Summer is coming, so seize the golden period of health preservation. Don’t stay up late, don’t eat greasy food, don’t drink iced drinks, and eat more foods that are dehumidifying and high in vitamins and protein to stay healthy and lose weight. Here are some recommended home-cook

Dog Day is coming, seize the golden period of health preservation, don’t stay up late, don’t eat greasy food, don’t drink iced drinks, eat more dehumidifying and diuretic foods with high vitamin and protein content to stay healthy and lose weight.

Here are some home-cooked dishes recommended:

The first course: Home-made crucian carp

[Ingredients and ingredients]: crucian carp, shallots, garlic, ginger, light soy sauce, very fresh taste, salt, cooking wine, sugar, vinegar, water , dried red pepper, cooking oil.

Cooking process:

1. Wash the three live crucian carp, make a few diagonal cuts on both sides and back, apply salt evenly, put it in a plate and marinate for a while, so that it will be easier to taste.

2, pick an appropriate amount of shallots, wash and cut into small pieces, peel and dice three cloves of garlic, peel and cut an appropriate amount into shreds, wash and shred one dry red pepper.

3. Heat the oil in a pan. When the oil is hot, add an appropriate amount of salt and ginger. Shake the pan so that the oil covers the bottom and walls of the pan. Add the crucian carp and fry over medium heat until one side is golden. Turn over and continue to fry.

4, then add chopped garlic, ginger and dried red pepper, pour in an appropriate amount of cooking wine, light soy sauce, a little sugar, a little salt, a little vinegar, add an appropriate amount of water (the amount of water covers the fish body), the saltiness is controlled by yourself .

5, bring to a boil over high heat, change to medium heat and simmer slowly, stir twice, simmer until half of the soup is reduced, pour in an appropriate amount of very fresh seasoning, take it out of the pot and put it on a plate, sprinkle with some chopped chives.

I deliberately leave some more soup. I have liked to use fish soup to soak rice since I was a child. Fresh fish soup is delicious, even better than fish.

The second course: Stir-fried eggplant with pepper

[Ingredients and ingredients]: long eggplant, green pepper, dried red pepper, garlic, very fresh taste, light soy sauce, salt, cooking oil.

Cooking process:

1. Remove the stems of four long eggplants, wash them, cut them into strips, put them in a basin and wash them, remove them and control the water.

2, wash an appropriate amount of green pepper, remove the stems and seeds and cut into thick shreds, wash and shred two dry upward peppers , peel and chop three cloves of garlic.

3. Heat oil in a pan. When the oil is hot, add dry red pepper and eggplant strips and stir-fry until soft. Add shredded green pepper and stir-fry until the green pepper is broken. Pour in an appropriate amount of light soy sauce and stir-fry for a very fresh taste. Yes, if it is too dry, you can pour a little boiling water, not too much, just a little, then add an appropriate amount of salt and stir-fry evenly. Finally, add minced garlic and stir-fry evenly, then take it out of the pot and serve on a plate.

The third dish: Homemade Roche shrimp

[Ingredients and ingredients]: Roche shrimp, shallots, ginger, garlic, cooking wine, light soy sauce, very fresh flavor, vinegar, sugar, salt, cooking oil.

cooking process:

1, cut off half of the head of an appropriate amount of Rosch shrimp, take out the shrimp line and dirt, cut off the shrimp whiskers and feet, wash and set aside.

2, peel and dice an appropriate amount of ginger, peel and dice two cloves of garlic, wash and cut a few chives into small pieces.

3. Heat the oil in a pan. When the oil is hot, add the shrimp and stir-fry until it turns red. Add the chopped garlic and ginger and stir-fry evenly. Pour in an appropriate amount of cooking wine, light soy sauce, salt, a little sugar and vinegar and stir-fry. Yes, add an appropriate amount of water, the amount of water should cover the shrimps, bring to a boil over high heat, change to medium heat and simmer slowly, stir twice in the middle, when the soup is reduced to half, add an appropriate amount of very fresh flavor, stir-fry, and simmer for a while. When there is not much soup left, take it out of the pot and put it on a plate, sprinkle with some chives.

Roche shrimps are juicy and delicious!

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#summer growth plan#