―The essence of Sichuan cuisine should be seasoning. People often say that food is in Guangdong Province and taste is in Sichuan. When it comes to Sichuan cuisine, people are always full of praise. From ancient times to the present, Sichuan cuisine has had its own dish. It is fam

- The essence of Sichuan cuisine should be seasoning. People often say that food is in Guangdong Province and taste is in Sichuan. When it comes to Sichuan cuisine, people are always full of praise. From ancient times to the present, Sichuan cuisine has had its own dish. It is famous for its hundreds of dishes and a thousand flavors. The taste of Sichuan cuisine is very rich and colorful. Among them, the most famous ones are spicy, spicy, Sichuan, and chili pepper. It is quite difficult to prepare this kind of complex flavor, but if you master their secret recipes and cooking methods, you can easily make various delicacies.

Spicy flavor: Ingredients: 0.5g peppercorns, or 0.2g pepper noodles, 0.3g dried chili peppers, 3g bean paste, 1g sugar, 1g vinegar, onions, ginger, garlic, wine, and appropriate amount of soy sauce and chicken essence. Preparation method: First fry the dried chili until dark brown, then add the peppercorns and stir-fry until fragrant. Stir-fry onions and garlic and then add other seasonings. To get the numbing flavor, you can also add some Sichuan peppercorn noodles (fried Sichuan peppercorns make it fragrant, and the numbing flavor comes from the Sichuan peppercorns noodles). It is characterized by golden red color, delicious and spicy. There is a slight sweet and sour taste. It can be made into spicy fish , spicy tofu , etc.

Fish flavor ingredients: 1g onion and garlic paste, 40.5g wild mountain pepper, 2g Sichuan bean paste, 1.5g sugar, appropriate amount of soy sauce, wine, and chicken essence. Preparation method: First stir-fry onions, ginger, garlic, and wild pepper, then stir-fry Pixian bean paste to produce chili oil, and mix with other condiments. Red color, sweet, sour and spicy taste, balanced, not too strong. Can be used to make fish-flavored shredded pork , fish-flavored eggplant , Sichuan-flavored dipping sauce, etc.

spicy flavor ingredients: 1g Sichuan bean paste, 0.3g sugar, 0.3g vinegar, 0.3g onion, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, chicken essence, and appropriate amount of wine. Preparation method: First, loosen the onions and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then stir-fry the Pixian bean paste to release the chili oil, and mix in other ingredients. The characteristic is that the fragrant explosion contains very little sweet and strange taste. It can make spicy shredded pork , spicy fish diced and other dishes.

Pepper-flavored ingredients: 10g onion root, 2g peppercorns, 12g soy sauce, 2g sugar, 2g vinegar, a small amount of chicken essence, pickled fish hot pot . Preparation method: Soak peppercorns in wine overnight, then mince them together with green onion roots, and add soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, etc. to prepare. The characteristic is fragrant, sesame and salty. Suitable for dishes such as peppercorns and peppercorns.

Hot and sour ingredients: 1g Sichuan bean paste, 0.6g sugar, 0.9g vinegar, appropriate amount of onion, ginger, garlic and wine, soy sauce pickled fish hot pot, and chili oil. Preparation method: Stir onions, ginger, garlic and Pixian bean paste first, then mix in other ingredients. The characteristics of hot and sour taste are spicy and delicious, salty and sour on the outside, and sweet when swallowing. Suitable for stir-fried dishes such as spicy squid rolls and spicy and sour fish fillets; stewed dishes such as hot and sour soup, spicy blood stew, etc.