives in Yantai . Some time ago, our area continued to have high temperatures and was particularly dry. The green and tender leaves of the native flowers and grasslands in the yard have also gathered their beautiful flowers. As a northern city, the high temperature has reached 37 degrees Celsius. It’s unbearable. Fortunately, it has rained for three days in the past few days, so the temperature has dropped. After the rain, the temperature has soared to 35 degrees. In such hot weather, the must-have summer delicacy to relieve the heat is mung bean soup.

Mung bean soup is delicious but difficult to cook. I will teach you a trick. It will bloom in two minutes. It is so fragrant! On a hot summer day, a bowl of cold mung bean soup is very refreshing. When cooking mung bean soup, we often encounter this situation. It takes a long time to cook mung beans , and it is difficult to bloom after cooking for a long time. The mung beans taste very hard and do not have a soft and chewy texture. In summer, the temperature of the kitchen is high. It is a kind of torture for those who cook. Today I will teach you a trick to solve this problem. The cooked mung bean soup is fresh and fragrant, and the mung bean salsa is especially glutinous and delicious. It can relieve the heat and satisfy your cravings. Let’s learn it.

[Specific method]

1. There will be a lot of dust and even silt on the surface of mung beans bought in the market. Put the mung beans in clean water and wash them several times. After cleaning, put it in the refrigerator with water to keep it fresh, and soak it overnight to let the mung beans soak to the maximum. Then take out the mung beans, put them in a steamer over high heat and steam for 20 minutes. We can steam more mung beans at a time. The steaming time should not be too long, just steam them until they are cooked. This preserves the nutrients of the mung beans. Let them cool and put them in separately. Seal the plastic bag and store it in the refrigerator. It is very convenient to take it with you when you eat it next time.

2. After pre-processing, mung beans are very convenient to cook. Pour purified water and mineral water into the pot. The soup will be green. Try not to use tap water, because tap water is alkaline. After cooking, mung bean soup is easily oxidized and turns red. This is why some people cook mung bean soup in red color. Have you ever encountered such a situation?

3. Take out the frozen mung beans, defrost them naturally and put them into a pot. Boil the pot under boiling water. Cook over high heat for about 2 minutes. You will see that the mung beans bloom easily. You should add enough water at one time and do not add more in the middle. Cold water. If you did not add enough water the first time, it is recommended to add boiling hot water to the mung bean soup. If you want to drink more soup, you can turn off the heat when the mung beans bloom, cover the lid and simmer for a while. If you want mung bean paste to be glutinous, simmer it for a while to make the mung beans thicker. You can also add some rock sugar to enhance the taste of the mung bean soup.

The emerald green mung bean soup is just fine. The mung bean soup is fragrant and sweet, especially suitable for this season. It can clear away heat and relieve summer heat. Put it in the refrigerator for a while, take it out, and take a sip of ice to cool it down. It is much better than milk tea. Have you learned the tips on cooking mung beans until they are tender and blooming?

If there is no time to freeze, I will teach you another method. Find a water-free and oil-free pan and put it on the stove. Turn on low heat to preheat the pan. Put the washed mung beans into the pan and stir-fry. Keep stirring throughout the process. Keep the fire low and stir-fry for about 3-5 minutes until the mung beans explode slightly. In this way, the fried mung beans will bloom easily during the later cooking process, and the water will easily enter the inside of the mung beans, shortening our cooking time. time.

The temperature is high in summer. Remember to drink more water to replenish moisture. In summer, you should eat more beans, not only mung beans, red beans, and legumes. Today’s sharing is here. I hope my sharing can help you. Harvest, thank you for watching and supporting, see you tomorrow, bye.