The sixth day of the sixth lunar month is also known as the "Xinsu Festival", "Tiankuang Festival", "Taste of New Things", etc. It is a traditional festival in China. When it comes to traditional festivals, someone will probably ask, what should we eat? If you think about it care

The sixth day of the sixth lunar month, also known as the "Washing and Sun-washing Festival", "Tiankuang Festival", "Trying the New Festival", etc., is a traditional festival in China.

When it comes to traditional festivals, someone will probably ask, what should we eat?

If you think about it carefully, it is not unreasonable to ask this question. China has been a country that loves food since ancient times. No matter what festival it is, it is indispensable to be accompanied by delicious food.

Zongzi for the Dragon Boat Festival, mooncakes for the Mid-Autumn Festival, and glutinous rice balls for the Lantern Festival. So on such an auspicious day as the sixth day of June, what kind of food should be paired with it?

There is an old saying: "Eating the Three Treasures on the sixth day of June will bring you more wealth and more treasures in your life." What does the Three Treasures refer to? Let’s take a look below!

The first treasure: fresh noodles

The sixth day of June is also known as "Taste the New Festival". "Taste the New" means tasting new food. On this day, people usually eat fresh noodles made from new wheat. Even the livestock at home will eat a "new food".

fried noodles

1. Prepare a plate of noodles made with new noodles. Clean a handful of fresh long beans, cut into small pieces and set aside. One portion of soybean sprouts and set aside.

Prepare a piece of pork , cut it into thin slices and put it in a basin. Cut half a green onion into diagonal slices, cut a small piece of ginger into slices, and put them into a basin together. Grab a few more red peppers.

2. Add a tablespoon of cooking oil to the pan. After pouring out the oil, add a tablespoon of cold oil. Put the meat slices into the pot and stir-fry quickly for a few times. Fry the meat slices until they change color. Then add the onions, ginger and dried chili peppers. Turn on low heat and stir-fry quickly until fragrant.

3. Add a little oyster sauce to the pot and stir-fry for a few times. Pour in the soybean sprouts and long beans, stir-fry for one minute over the pot, and pour in two spoons of water from the side of the pot.

Seasoning: 5 grams of salt, 2 grams of Shisan Xiang, 3 grams of MSG, 3 grams of dark soy sauce, Stir-fry a few times with a spoon to let the seasonings melt, change to medium heat and cook for 62 minutes . After frying, take out the side dishes and set aside.

4. Add a spoonful of cooking oil to the pan again, slide the pan again, then add a little cold oil, put the raw noodles in, and shake the pan to heat the noodles evenly.

Use a spoon to gently flatten the noodles, shake the pan for a minute , pour a little oil from the side of the pan, fry the noodles until one side is golden, flip the pan to the other side, and continue to shake the pan.

Turn on low heat and continue to fry the other side until golden brown, then first pour in half of the side dishes, turn the pot over, then pour the other half of the side dishes on top of the noodles, and then pour the remaining vegetable soup on top.

5. Cover the pot, turn on low heat and simmer for 65 minutes. At this time, be sure to turn the wok slightly to allow the noodles to heat evenly and prevent them from sticking to the pot.

5 minutes later, open the lid of the pot, stir up the noodles with chopsticks, and stir-fry a few times to fully combine the noodles and side dishes. Finally, pour in a few drops of sesame oil, stir-fry a few times again, and you're done. Turn off the heat, put the noodles on a plate, and serve.

The second treasure: eating steamed buns

Folks have such a saying, "On June 6th, steamed buns as big as a bowl and meat as big as a fist", means that on June 6th, basically every family will make steamed buns and eat them everywhere. They are all filled with the aroma of steamed buns.

Pork and Green Onion Buns

1. Take a small bowl, put 1 handful of white sugar, add an appropriate amount of hot water, stir with chopsticks to dissolve, then add a little cold water, stir evenly.

2. Prepare a mixing bowl, pour 1 kilograms of flour into it and set aside. Put 5g yeast powder and 3g aluminum-free baking powder into it. Pour the sugar water you just prepared into it and stir while adding water. , stir into dough, and then knead into smooth dough. After kneading, cover with a layer of plastic wrap and set aside to rise for half an hour .

3. Prepare the fillings: a piece of ginger, cut into minced ginger; a piece of green onion, cut into minced green onion, put them together into a plate and set aside.

Take out a clean vegetable mixing bowl, prepare 400 grams minced meat, pour it into the mixing bowl, add salt, chicken powder, thirteen spices, monosodium glutamate, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, and oyster sauce. Just the right amount.

Stir evenly, add appropriate amount of water, continue stirring, pour in the minced ginger, and stir evenly. Finally, put in a little sesame oil to add flavor, then pour in the minced green onions, stir evenly and it's done.

4. After 30 minutes, the dough has risen. Take it out and place it on the chopping board. Sprinkle a little dry flour on it, knead it into a long strip, and cut it in the middle with a knife.

Knead the dough into thinner strips and pull it into evenly sized dough balls. Sprinkle a layer of dry flour to prevent the dough from sticking to the chopping board. First flatten the dough balls with your hands, and then roll them into a round shape with a rolling pin. The dough.

5. After rolling everything out, pick up a piece of dough, use a spoon to put the filling in the middle of the dough, pinch it from one side, stretch it and fold it to make a bun shape.

After all the buns are done, cover them with plastic wrap and let them rise again for minutes and set aside.

6. First prepare a steamer, turn on the heat, wait for the water to boil, control the moisture on the grate, brush with a layer of vegetable oil to prevent the buns from sticking to the pot, then place the prepared buns on the grate and cover them Cover the pot, change to medium heat and steam for 20 minutes continuously.

7. When the time is up, turn off the heat first, leave it there for about one minute, then open the lid of the pot, then take out the buns and put them on a plate.

The third treasure: eating mutton

"Eat mutton on June 6th", In many areas of our country, there is a custom of eating mutton on June 6th, especially in the Xuhuai area. On this day, every household drinks mutton soup. , eat mutton.

Stir-fried mutton with green onions

1. Prepare half a catty of mutton . After cleaning, cut it into thin slices with a knife, and then put it in a basin for later use. Cut a piece of ginger into minced ginger, put it in a basin, add a spoonful of salt, a little cooking wine and half a spoonful of water, grab it with your hands a few times to get out the ginger juice.

A small handful of garlic, cut into slices, put it in a small basin, add a little vinegar, an appropriate amount of sesame oil, stir evenly with chopsticks, and set aside.

Take out a small basin, use a slotted spoon to filter out the minced ginger, add salt, pepper, cooking wine, and sugar in appropriate amounts, add two spoons of corn starch, stir with chopsticks, and stir into a starch paste for later use.

2. Add appropriate amount of light soy sauce, a little dark soy sauce, and to the pot of mutton. Mix evenly with your hands. Then add the starch paste you just prepared and stir clockwise with your hands. Add the starch paste for the second time and stir again. Mix evenly, then beat vigorously, add an appropriate amount of vegetable oil, stir evenly to prevent the meat slices from sticking together, and marinate for 10 minutes. Cut

3, half green pepper , and half red pepper into diamond-shaped slices and put them together in a basin. Cut a green onion into diagonal slices and put it in a basin for later use.

4. Heat the pot and add oil. When the oil is heated to 4, then reduce to low heat. Put the marinated meat slices into the pot and spread them quickly with chopsticks to prevent the meat slices from sticking. After the meat slices change color, it will take about to 40 seconds to . Turn off the heat and remove the oil.

5. Add a little more base oil to the pot, stir-fry the green onion slices for a few times until fragrant. After the green onion slices are soft, add a little light soy sauce from the side of the pot for color, stir-fry a few times, and then add the mutton slices to the pot. , change to medium heat and stir-fry 20 seconds , pour in the garlic vinegar sauce, stir-fry evenly, add green and red pepper slices, stir-fry the green and red pepper until they are raw, then turn off the heat, and then put it on a plate Serve and eat.

June 6 has passed, and the days are getting smoother and smoother! Remember to eat the "Three Treasures" and your health and wealth will not be lost!

(No. 1 celebrity chef editor: Mingming)