The cake always shrinks? Maybe these 2 steps are not done right, follow this step to ensure a success

2020/03/0522:03:04 food 791

The cake always shrinks? Maybe these 2 steps are not done right, follow this step to ensure a success - DayDayNews

today is sharing with friends a delicious and beautiful flower chiffon cake, the method is very simple. This recipe is suitable for family use, and the secant chiffon cake is full and tall. Everyone chooses eggs with the largest size, including the egg shell weighing 65 to 70 grams.

Many friends have the phenomenon of shrinkage and collapse after the chiffon is out of the oven. The main reason is that it has not been baked through, the tissue inside is still moist, and the pores and tissues are not baked and shaped, and they will be too heavy to support it, and they will naturally shrink after being baked. . So friends, don’t be afraid that the chiffon cake has been baked. It depends on the color. As long as it is not burnt and the color is still golden, you can bake it for a while. Test a lot to find the temperature and time that suits your oven to ensure a successful one. Here are the detailed steps. Those who like it may wish to try it at home.

The cake always shrinks? Maybe these 2 steps are not done right, follow this step to ensure a success - DayDayNews

[Flowering Chiffon Cake]

Main ingredients: 6 eggs, 100 grams of low-gluten flour, 40 grams of corn oil, 80 grams of sugar, 60 ml of milk, and a few drops of white vinegar.

[Detailed method]:

The first step: first prepare 6 eggs at room temperature. If you soak them in warm water from the refrigerator for a few minutes, then beat the eggs into the basin and separate the yolks by hand, so that the egg whites can be quickly separated Separate.

The cake always shrinks? Maybe these 2 steps are not done right, follow this step to ensure a success - DayDayNews

Step 2: Put the separated egg yolk in another bowl, add 40 grams of corn oil, and then add 60 ml of pure milk.

The cake always shrinks? Maybe these 2 steps are not done right, follow this step to ensure a success - DayDayNews

Step 3: Stir the egg yolks evenly and sift into 100 grams of low-gluten flour. If there is no low-gluten flour at home, you can use ordinary flour instead.

The cake always shrinks? Maybe these 2 steps are not done right, follow this step to ensure a success - DayDayNews

Step 4: Stir with egg soot into a thick paste, set aside for later use. Next we pass the egg whites.

The cake always shrinks? Maybe these 2 steps are not done right, follow this step to ensure a success - DayDayNews

Step 5: Add a few drops of white vinegar or lemon juice to the egg white to get rid of the fishy smell. Add the sugar in portions. Add one-third of the sugar for the first time, start stirring, and send it to 8 at high speed. You will see a lot Bubble-like. Beat at medium and low speed for one minute to eliminate large bubbles.

The cake always shrinks? Maybe these 2 steps are not done right, follow this step to ensure a success - DayDayNews

Step 6: Beat to a white paste, add the remaining sugar in and continue stirring. The meringue paste will become fine and smooth, I like to hit it to the small sharp corners. This time it was a bit softer, and the finished product was finely structured. A little bit more work is fine.

The cake always shrinks? Maybe these 2 steps are not done right, follow this step to ensure a success - DayDayNews

Step 7: Take one third of the egg white paste and add it to the egg yolk paste, use a rubber spatula to mix the bottom mixture and mix gently and evenly.

The cake always shrinks? Maybe these 2 steps are not done right, follow this step to ensure a success - DayDayNews

Step 8: After mixing well, add all the remaining protein paste and continue to mix well. Using this method of mixing will help to mix the protein paste quickly, and mix until there are no protein paste lumps.

The cake always shrinks? Maybe these 2 steps are not done right, follow this step to ensure a success - DayDayNews

Step 9: After mixing evenly, pour it into the mold to shake out bubbles. Preheat the oven 180 degrees in advance. Then put the mold in the oven and bake at 170 degrees for 40 minutes.

The cake always shrinks? Maybe these 2 steps are not done right, follow this step to ensure a success - DayDayNews

Step 10: Bake for 20 minutes and remove the cut. The specific time and temperature are different for each oven. My time is for reference only. After cutting, quickly put it back into the oven and continue to cook.

The cake always shrinks? Maybe these 2 steps are not done right, follow this step to ensure a success - DayDayNews

Step 11: Time is up, our blooming chiffon cake is ready, this height is quite satisfactory, take out the undercut and demould.

The cake always shrinks? Maybe these 2 steps are not done right, follow this step to ensure a success - DayDayNews

to see if this is the demoulding effect. Use a spatula to make the bottom smooth. Is it very beautiful? You can put cream on it to make a birthday cake. The chiffon cake will shrink when it cools, and the undercut prevents the surface from shrinking.

The cake always shrinks? Maybe these 2 steps are not done right, follow this step to ensure a success - DayDayNews

Xiao Qi said:

is my most commonly used chiffon recipe at the moment, whether it is eaten directly or for filling cakes, such as mousse or cream, cream frosting is suitable ~ super easy to use.

is ready to share today, friends who want to eat, collect it, make it for your family and try it! If you like Xiaoqi Food, pay attention to me, every day will bring you a different taste!


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