Eggplants in summer are so fresh. Pair them with eggplants to make a delicious home-cooked dish. Eggplants are rich in vitamin P, which is a flavonoid compound. 2. Eggplants contain vitamin E, which has the function of preventing bleeding and anti-aging. Eating eggplants regularl

Summer eggplants are so fresh, cook them with eggplants to make a delicious home-cooked dish

Eggplants are rich in vitamin P, which is a flavonoid compound

2. Eggplant contains vitamin E, which has the functions of preventing bleeding and anti-aging. Eat it often Eggplant has positive significance in delaying human aging.

3. Eggplant is cold in nature and has the effects of clearing away heat, activating blood circulation, reducing swelling and relieving pain.

Beans are rich in vitamin B and vitamin C and plant protein, which can make people clear their minds.

Beans are rich in protein, as well as a small amount of carotene, Vitamin B group, as well as vitamin C, are vegetables with high nutritional value. The protein content in the dry matter of green beans can reach 2.7%, which is a good source of plant protein. The carbohydrates contained in green beans can play a similar role as grain

First cut the beans into sections, cut the eggplant into sections, and make a sauce: 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of starch, half a spoon of dark soy sauce, A little sugar, half a bowl of water, fry the eggplant in oil pan until done

Fry the eggplant until cooked, add garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, add beans and eggplant, pour in the sauce and stir-fry evenly and serve.