In the blink of an eye, June is about to pass, and it will soon enter July. The temperature has begun to heat up in the past few days, with the temperature approaching 35 degrees Celsius. It is getting hotter day by day, and rainfall is rare. The sultry weather is very uncomforta

In the blink of an eye, June is about to pass, and it will soon enter July. The temperature has begun to heat up in the past few days, with the temperature approaching 35 degrees Celsius. It is getting hotter day by day, and rainfall is rare. The sultry weather makes people very uncomfortable. If you feel uncomfortable, your mood will deteriorate, and your appetite will be particularly poor. If you exercise even a little, you will sweat profusely, and some nutrients and water in the body will be lost. You need to supplement various nutrients to help improve your mental state.

After summer, the skin is very dry and often lacks moisture. Be sure not to eat too greasy food and drink more delicious soups, such as this lettuce, preserved egg and tofu soup. Boil preserved eggs and tofu in one pot, and the soup will be very delicious. It is suitable for all ages and is very nutritious. Please give it a try to your family members. It is the first time for many people to drink this lettuce, preserved egg and tofu soup. How to make it? Come and take a look. Summer is too hot, so I often give this soup to my family. The soup is delicious, nutritious and easy to digest. It’s a shame not to know how to eat it.

[Detailed recipe for lettuce, preserved egg and tofu soup]

Ingredients selection: Choose 2 high-quality preserved eggs (preserved eggs are a special delicacy of duck eggs, and foreigners dare not eat them. In our family, they are often used in salads, and can also be used to make soups. Soup The juice is super delicious), buy two heads of lettuce (lettuce is a type of green leafy vegetable, the leaves are rich in vitamins, crude fiber, and very low in calories, and are liked by many dieters), buy a small piece of ginger, two large bowls of boiling water, 15 grams of wolfberry, a little cooking wine, a pinch of salt, half a spoon of lard, some vegetable oil, a few chives, 5 grams of chicken essence, a piece of soft tofu, and others.

Specific cooking sequence:

Step 1: Prepare preserved eggs, lettuce and soft tofu. The soft tofu can be soaked in water in advance so that the tofu does not deteriorate easily. Remove the tofu and cut it into small cubes and set aside.

Step 2: Peel off the shells of several preserved eggs, cut the preserved eggs into several small pieces (you can also blanch them in hot water), cut the ginger into several thin slices, and cut the chives into thin pieces.

Step 3: Clean the lettuce pieces and cut them into several small sections. Rinse the wolfberries several times with cold water to control the moisture on the surface. Prepare the tofu cubes, preserved egg cubes and lettuce, and start cooking this lettuce, preserved egg and tofu soup.

Step 4: Add a little vegetable oil and lard to the bottom of the pot (lard is used to make the soup more delicious), add some green onion and ginger slices, add some preserved eggs and stir-fry for a while, waiting for the preserved eggs to get fragrant.

Step 5: Add two large bowls of boiling water, boil the soup again, add some tofu cubes, cook over medium heat for about 3 minutes, add some lettuce, and stir the ingredients.

Step 6: Add some wolfberry, continue to cook for one minute, add a pinch of salt, a little pepper, drop in some sesame oil, cook for about 20 seconds, remove from the pot, this lettuce, preserved egg and tofu soup is complete .

Lettuce, preserved egg and tofu soup is a low-fat, healthy and highly nutritious soup. The soup is milky white and tastes delicious, nutritious and low-fat. Friends who are trying to lose weight must remember to drink this soup. Experts often drink it.

Have you ever tried this lettuce, preserved egg and tofu soup? (The above pictures are from the Internet)