Specialty food is not only a cultural symbol and genetic sustenance, but also a taste of nostalgia and happiness. It continues from generation to generation with its ingenious combination of color, fragrance, essence and spirit, vividly reproducing the natural endowment and human

Specialty food is not only a cultural symbol and genetic sustenance, but also a taste of nostalgia and happiness. It continues from generation to generation with its ingenious combination of color, fragrance, essence and spirit, vividly reproducing the natural endowment and humanistic character of the land and water.

html On June 25, the 2022 China Pasta Expo and the second Wuzhong Morning Tea Food Culture Festival opened at the Wuzhong Yellow River Olympic Sports Center. The theme of this Morning Tea Food Culture Festival is "The taste of Wuzhong Morning Tea comes to you". Food celebrities from all walks of life gathered in our city to conduct in-depth discussions and extensive exchanges on the current development status and development trends of Wuzhong morning tea culture, and put forward "golden ideas".

"There is a saying among the Chinese people that 'food is the most important thing for the people'. As an outstanding representative of traditional Chinese culture, food culture and cooking skills have always been an industry development that China Cuisine Association and even cities across the country have devoted themselves to creating over the years. way." said Qiao Jie, vice president of the China Cuisine Association.

Qiao Jie said that currently, Wuzhong City is focusing on promoting the food industry with local characteristics, focusing on two beautiful business cards: breakfast food and ethnic food. The catering industry is a traditional advantageous industry that stabilizes growth and promotes consumption. It is also an important industry that expands employment and benefits people's livelihood. Promoting the development of the catering industry can not only drive more people to find jobs and start businesses, but also effectively stimulate local economic development and drive the development of other related industries.

"I have been deeply impressed by Wuzhong's food during the past few days, especially the food in Wuzhong. In the past few years, Wuzhong's food industry has made great progress and obvious improvement." Qiao Jie said. Regarding the future development of Wuzhong Food, Qiao Jie gave very pertinent opinions and suggestions. Qiao Jie said that it is necessary to dig out and sort out the ethnic catering for breakfast, which has a deep local public base. There are also many special delicacies scattered among the people. It is necessary to dig out and sort them out as an important support for future catering services.

"On the basis of the above, standards must also be standardized. From the perspective of industrialization, chain operations, standardized specifications and industrialized production are important measures and means. At this point, Wuzhong City’s catering industry needs We will redouble our efforts to further promote the vigorous development of the breakfast industry." Qiao Jie also said that while Wuzhong's delicacies are based on local characteristics and advantages, they must vigorously promote chain operations and go beyond Ningxia to the whole country and the world.

Speaking of his impression of Wuzhong this time, Zhang Tong, deputy secretary-general of the China Cuisine Association, said: "I have been to Wuzhong many times, and it is obvious that Wuzhong catering is improving step by step every year."

said this time Regarding the feelings of participating in the Morning Tea Cultural Festival, Zhang Tong said that with the strong support of the Wuzhong Municipal Party Committee and the government, and the active participation of all sectors of society, this Morning Tea Cultural Festival was very successful, especially in the context of epidemic prevention and control. The Morning Tea Cultural Festival has reached a new height in terms of influence, scale and mass participation.

"At present, Wuzhong Morning Tea has achieved good development results. In the future, I hope that the person in charge of Wuzhong's catering industry will pay close attention to the latest trends in the catering industry." Zhang Tong said that at present, the epidemic prevention and control work cannot be relaxed. Both the catering industry and the tourism industry have a great impact. The more this happens, the more attention should be paid to industry trends and changes to keep up with the development of the catering industry.

Zhang Tong said that Wuzhong’s morning tea brand has now formed a very good market effect in Wuzhong City. Wuzhong Morning Tea is also gradually moving out of Ningxia. Next, we hope that Wuzhong Morning Tea can develop nationwide and learn from the development experience of some large chain companies. Paying attention to the development trends of prepared dishes, e-commerce platforms, etc. is also an important means to expand the value of the industry's market economy .

As a national vocational skills competition referee, senior registered Chinese cooking master, and Jiangsu chief craftsman, Chen Changlin, although it is his first time to Wuzhong, he is full of praise for Wuzhong's food. He said: "Wuzhong's mutton is fat but not greasy, and has no smell. It tastes very good. This is definitely worthy of praise."

mentioned suggestions for Wuzhong food, Chen Changlin said: "Wuzhong's morning tea is affordable and has a wide audience. People in Jiangsu can also accept this kind of consumption. I would like to introduce Wuzhong Morning Tea to more Jiangsu people. During this event, I learned that Wuzhong has many green agricultural products. The local area can use the morning tea industry to improve the linkage of the three industries and form an industrial chain, allowing more people to embark on the path of common prosperity. At the same time, Wu Zhong will further explore the morning tea culture and continue to develop healthy food. "

" This is my first time coming to Wuzhong. This city is clean and beautiful, and morning tea is also very healthy. Wuzhong should further increase the promotion of food so that more people can have a feast here. Zheng Qiang, president of the Chongqing Culinary Association and first-level judge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, said.

Zheng Qiang said that Wuzhong’s morning tea is very healthy, and the ingredients in Babao tea are good for the human body, including various types of noodles, side dishes, beef, etc. The combination of meat and vegetables can make people nutritionally balanced. He said: "We Chongqing people all have the habit of eating spicy noodles with tea for morning tea. Wuzhong's Babao Tea has distinctive characteristics and sufficient nutrition. If it is put on the Chongqing market, it will be welcomed by the public. "(Reporters Ding Baoping, Jia Li, Jin Fanghua)