In the post-epidemic era, Chinese investors' enthusiasm for overseas investment has declined compared to the past, but for customers with urgent needs, they still need an overseas identity to complete family assets and inheritance.

2024/06/2104:17:33 migrant 1916

Global immigration planning, professional immigration solutions.

In the post-epidemic era, Chinese investors' enthusiasm for overseas investment has declined compared to the past, but for customers with urgent needs, they still need an overseas identity to complete family assets and inheritance. - DayDayNews

In the post-epidemic era, Chinese investors’ enthusiasm for overseas investment has declined compared to the past, but for customers with urgent needs, they still need an overseas identity to complete family assets and inheritance. So what are the specific advantages of the most popular European immigration project in recent years? Which European country is better to choose?


European-style education and investment

The requirements for education are increasing day by day. With the annual cost of studying abroad being at least 300,000 yuan, it is better to immigrate directly to Europe than to send your children to study abroad. Immigrate first and then study abroad. While saving costs, the benefits will increase over time. Or some people’s pursuit of quality of life has been on the rise, and they have discovered that Europe can better meet their requirements, and they have the idea of ​​​​immigrating. Or, the investment trend has arrived, and the rise of the European economy has entered the eyes of investors... With the objective help of Europe's open immigration, immigrants' ideas have become more open-minded.

In the post-epidemic era, Chinese investors' enthusiasm for overseas investment has declined compared to the past, but for customers with urgent needs, they still need an overseas identity to complete family assets and inheritance. - DayDayNews


A pleasant life

Surrounded by the Mediterranean scenery, Europe is full of castles and buildings with hundreds of years of history; the charming sun and the warm winter and cool summer climate make it pleasant and comfortable. Immigrants are most afraid of being trapped in the ground and making their lives uncomfortable. There are two main reasons. The first is immigration supervision , and the second is the sense of integration. The European immigration project basically does not have immigration supervision, and it is easy to travel between China and Europe. And if you obtain immigration status in a European country, you can basically travel anywhere in Europe26 Schengen countries.

In the post-epidemic era, Chinese investors' enthusiasm for overseas investment has declined compared to the past, but for customers with urgent needs, they still need an overseas identity to complete family assets and inheritance. - DayDayNews


Easy to handle

The emergence of European immigrants has made immigrants no longer out of reach. European investment immigration is not only high-quality and low-cost, but also has simple conditions. Investors can easily obtain European immigration status, obtain desired benefits and share resources. What's more, the entire process takes only a short time to complete.

What are the classifications of European immigrants?

In the post-epidemic era, Chinese investors' enthusiasm for overseas investment has declined compared to the past, but for customers with urgent needs, they still need an overseas identity to complete family assets and inheritance. - DayDayNews1

Permanent residence

is the "green card" status. This is the status that most immigrants want, and it is also the fundamental purpose of immigration. Many EU countries stipulate that foreigners can apply for permanent residence only after meeting certain requirements in the country. However, there are also immigration projects in some countries that allow you to directly apply for permanent residence. For example: Greece, Malta, etc. are all projects that can obtain permanent residence in one step. Obtaining permanent resident status in an EU country can enjoy the same benefits as citizens of that country (except for political rights).

In the post-epidemic era, Chinese investors' enthusiasm for overseas investment has declined compared to the past, but for customers with urgent needs, they still need an overseas identity to complete family assets and inheritance. - DayDayNews

In the post-epidemic era, Chinese investors' enthusiasm for overseas investment has declined compared to the past, but for customers with urgent needs, they still need an overseas identity to complete family assets and inheritance. - DayDayNews2

EU residency

This is the "starting point status" for becoming a "European". Currently, in some European countries’ investment immigration projects on the market, the status initially obtained by applicants falls into this category. These visas entitle immigrants to reside in a country such as Spain or Portugal for 1 to 5 years. If the immigration destination country is one of the 26 Schengen countries, the immigrants can enjoy the right to travel freely within the Schengen area countries, and at the same time enjoy high-quality welfare benefits in their home country.

In the post-epidemic era, Chinese investors' enthusiasm for overseas investment has declined compared to the past, but for customers with urgent needs, they still need an overseas identity to complete family assets and inheritance. - DayDayNews

In the post-epidemic era, Chinese investors' enthusiasm for overseas investment has declined compared to the past, but for customers with urgent needs, they still need an overseas identity to complete family assets and inheritance. - DayDayNews3

EU long-term resident

EU long-term resident is a status issued by an EU member state. Holding EU permanent resident status allows you to work, do business, live and study freely in 32 countries including all EU member states and European Economic Area member states. Work and pay taxes, and receive the same benefits as citizens of the host country. Holders of this status and their children can study in any EU country and enjoy the tuition fees of local citizens.

In the post-epidemic era, Chinese investors' enthusiasm for overseas investment has declined compared to the past, but for customers with urgent needs, they still need an overseas identity to complete family assets and inheritance. - DayDayNews

The status of long-term EU residents needs to be updated every 5 years . EU country status means becoming a citizen of a European country.Naturalization requirements vary from country to country in Europe, but after obtaining citizenship, you can enjoy all the rights of European citizens. Many countries only have permanent residence programs, but applicants can also choose to naturalize after meeting certain conditions. Some countries have directly launched overseas identity programs, such as Cyprus , Turkey , etc. What is the appeal of

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Applicant requirements are simple

Since the introduction of European investment immigration laws, immigration is no longer out of reach for many people. Immigrants do not need to have excessive investment background: for example, there is no need to prepare excessive funds, no need to have a business background, no need to prove the source of assets, no language or academic requirements, and some projects do not require immigration supervision.

In the post-epidemic era, Chinese investors' enthusiasm for overseas investment has declined compared to the past, but for customers with urgent needs, they still need an overseas identity to complete family assets and inheritance. - DayDayNews


Fast speed and high success rate

European investment immigration does not have lottery, scheduling, etc. Some do not even need to log in or only log in once, and some do not even need a physical examination, eliminating a lot of procedures in traditional immigration countries. trouble. As long as you want to immigrate, you can purchase real estate or national bonds to achieve family residence and travel around Europe smoothly. Many countries in Europe, such as , Ireland, , Malta, etc., all adopt the method of first approval before investing, which greatly protects the safety of investors' funds.


Low investment and many options

From the perspective of immigration cost, European investment immigration has various investment brackets such as .25 million euros, 350,000 euros, 400,000 euros, 1 million euros, 2 million euros yuan, etc. Immigrants are offered a wide variety of choices.

In the post-epidemic era, Chinese investors' enthusiasm for overseas investment has declined compared to the past, but for customers with urgent needs, they still need an overseas identity to complete family assets and inheritance. - DayDayNews

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